Section 16-13-301 Definitions. The following terms as used in this article shall have the following meanings: (1) BOARD. Any county board of education and any city board of education. (2) COSTS. When used with reference to or in connection with any public school facility or any portion thereof, all or any part of the costs of acquiring, constructing, altering, enlarging, extending, reconstructing, or remodeling such facility, including (i) the costs of all lands, structures, real or personal property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, permits, licenses and interests acquired or used for, in connection with or with respect to such public school facility; (ii) the costs of demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the costs of acquiring land to which such buildings or structures may be moved; (iii) the costs of all machinery, equipment, furniture, furnishings, fixtures, and tangible and intangible personal property acquired or used...
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Section 11-28-1.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following respective meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) COSTS. When used with reference to or in connection with any public facility or any portion thereof, include all or any part of the cost of acquiring, constructing, altering, enlarging, extending, reconstructing, or remodeling such public facility, including the cost of all lands, structures, real or personal property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, permits, licenses, and interests acquired or used for, in connection with or with respect to such public facility, the cost of demolishing or removing any buildings or structures on land so acquired, including the cost of acquiring land to which such buildings or structures may be moved, the cost of all machinery, equipment, furniture, furnishings, and fixtures acquired or used for, in connection with or with respect to such public facility,...
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Section 23-1-352 Definitions. For the purpose of the laws of this state relating to aeronautics, the following words, terms, and phrases shall have the meanings herein given, unless otherwise specifically defined, or unless another intention clearly appears or the context requires otherwise: (1) AERONAUTICS or AERONAUTICAL ACTIVITIES. The science and art of flight including, but not limited to, transportation by aircraft; the operation, construction, repair, or maintenance of aircraft, aircraft power plants and accessories, including the use, repair, packing, and maintenance of parachutes; the design, establishment, construction, expansion, operation, improvement, repair, or maintenance of airports, restricted landing areas, or other air navigation facilities including the aerial and ground approaches thereto; and instruction in flying or ground subjects pertaining thereto. (2) AERONAUTICAL INSTRUCTION. The imparting of aeronautical knowledge or information by any aeronautics...
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Section 16-44A-32 Powers and duties of board. In furtherance of the purposes of the trust, the board of trustees shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Accept gifts, contributions, donations of funds or land, bequests, grants, appropriations, membership fees, or other forms of financial assistance for educational and other purposes in furtherance of this article, from any federal entity, from the state, its agencies and various political subdivisions, or any public or other entity, any and all of which are hereby authorized to grant any of the foregoing forms of assistance, or from any private person, foundation, corporation, or other agency, and to comply with any rules and regulations concerning grants by the federal government or other grantors, which are not in contravention of the Constitution and laws of this state or the United States. In fulfillment of its statewide civic educational mission, the trust may enter into cooperative agreements with local, state, regional,...
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Section 13A-8-36 Damage or destruction of property. (a) It is unlawful for a person with the intent to damage property and having no right to do so or any reasonable ground to believe that he or she has such a right, damages or destroys any of the following: (1) Telecommunications, cable communications, or electric power transmission pedestal or pole owned or operated by a telecommunications, cable, or electric power company or cooperative, or electric power supplier, or railroad. (2) Telecommunications, cable communications, or electric power grounding or any other equipment or materials used in the delivery of electricity, wire, fiber insulator, power supply transformer, ground wire, or other apparatus, equipment, or fixture used in the transmission of telecommunications, cable communications, or electric power owned or operated by a telecommunications, cable, or electric power company or cooperative, or electric power supplier, or railroad. (3) Equipment used in the transmission of...
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Section 16-44B-1 Compact. ARTICLE I PURPOSE It is the purpose of this compact to remove barriers to education success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents by: A. Facilitating the timely enrollment of children of military families and ensuring that they are not placed at a disadvantage due to difficulty in the transfer of education records from the previous school district(s) or variations in entrance/age requirements. B. Facilitating the student placement process through which children of military families are not disadvantaged by variations in attendance requirements, scheduling, sequencing, grading, course content or assessment. C. Facilitating the qualification and eligibility for enrollment, educational programs, and participation in extracurricular academic, athletic, and social activities. D. Facilitating the on-time graduation of children of military families. E. Providing for the promulgation and enforcement of...
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Section 37-11A-1 Execution and text of compact. The Governor, on behalf of this state, shall execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with the State of Mississippi, and the Legislature approves and ratifies the compact in the form substantially as follows: Northeast Mississippi - Northwest Alabama Railroad Authority Compact. The contracting states solemnly agree: Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote and develop trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities for the public good and welfare in northeast Mississippi and northwest Alabama through the establishment of a joint interstate authority to acquire certain railroad properties and facilities which the operator thereof has notified the Interstate Commerce Commission of an intention to abandon and which are located in any of Franklin, Marion, or Winston Counties, Alabama or in Alcorn or Tishomingo Counties, Mississippi. Article II. This compact shall become effective immediately as to the State...
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Section 11-50A-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (1) AUTHORITY. Alabama Municipal Electric Authority created pursuant to this chapter and any successor or successors thereto. (2) BOARD. The board of directors of the authority. (3) BONDS. Any bonds issued by the authority under the provisions of this chapter, including refunding bonds. (4) BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES. Short term obligations issued by the authority in anticipation of the issuance of bonds. (5) COSTS. All costs of acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, equipment, alteration, repair, or extension of any project; all costs of real and personal property required for the purposes of any project, including any rights or undivided interest therein; all costs of easements, franchises, water rights, fees, permits, approvals, licenses, and certificates, and all costs of securing any permits, approvals, licenses,...
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Section 11-97-8 Powers of corporation; location of facilities of corporation. (a) Every corporation shall have all of the powers necessary and convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) the following powers: (1) To have succession in its corporate name for the duration of time (which may be in perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 11-97-22 hereof) specified in its certificate of incorporation; (2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil suits and actions and to defend suits against it; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, regulations, and rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and business; (5) To acquire, whether by gift, purchase, transfer, foreclosure, lease, or otherwise, to construct and to expand, improve, operate,...
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Section 45-36A-104 Electric power board. (a) As used in this section the words electric board shall mean the Electric Power Board of the City of Scottsboro, Alabama, in Jackson County, a corporation organized under Title 37, Section 402 (15), and existing under the authority of Sections 11-50-310 et al. (b) In addition to all other powers, rights, and authority heretofore granted by law: (1) The electric board is hereby authorized and empowered to acquire, purchase, construct, lease, operate, maintain, enlarge, extend, and improve a community antenna television system, CATV, which may be defined, without limiting the generality, as a facility that in whole or in part, receives directly, or indirectly, or over the air, and amplifies or otherwise modifies the signal transmitting programs broadcast by one or more television or radio stations from any point within this state or any other state and distributes such signals by wire or cable or any other means to subscribing members of the...
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