Code of Alabama

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Section 23-1-158 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds. (a) The proceeds of all bonds, other than
refunding bonds, issued by the corporation, remaining after paying the expenses of their issuance,
shall be turned in to the Treasury or shall be deposited into such account or accounts as
specified in the resolution of the board of directors whereunder such bonds are authorized
to be issued, and shall be subject to be drawn on upon the approval of the Department of Transportation
solely for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, and relocating public roads, bridges
and approaches thereto, tunnels, other public roadway improvements, or work incidental or
related thereto, in the State of Alabama, including the acquisition of property necessary
for such construction, reconstruction, and relocation and incidental and related work. If
action is necessary in order to comply with any federal legislation relating to federal aid
in construction of roads, the corporation may authorize the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27-36 Disciplinary action - Generally. (a) The commission or its staff may on its
own, or on the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions and records
of a licensee. The commission may issue subpoenas and compel the testimony of witnesses and
the production of records and documents during an investigation. If probable cause is found,
a formal complaint shall be filed and the commission shall hold a hearing on the formal complaint.
The commission shall revoke or suspend the license or impose a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars ($100) nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or both, or reprimand
the licensee in each instance in which the licensee is found guilty of any of the following
acts set out in this section. The commission may revoke or suspend a license until such time
as the licensee has completed an approved continuing education course and/or made restitution
to accounts containing funds to be held for other... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-150 Annual identification markers. (a) The commissioner shall provide by regulation
for the issuance of an annual identification marker for every Alabama IFTA-based carriers'
qualified vehicles and the qualified vehicles from non-IFTA-member jurisdictions, as defined
in Article 9 of Chapter 17 of this title, for a fee based on administrative costs of administering
the agreements pursuant to Article 9 of Chapter 17 of this title. The identification marker
shall be in the form and of the size as the commissioner may prescribe. (b) The identification
marker shall be attached or affixed to the vehicle in the place and manner prescribed by the
commissioner so that the same is clearly displayed at all times. (c) The identification markers
herein provided for shall be issued on an annual basis as of January 1 each year and shall
be valid through the next succeeding December 31. (d) All identification markers issued by
the commissioner shall remain the property of the state. (e)... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15-4 Value for which state property to be insured; annual certification; gap coverage
and gap plus coverage; survey of public property; sale or salvage of insured items. (a) All
covered property, unless otherwise provided in this section, shall be insured for no more
than its replacement cost and shall be insured for no less than 80 percent of its actual cash
value. Replacement cost coverage may be provided with an amount of insurance as agreed upon
by the proper insuring authority and the risk manager based upon a written statement of values.
Replacement cost shall be the cost to repair or replace property with comparable materials
of like kind and quality by generally accepted construction methods or technology to serve
the same function as the lost or damaged property. No payment for a loss shall exceed the
limit of the policy. (b) The officer or person having charge by law of insuring any public
building, contents, machinery, and equipment shall annually certify to the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-44-84.20 Recording fee. (a)(1) On and after October 1, 1981, a special recording
fee of three dollars ($3) shall be paid to the county, and collected by its judge of probate,
with respect to each real property instrument and each personal property instrument that may
be filed for record in the office of the judge of probate and for the recording of other instruments
and documents in the probate office in the discretion of the governing body of the county,
and, on and after such date, no such instrument shall be received for record in the office
of the judge of probate unless the special recording fee of three dollars ($3) is paid thereon.
The special recording fee shall be in addition to all other fees, taxes, and other charges
required by law to be paid upon the filing for record of any real property instrument or personal
property instrument, and for the recording of other instruments and documents in the probate
office in the discretion of the governing body of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-32-3 Requirements for selling or offering to sell service contracts. (a) Either the
provider or its designee shall: (1) Provide a receipt for, or other written evidence of, the
purchase of the service contract to the contract holder. (2) Provide a copy of the service
contract to the service contract holder within a reasonable period of time from the date of
purchase. (b) A provider may, but is not required to, appoint an administrator or other designee
to be responsible for any or all of the administration of service contracts and compliance
with this chapter. (c) Each provider of service contracts sold in this state shall file a
registration with the commissioner on a form prescribed by the commissioner. Each provider
shall pay to the commissioner a fee in the amount of two hundred dollars ($200) annually.
All fees collected shall be paid into a special revolving fund to be set up by the State Treasurer
referred to as the "Service Contract Revolving Fund." The Service... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-40-68 Foreclosure sale; form of deed. (a) Following the hearing and order of the
court in accordance with Section 11-40-66, the court shall cause a sale of the real property
to be advertised and conducted by the court in a manner similar to that procedure contemplated
by Section 40-10-15. The sale shall not occur earlier than 45 days following the date of the
order of the court. (b) Except as otherwise authorized by law, the minimum bid price for the
sale of the real property shall be the redemption amount. (1) In the absence of any bid higher
than the minimum bid price, the court or its designee shall bid in for the real property on
behalf of the Class 2 municipality or its designee in an amount equal to the minimum bid price,
thereby causing the Class 2 municipality to become the purchaser at the sale pursuant to Section
11-40-66. (2) A bid in on behalf of the Class 2 municipality or its designee shall be tendered
as a credit bid for that part of the minimum bid price... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 14-2-8 Powers - Generally. The authority shall have the following powers among others
specified in this chapter: (1) To have succession in its corporate name until the principal
of and interest on all bonds issued by it shall have been fully paid and until it shall have
been dissolved as provided in this chapter; (2) To maintain actions and have actions maintained
against it and to prosecute and defend in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter
and of the parties thereof; (3) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter such seal
at pleasure; (4) To establish a fiscal year; (5) To acquire and hold title to real and personal
property and to sell, convey, mortgage, or lease the same as provided in this chapter; (6)
To provide for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration, and improvement
of facilities and for the procurement of sites and equipment for such facilities and for the
lease thereof; (7) To lease facilities to the state, the department,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-117 Disposition of refunding bond proceeds. (a) The proceeds of refunding bonds
shall be applied, together with any other moneys legally available, to the payment of the
expenses authorized by this article and to the payment of the principal of, premium, if any,
and interest due and to become due on any outstanding bonds to be refunded. The expenses authorized
by this article shall include, in addition to other expenses authorized by this article, all
expenses that the board of directors may deem necessary or advantageous in connection with
the sale and issuance of refunding bonds, including, without limitation, the expenses of selling
and issuing such refunding bonds, including any discount reflected in the purchase price paid
to the corporation, fees and disbursements of attorneys, accountants, fiscal agents, financial
advisors, and other consultants, fees and disbursements of trustees, escrow agents, registrars,
paying agents, transfer agents, depositories for... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-26-81.21 1981 recording fee. (a) On and after the date this section becomes applicable
to Elmore County, a special recording fee of one dollar ($1) shall be paid to the county,
and collected by its judge of probate, with respect to each real property instrument and each
personal property instrument that may be filed for record in the office of the judge of probate
and for the recording of other instruments and documents in the probate office in the discretion
of the governing body of the county, and, on and after such date, no such instrument shall
be received for record in the office of the judge of probate unless the special recording
fee of one dollar ($1) is paid thereon. The special recording fee shall be in addition to
all other fees, taxes, and other charges required by law to be paid upon the filing for record
of any real property instrument or personal property instrument, and for the recording of
other instruments and documents in the probate office in the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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