Code of Alabama

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Section 9-2-25 Refunds on erroneous or excessive license fees. (a) This section shall apply
to all licenses administered by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources or any
division thereof. (b) In the event any license for the same privilege is made available at
a lesser price and reasonable notice of its availability has not been given to the public,
a person, firm or corporation will be entitled to a refund equal to the amount of the reduction
of the license fee; and any person, firm or corporation who, by mistake, purchases any duplicate
license or pays an amount in excess of that required by law for the license shall be entitled
to have the money incorrectly paid refunded as hereinafter provided, less any amount paid
as an issuance fee or other fee to any probate judge, license commissioner, special agent
or other person authorized to issue such licenses. (c) Any amount charged by a probate judge,
license commissioner, special agent or other person authorized to issue... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-20-6 When title acquired by adverse possession. When a person is in possession of
any sixteenth section lands under color of title, and has been in such possession for more
than 20 years prior to the first day of May, 1908, and neither the state, nor any department
thereof, holds any note, bond, obligation or other contract of anyone for the purchase money
of such land, and the Commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
and the Director of Finance shall so certify, and the Attorney General shall certify that
proof of adverse possession, by the person now in possession, or coupled with his predecessor
in possession, for 20 years prior to May 1, 1908, under color of title, has been made, which
proof is satisfactory to the Attorney General. The Governor must cause a patent to issue to
said land under the seal of the state to the person entitled thereto. Notwithstanding the
foregoing provisions of this section, if the Attorney General is satisfied with... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-293 Designating Committee. (a) The Designating Committee shall consist of a state
legislator to be appointed by the Governor, a state Senator appointed by the President Pro
Tempore of the Senate, a member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of
the House, and the heads, or their official designees, of the following seven departments:
(1) The Alabama State Department of Transportation. (2) The Alabama Bureau of Tourism and
Travel. (3) The Alabama Historical Commission. (4) The Alabama Council on the Arts. (5) The
Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs. (6) The Alabama Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources. (7) The Alabama Forestry Commission. (b) The Designating Committee
shall perform the following duties: (1) Designate as scenic byways from the highways recommended
to it by the Advisory Council, as provided in subsection (d) of Section 23-1-294. (2) Advise
the Governor and the Legislature of each designation. (3) Adopt... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-2-24 Functions, duties, and responsibilities of Commissioner of Conservation and
Natural Resources acting through chief of division. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural
Resources, acting by and through the chief of the division of land surveys, is hereby vested
with the following functions, duties, and responsibilities: (1) To restore, maintain and preserve
the land survey monuments, section corners, and quarter section corners established by the
United States public land survey within Alabama, together with all pertinent field notes,
plats, and documents; and also to restore, establish, maintain, and preserve other boundary
markers considered by the division to be of importance or otherwise established by law; (2)
To design and cause to be placed at established public land survey corner sites, where practical,
substantial monuments permanently indicating, with words and figures, the exact location involved.
If such monuments cannot be placed at the exact corner... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-353 Applicability of provisions; exceptions. (a) All real property owned or leased
by state departments, boards, bureaus, commissions, agencies, offices, and other instruments
of the state is subject to the requirements of this article and in Sections 41-4-2, 41-4-3,
41-4-261, and 41-9-141 except: (1) All educational facilities including K-12, postsecondary,
and higher education facilities. (2) Facilities of the Legislative Branch of government. (3)
Facilities of the Judicial Branch of government. (4) Facilities of the Retirement Systems
of Alabama. (5) Facilities of the Alabama Port Authority. (6) Facilities of the State Military
Department. (7) Lands managed by the Lands Division of the Department of Conservation and
Natural Resources. (8) Right-of-way owned by the Department of Transportation. (9) Gulf State
Park. (10) Facilities and real property owned or leased by departments, boards, bureaus, commissions,
agencies, offices, and other instruments of the state that do... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-992 Commission generally. (a) There is created an International Voting Rights
Trail Commission. The commission shall be responsible for educating people about the significant
historical events associated with the trail and the voting rights movement and promoting economic
development and tourism in connection with the trail inclusive of counties and cities that
were sites of significant events that impacted the trail's inception. The commission may receive
funds from any legal source and disburse those funds in furtherance of its mission. (b) The
commission shall coordinate its efforts with the Alabama Historical Commission, the Alabama
Department of Transportation, the Alabama Development Office, the Alabama Department of Economic
and Community Affairs, the State Department of Tourism and Travel, the Department of Conservation
and National Resources, and the National Park Service. (c) The commission shall perform all
of the following duties: (1) Work with the National... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-11-244.03 Authorization of levy of use tax. (a) The governing body of the county
is hereby authorized to levy and impose excise taxes on the storage, use, or other consumption
of property in the county as hereinafter provided in this section: (1) On the storage, use,
or other consumption in the county of tangible personal property, not including, however,
materials and supplies bought for use in fulfilling a contract for the painting, repairing,
or reconditioning of vessels, barges, ships, other watercraft and commercial fishing vessels
of over five tons load displacement as registered with the United States Coast Guard and licensed
by the State of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, purchased at retail
on or after the effective date of such tax, for storage, use, or other consumption in the
county at the rate of one percent of the sales price of such property or the amount of tax
collected by the seller, whichever is greater, except as provided in... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-11-245.03 Authorization of levy of use tax. (a) The governing body of the county
is hereby authorized to levy and impose excise taxes on the storage, use, or other consumption
of property in the county as hereinafter provided in this section: (1) On the storage, use,
or other consumption in the county of tangible personal property, not including, however,
materials and supplies bought for use in fulfilling a contract for the painting, repairing,
or reconditioning of vessels, barges, ships, other watercraft and commercial fishing vessels
of over five tons load displacement as registered with the U.S. Coast Guard and licensed by
the State of Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, purchased at retail
on or after the effective date of such tax, for storage, use, or other consumption in the
county at the rate of one percent of the sales price of such property or the amount of tax
collected by the seller, whichever is greater, except as provided in subdivisions... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-59 License to capture or kill fur-bearing animals for commercial purposes; traps.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to take, capture, or kill, or to attempt to take,
capture, or kill for commercial purposes by any means or device any of the fur-bearing animals
protected by the laws or regulations of this state without first procuring a license therefor,
to be issued in the same manner as is provided for hunting and fishing licenses. (b)(1) Any
person who has been a bona fide resident of this state for 90 days next preceding may procure
a resident trapping license by paying the sum of twenty dollars ($20). (2) Any person who
has not been a bona fide resident of this state for 90 days next preceding may procure a nonresident
trapping license by paying the amount charged a resident of Alabama for a similar license
in the nonresident state, except that the license fee for a nonresident in no event shall
be less than 10 times the license fee charged by the department for... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-62 Authorization for leasing of certain state lands for exploration, development
and production - Lands under navigable streams, waters, etc. The Commissioner of Conservation
and Natural Resources, on behalf of the state, is hereby authorized to lease, upon such terms
as he may approve, any lands or any right or any interest therein under any navigable streams
or navigable waters, bays, estuaries, lagoons, bayous or lakes and the shores along any navigable
waters to high tide mark and submerged lands in the Gulf of Mexico within the historic seaward
boundary of this state, which is hereby declared to extend seaward six leagues from the land
bordering the gulf, for the exploration, development and production of oil, gas and other
minerals or any one or more of them, on, in and under such lands, and such lands or interests
therein for such purposes shall be supervised and managed by the Department of Conservation
and Natural Resources. (Acts 1956, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 158, p.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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