Code of Alabama

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Section 9-16-96 Designation of areas unsuitable for surface coal mining; right to petition;
review and public hearing; areas exempt from mining operations. (a)(1) The regulatory authority
shall establish a planning process enabling objective decisions based upon competent and scientifically
sound data and information as to which, if any, land areas of the state are unsuitable for
all or certain types of surface coal mining operations pursuant to the standards set forth
in subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection but such designation shall not prevent the
mineral exploration pursuant to the article of any area so designated. (2) Upon petition pursuant
to subsection (c) of this section, the regulatory authority shall designate an area as unsuitable
for all or certain types of surface coal mining operations if the regulatory authority determines
that reclamation pursuant to the requirements of this article is not technologically and economically
feasible. (3) Upon petition pursuant to... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-15 Board of water management commissioners - Powers and duties generally. The board
of water management commissioners shall have the right and authority to enter into contracts
or other agreements with the United States government or any department thereof, with persons,
with railroads or other corporations, with public corporations, with the state government
of this or other states and with drainage, conservation or other improvement districts in
this or other states for cooperating or assisting in constructing, maintaining, using or operating
the works of the district or for making surveys and investigations or reports thereon and
may purchase, lease or acquire land or other property in adjoining states in order to secure
outlets or for other purposes of this article, and may let contracts for securing such outlets
or other works in adjoining states as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
article. The board shall have the authority to borrow funds from... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-7 Establishment of district - Filing of petition for organization of district;
appointment, etc., of engineer; report of engineer. (a) Whenever a petition praying for the
organization of a water management district and signed by a majority of the landowners owning
more than one third of the land in acreage in a proposed district or by at least one third
of the persons owning more than one half of the land in the proposed district shall be filed
with the court of probate of such county in which such lands are located or, if such lands
are composed of tracts or parcels situated in two or more counties, then in the office of
the court of probate of the county in which there is situated more of said lands than in any
other county, said petition setting forth the specific body or district of land in the county
or county and adjoining counties described in such a way as to convey an intelligent idea
as to location of such land and stating that the public benefit or utility or the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-53A-5 Assessment of costs against land purchased by the state; redemptioner or purchaser
to take property subject to assessment; manner of payment or collection of assessment. (a)
The city shall have the power to assess the costs authorized herein against any lot, lots,
parcel, or parcels of land purchased by the State of Alabama at any sale for the nonpayment
of taxes. A subsequent redemption of the property by any person authorized to redeem, or a
subsequent sale of the property by the state, shall not operate to discharge, or in any manner
affect the lien of the city for the assessment. Any redemptioner or purchaser shall take the
property subject to the assessment. (b) Payment of the assessment, or if delinquent, the collection
of the assessment, shall be made in the same manner as is provided for the payment and delinquent
collection of municipal improvement assessments pursuant to Article 1 (commencing with Section
11-48-1) of Chapter 2 of Title 11. (Acts 1992, No.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54-56 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale. (a) The proceeds derived from the
sale of any bonds issued under authority of this article, other than refunding bonds, shall
be used only to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging, equipping and
furnishing one or more projects as may be provided in the proceedings in which the bonds are
authorized to be issued. (b) Such cost shall be deemed to include the following: (1) The cost
of acquiring any land forming a part of the project; (2) The cost of the labor, materials
and supplies used in any such construction, improvement or enlargement, including architect's
and engineer's fees and the cost of preparing contract documents; (3) The purchase price of
and the cost of installing equipment, furniture and furnishings for the project; (4) The cost
of landscaping the lands forming a part of the project and of constructing and installing
roads, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, utilities and parking facilities in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-137 Powers - Generally. The authority shall have the following powers and capacities,
among others specified in this article, together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary
to the discharge thereof: (1) To have succession by its corporate name until dissolved as
provided in Section 22-21-154; (2) To maintain actions and have actions maintained against
it by others in any form of litigation other than an action ex delicto, and to defend any
litigation brought against it; (3) To have and use a corporate seal and to alter the same
at pleasure; (4) To adopt and alter bylaws for the regulation and conduct of its affairs and
business; (5) To acquire, whether by purchase, gift, lease, devise or otherwise, property
of every description which the board may deem necessary or desirable to the acquisition, construction,
reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, equipment, operation or maintenance of a project
and to hold title thereto; (6) To construct, enlarge, improve,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-358 Director - Powers and duties generally. In addition to all other responsibilities
prescribed for the department by this article, the director shall have the following powers
and duties with respect to aeronautics activities within this state: (1) Cooperate with the
United States government and any agency or department thereof in the acquisition, construction,
improvement, maintenance, and operation of airports and other air navigation facilities in
this state. (2) Comply with the provisions of the laws of the United States and any rules
or regulations made thereunder for the expenditure of federal monies upon airports and air
navigation facilities. (3) Enter or authorize the entering of land for the purpose of making
surveys, inspections, and examinations relative to the establishment, construction, expansion,
improvement, operation, and general safety of airports, restricted landing areas, and other
air navigation facilities. (4) Acquire easements through or other... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-15-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter the following words have the following
meanings: (1) APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. Information about an operator's
underground facilities which is provided to a person by an operator and must be accurate to
within 18 inches measured horizontally from the outside edge of each side of such operator's
facility, or a strip of land 18 inches either side of the operator's field mark or the marked
width of the facility plus 18 inches on each side of the marked width of the facility. (2)
AUTHORITY. The Underground Damage Prevention Authority created under Section 37-15-10.1. (3)
AUTHORITY BOARD. The Underground Damage Prevention Board created under Section 37-15-10.1.
(4) BLASTING. The use of an explosive device for the excavation of earth, rock, or other material
or the demolition of a structure. (5) CONTRACT LOCATOR. Any person contracted with an operator
specifically to determine and mark the approximate location of the... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-9-27 Viewing and assessment of lands by board of viewers; report of findings. (a)
Within 30 days after qualifying, the board of viewers shall begin its duties, and it may at
any time call upon the attorney of the district for legal advice and information relative
to its duties. Said viewers shall proceed to view the premises and determine the value of
all land and other property within or without the district to be acquired and used for rights-of-way
or other works of drainage, leveeing, reclamation, flood prevention or for the conservation,
development, utilization and disposal of water as set out in the water management plan. They
shall assess the amount of benefits and the amount of damages, if any, that will accrue to
each tract of 40 acres or less, according to the legal or recognized subdivisions of land
according to ownership, to public highways, railroad and other rights-of-way, railroads, roadways
and other property from carrying out and putting into effect the plan... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-54B-47 Costs of supplemental services. (a) The self-help business improvement district
ordinance adopted by the municipality pursuant to Section 11-54B-46 shall provide that all
costs of the supplemental services provided in a self-help business improvement district shall
be financed through the levy by the municipality of a special assessment on the owners of
the real property located within the geographical area of the district or, in the case of
a district formed to increase tourism in the municipality, on businesses of the designated
class within the geographical area of the district, and in either case shall designate the
method set forth in the plan as the method used to determine the amount of the special assessment
in a manner which fairly and equitably distributes the burden of financing the supplemental
services among the nonexempt real property owners in the district. The ordinance shall list
and describe, by lot and block numbers and by street addresses, all real... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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