Code of Alabama

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Section 26-23H-4 Abortion prohibited; exception. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person
to intentionally perform or attempt to perform an abortion except as provided for by
subsection (b). (b) An abortion shall be permitted if an attending physician licensed
in Alabama determines that an abortion is necessary in order to prevent a serious health
risk to the unborn child's mother. Except in the case of a medical emergency as defined herein,
the physician's determination shall be confirmed in writing by a second physician licensed
in Alabama. The confirmation shall occur within 180 days after the abortion is completed
and shall be prima facie evidence for a permitted abortion. (Act 2019-189, §4.)... - 1021 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-11-3 Minors enlisted to help board enforce state and federal laws. The board, in
conjunction with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, shall enforce state and
federal laws that prohibit the distribution of tobacco or tobacco products to minors. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, for purposes of inspections and enforcement actions undertaken pursuant to
this section, minors may be enlisted to attempt to purchase or purchase tobacco products,
provided that such persons shall have the prior written consent of a parent or legal guardian,
and provided further that such persons shall be directly supervised during the conduct of
each inspection or enforcement action by an enforcement agent of the board, or by a sheriff
or head of police of any county, city, town or other political subdivision, or by a deputy
or officer thereof. No minor may misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of purchasing
or attempting to purchase tobacco products. If questioned about his or her... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-1-33 Authorization of medical, psychiatric, surgical and dental treatment. (a) The
state youth services director or his delegate may authorize major surgery or medical treatment
to be performed upon any committed youth or general anesthetic to be administered to a committed
youth when it is deemed necessary by a licensed medical physician and approval by the parent
or guardian is acquired. If such approval is not given or the parent or guardian is unavailable
for two weeks, the director or his delegate may apply to the juvenile court in the county
where the child is confined for an order to undertake such surgery or treatment. A ruling
must be made within 24 hours by the said juvenile judge. (b) The state youth services director
or his delegate may authorize major surgery or medical treatment to be performed upon any
committed youth or general anesthetic to be administered to a committed youth when it is deemed
an emergency situation where a child has suffered serious injury... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-12-200.5 Material harmful to minors - Distribution, possession with intent to distribute,
display for sale, etc., prohibited; penalty; affirmative defenses; operation of adult-only
enterprise near place frequented by minors; exceptions; disposition of fines. (1) It shall
be unlawful for any person to knowingly or recklessly distribute to a minor, possess with
intent to distribute to a minor, or offer or agree to distribute to a minor any material which
is harmful to minors. Any person who violates this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
and may also be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year. (2)a. It shall be
unlawful for any person to openly and knowingly display for sale at any business establishment
frequented by minors, or any other place where minors are or may be invited as part of the
general public, any material which is harmful to minors or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-23B-7 Civil remedies. (a) Any woman upon whom an abortion has been performed
or induced in violation of this chapter, or the father of the unborn child who was the subject
of such an abortion, may maintain an action against the person who performed or induced
the abortion in intentional, knowing, or reckless violation of this chapter for actual
and punitive damages. Any woman upon whom an abortion has been attempted in violation
of this chapter may maintain an action against the person who attempted to perform the abortion
in intentional, knowing, or reckless violation of this chapter for actual damages. (b) A cause
of action for injunctive relief against any person who has intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly
violated this chapter and Section 22-9A-13 may be maintained by the woman upon whom an abortion
was performed or induced or attempted to be performed or induced in violation of this chapter,
by any person who is the spouse, parent, sibling, or guardian of, or a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-39 Self-administration of medications by student. (a) Commencing with the 2007-2008
scholastic year, each local board of education and the governing body of each nonpublic school
in the state shall permit the self-administration of medications by a student for chronic
conditions if conducted in compliance with the State Department of Education and State Board
of Nursing Medication Curriculum, as may be amended from time to time by the department and
board. Approved medications may be self-administered if the parent or legal guardian of the
student provides all of the information outlined in the medication curriculum, including,
but not limited to, all of the following: (1) Written and signed authorization for the self-administration
to the chief executive officer of the school. (2) Written and signed acknowledgement that
the school shall incur no liability and that the parent or legal guardian shall indemnify
and hold harmless the school and the employees and agents of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-19-163 Who may make anatomical gift before donor's death. Subject to Section 22-19-167,
an anatomical gift of a donor's body or part may be made during the life of the donor for
the purpose of transplantation, therapy, research, or education in the manner provided in
Section 22-19-164 by: (1) the donor, if the donor is an adult or if the donor is a minor and
is: (A) emancipated; or (B) authorized under state law to apply for a driver's license because
the donor is at least 16 years of age; (2) an agent of the donor, unless the power of attorney
for health care or other record prohibits the agent from making an anatomical gift; (3) a
parent of the donor, if the donor is an unemancipated minor; or (4) the donor's guardian.
(Act 2008-453, p. 867, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-20-7 Blanket disability insurance - Payment of benefits. All benefits under any
blanket disability policy shall be payable to the person insured, or to his employer, or to
his designated beneficiary or beneficiaries or to his estate; except, that if the person insured
be a minor or mental incompetent, such benefits may be made payable to his parent, guardian,
or other person actually supporting him, or, if the entire cost of the insurance has been
borne by the employer, such benefits may be made payable to the employer; provided, however,
that the policy may provide that all, or any portion, of any indemnities provided by such
policy on account of hospital, nursing, medical, or surgical services may, at the insurer's
option, be paid directly to the hospital or person rendering such services; but the policy
may not require that the service be rendered by a particular hospital or person. Payment so
made shall discharge the insurer's obligation with respect to the amount of... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3-110 Civil action for order of retroactive support. There is hereby created a civil
action to establish an order of retroactive support which may be brought against a non-supporting
parent who has a duty to support as the legal parent of a child or children but has failed
to provide support. The action may be brought by the parent or guardian with physical or legal
custody who is providing the actual care and support for the child or may be brought by the
Department of Human Resources pursuant to the provisions of Section 38-10-1 et seq. An action
under this section can be brought only if support has not previously been ordered pursuant
to a divorce or other action in this or any other jurisdiction. (Acts 1994, No. 94-213, p.
298, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-7.2 Restrictions on issuance to persons under 18 years of age (a) A person who
is under the age of 18 may not apply for a Stage II restricted regular driver's license until
the person has held a Stage I learner's license issued pursuant to Section 32-6-8 or a comparable
license issued by another state for at least a six-month period. (b) In addition to any other
requirements of this chapter, if the applicant for a driver's license is 16 years of age,
he or she shall submit to the Department of Public Safety the following: (1) A verification
form provided by the Department of Public Safety signed by a parent or legal guardian, or
a grandparent with the consent of a parent or legal guardian, consenting to the licensure
of the applicant. (2) A verification form provided by the Department of Public Safety signed
by a parent, legal guardian, a grandparent with the consent of a parent or legal guardian,
or a licensed or certified driving instructor, certifying that the applicant... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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