Code of Alabama

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Section 27-61-1 Surplus Lines Insurance Multi-State Compliance Compact. The Surplus
Lines Insurance Multi-State Compliance Compact Act is enacted into law and entered into with
all jurisdictions mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially as follows: PREAMBLE
WHEREAS, with regard to Non-Admitted Insurance policies with risk exposures located in multiple
states, the 111th United States Congress has stipulated in Title V, Subtitle B, the Non-Admitted
and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010, of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act, hereafter, the NRRA, that: (A) The placement of Non-Admitted Insurance shall be subject
to the statutory and regulatory requirements solely of the insured's Home State, and (B) Any
law, regulation, provision, or action of any State that applies or purports to apply to Non-Admitted
Insurance sold to, solicited by, or negotiated with an insured whose Home State is another
State shall be preempted with respect to such application;... - 62K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-1.1 Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision. Whereas: The Interstate
Compact for the Supervision of Parolees and Probationers was established in 1937, it is the
earliest corrections "compact" established among the states and has not been amended
since its adoption over 62 years ago; Whereas: This compact is the only vehicle for the controlled
movement of adult parolees and probationers across state lines, and it currently has jurisdiction
over more than a quarter of a million offenders; Whereas: The complexities of the compact
have become more difficult to administer, and many jurisdictions have expanded supervision
expectations to include currently unregulated practices such as victim input, victim notification
requirements, and sex offender registration; Whereas: After hearings, national surveys, and
a detailed study by a task force appointed by the National Institute of Corrections, the overwhelming
recommendation has been to amend the document to bring about... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-2-10 Text of compact. The Interstate Compact for Juveniles is enacted into
law and entered into with all jurisdictions mutually adopting the compact in the form substantially
as follows: THE INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR JUVENILES Article I. Purpose. The compacting states
to this interstate compact recognize that each state is responsible for the proper supervision
or return of juveniles, delinquents and status offenders who are on probation or parole and
who have absconded, escaped or run away from supervision and control and in so doing have
endangered their own safety and the safety of others. The compacting states also recognize
that each state is responsible for the safe return of juveniles who have run away from home
and in doing so have left their state of residence. The compacting states also recognize that
Congress, by enacting the Crime Control Act, 4 U.S.C. Section 112 (1965), has authorized
and encouraged compacts for cooperative efforts and mutual assistance in the... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-13-2 Adoption and text of Interstate Corrections Compact. The Interstate
Corrections Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the State of Alabama with
any and all states legally joining therein, in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially
as follows: INTERSTATE CORRECTIONS COMPACT Article I (Purpose and Policy) The party states,
desiring by common action to fully utilize and improve their institutional facilities and
provide adequate programs for the confinement, treatment, and rehabilitation of various types
of offenders, declare that it is the policy of each of the party states to provide such facilities
and programs on a basis of cooperation with one another, thereby serving the best interests
of such offenders and of society and effecting economies in capital expenditures and operational
costs. The purpose of this compact is to provide for the mutual development and execution
of such programs of cooperation for the confinement, treatment and... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-55-1 Enactment of compact; terms. The Interstate Compact on Mental Health
is hereby enacted into law and entered into by this state with all other states legally joining
therein in the form substantially as follows: INTERSTATE COMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH The contracting
states solemnly agree that: Article I The party states find that the proper and expeditious
treatment of the mentally ill and mentally deficient can be facilitated by cooperative action
to the benefit of the patients, their families and society as a whole. Further, the party
states find the necessity of and desirability for furnishing such care and treatment bear
no primary relation to the residence or citizenship of the patient but that, on the contrary,
the controlling factors of community safety and humanitarianism require that facilities and
services be made available for all who are in need of them. Consequently, it is the purpose
of this compact and of the party states to provide the necessary legal basis... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 44-2-20 Text of compact. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein
in form substantially as follows: Article I. Purpose and Policy. It is the purpose and policy
of the party states to cooperate with each other in the interstate placement of children to
the end that: (a) Each child requiring placement shall receive the maximum opportunity to
be placed in a suitable environment and with persons or institutions having appropriate qualifications
and facilities to provide a necessary and desirable degree and type of care. (b) The appropriate
authorities in a state where a child is to be placed may have full opportunity to ascertain
the circumstances of the proposed placement, thereby promoting full compliance with applicable
requirements for the protection of the child. (c) The proper authorities of the state from
which the placement is made may obtain the most complete... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-31 Terms of compact. The Driver License Compact is hereby enacted into
law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining therein in the form substantially
as follows: Driver License Compact Article I Findings and Declaration of Policy (a) The party
states find that: (1) The safety of their streets and highways is materially affected by the
degree of compliance with state and local ordinances relating to the operation of motor vehicles.
(2) Violation of such a law or ordinance is evidence that the violator engages in conduct
which is likely to endanger the safety of persons and property. (3) The continuance in force
of a license to drive is predicated upon compliance with laws and ordinances relating to the
operation of motor vehicles, in whichever jurisdiction the vehicle is operated. (b) It is
the policy of each of the party states to: (1) Promote compliance with the laws, ordinances
and administrative rules and regulations relating to the operation of... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-44-1 Governor authorized to enter into compact; form of compact. The Governor
of the State of Alabama is hereby authorized to enter into the compact for education in the
form substantially as follows: COMPACT FOR EDUCATION Article I. Purpose and Policy. A. It
is the purpose of this compact to: 1. Establish and maintain close cooperation and understanding
among executive, legislative, professional education and lay leadership on a nationwide basis
at the state and local levels. 2. Provide a forum for the discussion, development, crystallization
and recommendation of public policy alternatives in the field of education. 3. Provide a clearinghouse
of information on matters relating to educational problems and how they are being met in different
places throughout the nation. 4. Facilitate the improvement of state and local educational
systems. B. It is the policy of this compact to encourage and promote local and state initiative
in the development, maintenance, improvement and... - 17K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-8-1 Authorization; provisions generally; legislative approval and ratification.
The Governor on behalf of this state is hereby authorized to execute a compact, in substantially
the following form, with the State of Mississippi; and the Legislature hereby signifies in
advance its approval and ratification of such compact, which compact is as follows: TOMBIGBEE-TENNESSEE
WATERWAY DEVELOPMENT COMPACT Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote the development
of a navigable waterway connecting the Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers by way of the east fork
of the Tombigbee River and Mackeys and Yellow Creeks so as to provide a nine-foot navigable
channel from the junction of the Tombigbee and Warrior rivers at Demopolis in the State of
Alabama to the junction of Yellow Creek with the Tennessee River at Pickwick Pool in the State
of Mississippi, and to establish a joint interstate authority to assist in these efforts.
Article II. This compact shall become effective... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-18-1 Text. Article I. Findings and Purposes. (a) The party states find that
the South has a sense of community based on common social, cultural and economic needs and
fostered by a regional tradition. There are vast potentialities for mutual improvement of
each state in the region by cooperative planning for the development, conservation and efficient
utilization of human and natural resources in a geographic area large enough to afford a high
degree of flexibility in identifying and taking maximum advantage of opportunities for healthy
and beneficial growth. The independence of each state and the special needs of subregions
are recognized and are to be safeguarded. Accordingly, the cooperation resulting from this
agreement is intended to assist the states in meeting their own problems by enhancing their
abilities to recognize and analyze regional opportunities and take account of regional influences
in planning and implementing their public policies. (b) The purposes of... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

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