Section 12-15-505 State Team established; membership; term; duties; hiring authority. (a) The State Team is created and shall consist of a representative appointed by the head of the following departments, agencies, or organizations: The Department of Education, the Department of Human Resources, the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Youth Services, and the Alabama Chief Probation Officers Association. (b) The appointments to the State Team shall be for a term of three years beginning October 1, 1993, and each three years thereafter and until their successors are appointed, except that the initial appointments of the representatives of the Department of Human Resources and the Department of Mental Health shall be for three years; the initial appointments of the representatives of the Department of Education and the Department of Youth Services shall be for two years; and the initial appointments of representatives of the Department of...
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Section 16-16A-7 Additional findings; bonds authorized; procedures. (a) The Legislature finds that the number of students attending the several school systems located in those areas of North Alabama that will be directly impacted by the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions will collectively increase by an estimated 9,000 students. As a result, there will be a need for the construction of additional school facilities as well as the renovation of existing school facilities. The Legislature also finds that the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions will have a positive impact on future receipts to the Education Trust Fund, as the significant population growth in North Alabama will increase sales, income, and other tax collections. Thus, it is an efficient use of state funds to allow such revenue growth to help pay for capital improvement costs associated with BRAC-related school construction. (b) The Alabama Public School and College Authority is hereby authorized to sell and issue its...
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Section 25-5-11 Actions against third parties jointly liable with employers for injuries or death; actions for injury or death resulting from willful conduct; attorney's fees in settlements with third parties. (a) If the injury or death for which compensation is payable under Articles 3 or 4 of this chapter was caused under circumstances also creating a legal liability for damages on the part of any party other than the employer, whether or not the party is subject to this chapter, the employee, or his or her dependents in case of death, may proceed against the employer to recover compensation under this chapter or may agree with the employer upon the compensation payable under this chapter, and at the same time, may bring an action against the other party to recover damages for the injury or death, and the amount of the damages shall be ascertained and determined without regard to this chapter. If a party, other than the employer, is a workers' compensation insurance carrier of the...
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Section 26-16-9 Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board - Disbursement generally. (a) The state board may authorize the disbursement of available money from the trust fund exclusively for the following purposes, which are listed in the order of preference for expenditure: (1) To fund a private nonprofit or public organization in the development or operation of a program if at least all of the following conditions are met: a. The appropriate local council has reviewed the program. This paragraph does not apply if a local council does not exist for the geographic area to be served by the program. b. The organization demonstrates an ability to match, through money or in-kind services, 50 percent of the amount of any trust fund money received. Not more than 50 percent of the local match shall be in in-kind services. In-kind services are subject to the approval of the state board. c. The organization demonstrates a willingness and ability to provide program models and consultation to...
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Section 26-24-30 Alabama Children's Policy Council. (a) The Alabama Children's Policy Council is hereby created and shall consist of the following members: Three appointees from business and industry made by the Governor; the Lieutenant Governor; the Speaker of the House of Representatives; two members of the Alabama Senate, one appointed by the Lieutenant Governor and one appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate; two members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama; the legal advisor to the Governor; the Attorney General; the President of the Juvenile and Family Court Judges' Association; the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections; the President of the District Attorneys' Association; the President of the Chief Juvenile Probation Officers' Association; the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources; the Administrative Director of Courts; the Secretary of the...
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Section 38-9C-5 Providers who contract with agencies or programs required to develop written policies to ensure rights. All providers who contract or subcontract with any federal, state, or local agency or program to provide services in the State of Alabama to persons with developmental disabilities or traumatic brain injury in Alabama shall develop and implement written policies and procedures to ensure the rights enumerated above are observed by the provider in discharging its contractual or subcontractual duties and responsibilities. At a minimum, these policies and procedures shall provide for the following: (1) Affirm and safeguard the rights stated in this chapter. (2) Provide that prompt, reasonable action be taken to prevent the potential for further abuse while an investigation is in process. (3) Provide for a prompt and thorough investigation of all allegations of abuse, exploitation, or neglect by trained, experienced personnel delegated with all necessary authority. (4)...
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Section 41-4-113 Application and requisition for personal property or nonprofessional services; electronic signatures. (a) Unless otherwise provided by law, when the head of any state department desires any items of personal property or nonprofessional services, or other articles of use or necessity, application shall be made therefor to the Division of Purchasing, stating by items the articles desired and needed, the fund that will pay for their purchase, that the articles are necessary, that the amount of the requisition is not excessive, and that no part of the requisition will be used except in conducting the public business. The application shall be kept on file in the office of the Division of Purchasing. (b) For any application, requisition, or other document submitted to the Division of Purchasing which requires the signature of the head of any state department, any public employee or public official, or his or her designee, the Purchasing Agent may accept an electronic...
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Section 45-35-81 Additional court costs - Criminal or misdemeanor cases. Any law, whether special, local, or general to the contrary notwithstanding, in Houston County in addition to all other costs and charges in any criminal case or misdemeanor case, whose jurisdiction is in the district court, circuit court, or juvenile court, specifically including traffic violations, an additional fee of ten dollars ($10) shall be charged and collected by the clerk of any such court. The monies derived from the charges herein prescribed shall be remitted to the Houston County Juvenile Care and Services Fund of the county treasury. The monies derived from the charges herein, as deposited into the Houston County Juvenile Care and Services Fund, may only be used for purposes related to the expenses of maintenance and care of children in Houston County, Alabama, that may be incurred by order of the court in carrying out the provisions and intent of Title 12, Chapter 15, Juvenile Proceedings, as...
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Section 9-15-82 Article not to apply to certain transfers, reversions, sales, etc. (a) This article shall not apply to the transfers of real property between departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, institutions, corporations, or agencies of the state. These transfers may be made by mutual agreements between the chief executive officers of the respective departments with the approval of the Governor. This article shall not apply to the leasing or sale of timber from unused lands under Section 9-15-1 et seq.; to the leasing or sale of timber from school lands and swamp and overflowed lands under Section 9-15-30 et seq.; to the leasing of oil, gas, and other minerals under Section 9-17-60 et seq.; real property sold by the Department of Revenue under tax sales and redemptions; to the sale of property by the Alabama Historical Commission under Section 41-9-249(7); to reversions made under Section 31-4-18; to the sale or conveyance of real property by the Alabama Housing Finance...
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Section 11-54-131 Investment of moneys; duties of fund manager. (a) Moneys held in and forming a part of an endowment trust fund, including, without limitation, proceeds of investments held in and forming a part of the fund, shall, to the extent practicable and feasible, be kept fully and continuously invested, pending their distribution and expenditure for the purposes authorized by this division, in any of the following: (1) Interest-bearing bank time deposits and interest-bearing bank certificates of deposit. (2) Debt securities that are direct general obligations of the United States of America or any agency thereof, and debt securities of any state or local government. (3) Other debt securities, common and preferred stocks, shares of investment companies or mutual funds, or other like investments. (b) All of the above as may be authorized in the trust agreement under which such fund has been established, and all with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances...
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