Code of Alabama

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seam itself. (f) Each applicant for a permit shall be required to submit to the regulatory
authority as part of the permit application a certificate issued by an insurance company authorized
to do business in the state certifying that the applicant has a public liability insurance
policy in force for the surface mining and reclamation operations for which such permit is
sought, or evidence that the applicant has satisfied other state self-insurance requirements.
The policy shall provide for personal injury and property damage protection
in an amount adequate to compensate any persons damaged as a result of surface coal mining
and reclamation operations including use of explosives and entitled to compensation under
the applicable provisions of state law. The policy shall be maintained in full force and effect
during the terms of the permit or any renewal, including the length of all reclamation operations.
(g) Each applicant for a surface coal mining and reclamation permit shall... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

common law, equity, or creditor action. (12) LITIGATION EXPENSES. The sum of the costs, disbursements,
and expenses, including reasonable attorney, appraisal, and engineering fees, necessary to
prepare for anticipated or participation in actual probate or circuit court proceedings. (13)
LOCAL PUBLIC ENTITY. A public entity other than the state. (14) PERSON. Includes a natural
individual, partnership, corporation, association, other legal or fiduciary entity, and a
public entity. (15) PERSONAL PROPERTY. Any property other than real property which
is affixed or directly related to the real property proposed to be acquired. (16) PROPERTY.
An interest in real or personal property under the law of this state. (17) REAL PROPERTY.
Land and any improvements upon or connected with land; and includes an easement, servitude,
or other interest therein. (18) WORK. Includes construction, alteration, repair, remodeling,
excavation, demolition, rehabilitation, relocation, and landscaping. (19)... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-2 Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following terms shall have
the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section: (1) AGENCY. Any controlling agency,
public or private, elected, appointed, or volunteer utilizing methods approved by the health
department or the department for the purpose of controlling and supervising the collection
or management of solid wastes or recyclable materials. (2) ALTERNATIVE COVER. Material other
than earth used to cover a landfill or sanitary landfill. An alternative cover shall be approved
by the Department of Environmental Management in compliance with federal law and United States
Environmental Protection Agency rules or guidance to achieve a level of performance equal
to or greater than earthen cover material. (3) ASHES. The solid residue from burning of wood,
coal, coke, or other combustible material used for heating, from incineration of solid wastes,
or for the production of electricity at electric generating... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Except for the state and any political subdivision thereof, the other entities listed above
may issue bonds for the purpose of financing the costs of any funds or property provided to
the authority of a project. (7) To fix and revise, from time to time, charge, and collect
tolls for transit over or through toll road, bridge, and tunnel projects constructed by it
or on its behalf. (8) To establish rules and regulations for the use of any project. (9) To
acquire, hold, and dispose of real and personal property. (10) To acquire in the name
of the authority, by purchase or otherwise, on the terms and conditions and in a manner as
it may deem proper, or by condemnation in accordance with the provisions of Title 18, and
other provisions of law, insofar as the same may be applicable, any land and other property
or any easement or interest therein, which it may determine is reasonably necessary for any
toll road, bridge, or tunnel project or for its protection and preservation, or for the... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

person is associated in a manner different from the manner it affects the other members of
the class to which he or she belongs. A conflict of interest shall not include any of the
following: a. A loan or financial transaction made or conducted in the ordinary course of
business. b. An occasional nonpecuniary award publicly presented by an organization for performance
of public service. c. Payment of or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for
travel and subsistence for the personal attendance of a public official or public employee
at a convention or other meeting at which he or she is scheduled to meaningfully participate
in connection with his or her official duties and for which attendance no reimbursement is
made by the state. d. Any campaign contribution, including the purchase of tickets to, or
advertisements in journals, for political or testimonial dinners, if the contribution is actually
used for political purposes and is not given under circumstances from... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

term includes: (A) proceeds to which a security interest attaches; (B) accounts, chattel paper,
payment intangibles, and promissory notes that have been sold; and (C) goods that are the
subject of a consignment. (13) "Commercial tort claim" means a claim arising in
tort with respect to which: (A) the claimant is an organization; or (B) the claimant is an
individual and the claim: (i) arose in the course of the claimant's business or profession;
and (ii) does not include damages arising out of personal injury to or the death
of an individual. (14) "Commodity account" means an account maintained by a commodity
intermediary in which a commodity contract is carried for a commodity customer. (15) "Commodity
contract" means a commodity futures contract, an option on a commodity futures contract,
a commodity option, or another contract if the contract or option is: (A) traded on or subject
to the rules of a board of trade that has been designated as a contract market for such a
contract... - 29K - Match Info - Similar pages

liability to the trust or otherwise impair the value of the assets held therein; (4) To settle
or compromise at any time any and all claims against the trust or estate which may be asserted
by any governmental body or private party involving the alleged violation of any environmental
law affecting property held in trust or in an estate; (5) To disclaim any power granted by
any document, statute, or rule of law which, in the sole discretion of the fiduciary, may
cause the fiduciary to incur personal liability under any environmental law; (6) To
decline to serve as a fiduciary if the fiduciary reasonably believes that there is or may
be a conflict of interest between the fiduciary in its or his fiduciary capacity and in its
or his individual capacity because of potential claims or liabilities which may be asserted
against the fiduciary on behalf of the trust or estate because of the type or condition of
assets held therein. (b) The fiduciary shall be entitled to charge the cost of any... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

a tax measured in any way by the capital of a corporation considered in its entirety. 6. "Gross
receipts tax" means a tax, other than a sales tax, which is imposed on or measured by
the gross volume of business, in terms of gross receipts or in other terms, and in the determination
of which no deduction is allowed which would constitute the tax an income tax. 7. "Sales
tax" means a tax imposed with respect to the transfer for a consideration of ownership,
possession or custody of tangible personal property or the rendering of services measured
by the price of the tangible personal property transferred or services rendered and
which is required by state or local law to be separately stated from the sales price by the
seller, or which is customarily separately stated from the sales price, but does not include
a tax imposed exclusively on the sale of a specifically identified commodity or article or
class of commodities or articles. 8. "Use tax" means a nonrecurring tax, other than
a... - 42K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-87 Production and operations deemed to be those of separately owned tracts. The
portion of unit production allocated to a separately owned tract within the unit area shall
be deemed for all purposes to have been actually produced from such tract, and operations
with respect to any unit pool within the unit area shall be deemed for all purposes to be
the conduct of operations for the production of oil or gas or both from each separately owned
tract in the unit area. (Acts 1957, No. 352, p. 461, ยง7.)... - 823 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-8-12 Liability, actions, and service of process. (a) Neither the association nor
any unit owner shall be liable for the individual acts or omissions of any other unit owner.
(b) All actions seeking liability of unit owners arising by virtue of their condominium ownership
and who are not liable by reason of any act or omission on their own part shall be directed
against the association and defended by the association. Where plaintiff's demand exceeds
unit owner insurance established by the association, such unit owner must be given notice
by the association and shall have the right at his own expense to individual representation
by counsel. (c) A unit owner, not liable by reason of any act or omission on his own part,
shall have no liability for any settlement, judgment, or cost of defense incurred by the association
with relation to limited common elements in which he has no interest. (d) A unit owner shall
be liable for no more than a pro rata share of any settlement,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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