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SB255 ENGROSSED By Senator Orr A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Section 32-5A-191, Code
of Alabama 1975, relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances,
to further define the offense; to prohibit a person from driving who has a measurable amount
of specified substances in the person's body; to specify specific blood alcohol levels for
drivers under the age of 21 and for those operating a school bus; to further provide for a
minimum mandatory sentence for a fourth or subsequent violation; to remove the requirement
that the court only consider a prior conviction within a five-year period; to further specify
the timeframe for the release of persons arrested for driving under the influence; to reorganize
provisions relating to driving under the influence, the suspension or revocation of driver
licenses upon convictions, and ignition interlock requirements; and in connection therewith
would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or... - 58K - Match Info - Similar pages

173266-1:n:01/28/2016:KBH/mfc LRS2016-308 HB80 By Representatives Pettus and Mooney RFD Ways
and Means General Fund Rd 1 02-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: Existing law provides for the Impaired Drivers
Trust Fund. This bill would change the name of the fund to the Alabama Head and Spinal Cord
Injury Trust Fund. A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Sections 16-38A-1, 16-38A-2, 16-38A-4,
32-5A-191, and 32-5A-191.2 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Impaired Drivers Trust
Fund; to change the name of the fund to the Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund.
BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections 16-38A-1, 16-38A-2, 16-38A-4,
32-5A-191, and 32-5A-191.2 of the Code of Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows: §16-38A-1.
"There is created in the State Treasury the Impaired Drivers Alabama Head and Spinal
Cord Injury Trust Fund. §16-38A-2. "There is created the Impaired Drivers Alabama Head
and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board to be appointed as... - 36K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB142 By Senators Reed and Coleman-Madison ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Sections 16-38A-1, 16-38A-2,
16-38A-4, 32-5A-191, and 32-5A-191.2 of the Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the Impaired
Drivers Trust Fund; to change the name of the fund to the Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury
Trust Fund. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections 16-38A-1, 16-38A-2,
16-38A-4, 32-5A-191, and 32-5A-191.2 of the Code of Alabama 1975, are amended to read as follows:
§16-38A-1. "There is created in the State Treasury the Impaired Drivers Alabama Head
and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund. §16-38A-2. "There is created the Impaired Drivers
Alabama Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board to be appointed as herein provided.
The following agencies and organizations shall appoint one representative to the board: "(1)
The Alabama Medical Association. "(2) The Alabama Head Injury Foundation. "(3) The
Governor. "(4) The Department of Public Health. "(5) The Department of... - 35K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB259 By Senators Coleman-Madison, Orr, Marsh, Dial, Smitherman, Beasley, Ross, Melson, Holtzclaw
and Waggoner ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to motor vehicles; to amend Sections 32-5A-195, 32-5A-304,
32-6-49.11, and 32-6-49.14, Code of Alabama 1975, to reduce the number of days in which a
court must forward to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency a record of conviction of certain
traffic offenses; to revise the penalties for persons operating commercial vehicles who are
convicted of specified offenses relating to railroad-highway grade crossings; to reduce the
number of days in which the agency must notify the driver's license issuing authority in the
licensing state of a nonresident who is convicted of certain commercial vehicle traffic offenses;
to require retention of certain information on a person's driving record under certain conditions;
and to make other technical, non-substantive changes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF
ALABAMA:Section 1. Sections 32-5A-195, 32-5A-304,... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is more than 14 inches in diameter.
"(5) BUS. Every motor vehicle designed for carrying more than 10 passengers and used
for the transportation of persons; and every motor vehicle other than a taxicab, designed
and used for the transportation of persons for compensation. "(6) BUSINESS DISTRICT.
The territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any 600 feet along such highway
there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes, including, but not
limited to, hotels, banks or office buildings, railroad stations and public buildings which
occupy at least 300 feet of frontage on one side or 300 feet collectively on both sides of
the highway. "(7) CANCELLATION OF DRIVER'S LICENSE. The annulment or termination by formal
action of the Director of Public Safety of a person's driver's license because of some error
or defect in the license or because the licensee is no longer entitled to such license, but
the... - 22K - Match Info - Similar pages

172852-3:n:01/19/2016:JET/cj LRS2015-3452R2 HB22 By Representative Holmes (M) RFD Public Safety
and Homeland Security Rd 1 02-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a driver may obtain a graduated
license, including a Stage I-learner's permit, Stage II-regular driver's license with restrictions
based on age, and Stage III-unrestricted driver's license. Also under existing law, a violation
of the restriction of a Stage II licensee is a traffic violation, but no points may be assessed
for the violation. This bill would revise the penalties for a violation of the restrictions
on a Stage II license, including revocation of the license and reversion to a Stage I license
for a period of six months, would require the driver to revert to a Stage I license for a
period of six months, would require the court to assess a fine of $250, plus court costs,
and would provide for the assessment of two points. This bill would also provide that a parent,
legal guardian, or other adult who knowingly allows... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

172852-1:n:01/06/2016:JET/tj LRS2015-3452 HB9 By Representative Holmes (M) RFD Public Safety
and Homeland Security Rd 1 02-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a driver may obtain a graduated
license, including a Stage I-learner's permit, Stage II-regular driver's license with restrictions
based on age, and Stage III-unrestricted driver's license. Also under existing law, a violation
of the restriction of a Stage II licensee is a traffic violation, but no points may be assessed
for the violation. This bill would revise the penalties for a violation of the restrictions
on a Stage II license, including revocation of the license and reversion to a Stage I license
for a period of six months, would require the driver to revert to a Stage I license for a
period of six months, would require the court to assess a fine of $250, plus court costs,
and would provide for the assessment of two points. This bill would also provide that a parent,
legal guardian, or other adult who knowingly allows a... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

172852-3:n:01/19/2016:JET/cj LRS2015-3452R2 SB173 By Senators Chambliss and Brewbaker RFD Judiciary
Rd 1 09-FEB-16 SYNOPSIS: Under existing law, a driver may obtain a graduated license, including
a Stage I-learner's permit, Stage II-regular driver's license with restrictions based on age,
and Stage III-unrestricted driver's license. Also under existing law, a violation of the restriction
of a Stage II licensee is a traffic violation, but no points may be assessed for the violation.
This bill would revise the penalties for a violation of the restrictions on a Stage II license,
including revocation of the license and reversion to a Stage I license for a period of six
months, would require the driver to revert to a Stage I license for a period of six months,
would require the court to assess a fine of $250, plus court costs, and would provide for
the assessment of two points. This bill would also provide that a parent, legal guardian,
or other adult who knowingly allows a driver with a... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

SB401 By Senators Dunn, Beasley and Coleman-Madison ENROLLED, An Act, Relating to the City
of Bessemer, Alabama, in Jefferson County; authorizing automated traffic safety law enforcement
in the City of Bessemer, Alabama, as a civil violation; providing certain procedures to be
followed by the City using automated photographic traffic enforcement; providing that the
owner of the vehicle involved in running a traffic light, stop sign, or violating the speed
limit in the City of Bessemer is presumptively liable for a civil violation and the payment
of a specified fine, but providing procedures to contest liability; providing for jurisdiction
in Jefferson County and the City of Bessemer over such civil violations and allowing petitions
for judicial review in the Jefferson County Circuit Court for trial de novo; creating a cause
of action for any person held responsible for payment of the fine against the person who was
actually operating a vehicle during the commission of a civil... - 31K - Match Info - Similar pages

Rep(s). By Representative Faust HB11 ENROLLED, An Act, To amend Section 32-6-1, Code of Alabama
1975, relating to driver's license to provide for the period of time before expiration of
the driver's license in which a person may renew the license; and to provide an exception
for certain active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE
OF ALABAMA:Section 1. Section 32-6-1, Code of Alabama 1975, is amended to read as follows:
§32-6-1. "(a) Every person, except those specifically exempted by statutory enactment,
shall procure a driver's license before driving a motor vehicle upon the highways of this
state. Every new resident of the State of Alabama shall procure an Alabama driver's license
within 30 days after establishing residence in this state. "(b) Each original driver's
license issued to a person born in a year ending in an odd number shall expire on the second
anniversary of the licensee's birth date occurring in an odd-numbered calendar year after... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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