Section 28-3-190 Levy of tax; collection; disposition of proceeds by localities; enforcement and administration; penalties; exclusive nature of tax. (a) Levy. In addition to the excise tax levied by Article 5A of Chapter 3 of this title and the licenses provided for by Chapter 3A of this title and by Section 28-3-194, and any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary thereto or substituted therefor, and municipal and county licenses, there is hereby levied a privilege or excise tax on every person licensed under the provisions of Chapter 3A who sells, stores, or receives for the purpose of distribution, to any person, firm, corporation, club, or association within the State of Alabama any beer. The tax levied hereby shall be measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of sales by such person of beer, and shall be an amount equal to one and six hundred twenty-five thousands cents (1.625 cents) for each four fluid ounces or fractional part thereof. (b) Collection. The tax levied...
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Section 28-3-74 Distribution of net profits from proceeds of stores. (a) The net profits derived from the proceeds of the Alabama liquor stores in each fiscal year, including all tax levied upon the selling price of all spirituous or vinous liquors, less all cost and expense of collecting said tax, up to and including $2,000,000, shall be paid out and applied as follows: (1) Fifty percent shall be covered into the General Fund of the Treasury of the state; (2) Nineteen percent shall be covered into the Treasury of the state to the credit of the State Department of Human Resources to be used, and the same is hereby appropriated exclusively, for old age assistance and for other purposes of the State Department of Human Resources; (3) Ten percent shall be covered into the Treasury of the state to the credit of the wet counties of the state and shall be divided equally among each of said counties and shall be paid to them and shall be covered by them into their respective general funds;...
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Section 45-28-20 Beer tax distribution. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in Etowah County, the beer taxes imposed pursuant to Section 28-3-190 shall be collected by the county judge of probate and distributed as follows: The entire amount of tax shall be paid to the Etowah County Commission and the net revenue, after reimbursing the county general fund for all expenses incurred in the administration and enforcement of the tax, shall be distributed, as follows: a. For beer delivered for retail sale within the corporate limits of a municipality having a board of education, all such proceeds shall be distributed according to the following percentages: 20.83 1/3 percent to the Etowah County General Fund; 20.83 1/3 percent to the local boards of education of Etowah County, to be divided pro rata among them in accordance with the most recent average daily membership figures, to be used for capital outlay purposes, renovation and repairs and to preserve teacher units under the...
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Section 45-8-22 Special licenses; additional taxes; maintenance of records. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, other than the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, to sell at retail in Calhoun County any spirituous or vinous liquors without first obtaining a special license from the judge of probate that shall be in addition to all other licenses required by law. The amount of the special license shall be determined by the county commission and shall be levied in the same manner as other county licenses are levied. Licenses required by this subsection shall expire on September 30th following the date of purchase. All proceeds from sales of the special licenses shall be placed in the general fund of the county. (b) In addition to all other taxes levied on the possession for sale, or the sale, of alcoholic beverages in Alabama, a tax is levied on the possession for sale, or the sale of, spirituous or vinous beverages in Calhoun County in an amount set by the...
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Section 45-27-247.06 Payment of license tax; commission. (a) The license tax imposed by this subpart shall be paid to the judge of probate and the judge of probate, after first reimbursing the county general fund for expenses incurred in the administration and enforcement of this subpart, and after deducting for his or her own use and benefit the commission as hereinafter provided, shall, between the eleventh and twentieth of each month distribute the remainder of the proceeds of the tax in the following manner: Sixty percent to be prorated among the municipalities within the county upon the basis of the respective sales of cigarettes within each municipality during the preceding calendar month; and 40 percent to be prorated among the city and county boards of education for educational purposes on the basis of the previous year's net enrollment of pupils. (b) For his or her service as provided in this subpart the judge of probate shall be entitled to a commission of two and one-half...
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Section 23-1-431 (This section terminates April 26, 2018, if no revenue is created.) Alabama Transportation Safety Fund. There is hereby created the Alabama Transportation Safety Fund in the State Treasury. All proceeds from the revenues designated to the fund less the cost of collection authorized by law shall be deposited into the fund to be expended only as provided in this article. The provisions of this article shall not be superseded, amended, altered, violated, or overridden by any provision of the state General Fund appropriation act or any other annual or supplemental appropriation act, administrative rule, inter-agency transfer, or executive order or directive. The monies allocated to counties and municipalities from the fund shall be in addition to and shall not diminish any other revenues allocated or distributed from other sources. Proceeds deposited into the fund shall be distributed as follows: (1) The first thirty-two million dollars ($32,000,000) of the proceeds paid...
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Section 40-20-8 Allocation and distribution of net taxes collected; property which consists of submerged lands and onshore lands; onshore lands defined; applicability of section; final determination establishing allocation base. (a) Ninety percent of the net amount of all taxes herein levied and collected by the department on oil or gas produced from submerged lands as herein defined shall be deposited to the State General Fund. The remaining 10 percent of such net amount shall be allocated and distributed by the Comptroller to the county in which the oil or gas was produced for county purposes or to be expended at the discretion of the county governing body. (b) Twenty-five percent of the net amount of all taxes herein levied and collected by the department, except as provided herein in subsection (a), shall be deposited by the department to the General Fund of the state. (c) Sixty-six and two-thirds percent of the remaining 75 percent of all taxes herein levied and collected by the...
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Section 28-3-196 Revenue loss phase-out system. (a) When used in this section and in Section 28-3-195(b) and Section 28-3-197, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) BEER TAX ESCROW FUND, or FUND. A fund established with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board as escrow agent funded by payments made by wholesale beer licensees collecting the tax imposed by this article, such payments being made from the discount provided by Section 28-3-190(b). From the fund, the board shall pay to each eligible county the amount or amounts provided by this section for the purpose of phasing out the net revenue loss which would be experienced by eligible counties. (2) ELIGIBLE COUNTY. Any wet county in which was imposed, as of November 1, 1981, a combined local tax rate on beer in that county which exceeded the uniform tax levied on beer by this article and which would, as a result thereof, experience a decrease...
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Section 40-25-23 Disposition of funds. All revenues collected under the provisions of this article, except as otherwise provided, shall be paid to the Department of Revenue by check or draft made payable to the Treasurer of Alabama, and shall be distributed in the following manner: (1) All of the revenue derived from the tax levied upon cigarettes by Sections 40-25-2 and 40-25-41 shall be deposited in the State Treasury and 38.82 percent of such revenue shall be divided as follows: a. Six and six one-hundredths percent to the credit of the State Public Welfare Trust Fund, which is hereby appropriated for general welfare purposes. In this section, "general welfare purposes" means: 1. The administration of public assistance as set out in Sections 38-2-5 and 38-4-1; 2. Services, including supplementation and supplementary services under the federal Social Security Act, to or on behalf of persons to whom such public assistance may be given under Section 38-4-1; 3. Services to and on behalf...
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Section 28-3-197 Supplemental revenue loss phase-out system. (a) When used in this section, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) SUPPLEMENT BEER TAX ESCROW FUND. A fund established with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board as escrow agent funded by payments made by wholesale beer licensees collecting the tax imposed by this article, such payments being made from the discount provided by Section 28-3-190(b). From the fund, the board shall pay to each supplement eligible county the amount or amounts provided by this section for the purpose of phasing out the supplement net revenue loss, if any, which would be experienced by supplement eligible counties. (2) SUPPLEMENT ELIGIBLE COUNTY. Any eligible county which would, as a result of the uniform tax levied on beer by this article, continue to experience a decrease in its net local tax revenue collected on beer beyond the end of the subsidy...
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