Code of Alabama

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Section 9-14E-6 Competitive bidding. Any contract for the acquisition, construction, or installation
of any part of the project that shall be paid for or financed with public funds shall be subject
to the laws of the state now or hereafter in effect that require competitive bids for the
contract, including, without limitation, Chapter 2 of Title 39 and Chapter 16 of Title 41.
Any contract for the acquisition, construction, or installation of any part of the project
that shall not be paid for or financed with public funds shall be exempt from the laws of
the state at any time in effect that required competitive bids for the contracts. (Act 2013-222,
p. 523, §6.)... - 975 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

and those providing the service. (11) Purchases of computer and word processing hardware when
the hardware is the only type that is compatible with hardware already owned by the entity
taking bids and custom software. (12) Professional services contracts for codification and
publication of the laws and ordinances of municipalities and counties. (13) Contractual services
and purchases of commodities for which there is only one vendor or supplier and contractual
services and purchases of personal property which by their very nature are impossible
to award by competitive bidding. (14) Purchases of dirt, sand, or gravel by a county governing
body from in-county property owners in order to supply a county road or bridge project in
which the materials will be used. The material shall be delivered to the project site by county
employees and equipment used only on projects conducted exclusively by county employees. (15)
Contractual services and purchases of products related to, or having... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

such obligations, and which meet the greater of 100% collateralization or the "AA"
collateral levels established by Standard & Poor's Rating Group for structured financings;
and h. Uncollateralized investment agreements with, or certificates of deposit issued by banks
or bank holding companies, the senior long-term securities of which are rated at least "AA"
by Standard & Poor's Rating Group and at least "Aa" by Moody's Investors Service.
(11) FINANCED PROPERTY. All property whether real, personal, or mixed, the costs of
which were or are to be paid or reimbursed in whole or in part with the proceeds of bonds
of the authority or the proceeds of authority-guaranteed obligations. (12) FINANCING AGREEMENT.
Any loan, lease, agreement, grant agreement, financing agreement, credit agreement, security
agreement, mortgage, indenture, guaranty agreement, or other type of agreement entered into
by the authority in connection with the incurring of authority obligations. (13) FUNDING AGREEMENT.... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law, and when the State of Mississippi ratifies
the compact. Article III. For purposes of this compact, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, or any other
entity. (2) Railroad means a common carrier by railroad as defined in Section 1(3) of Part
I of the Interstate Commerce Act [codified as 49 U.S.C. §1(3)]. (3) Railroad properties and
facilities mean any real or personal property or interest in property which is owned,
leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad or other person, including, without limitation,
the authority, and which are used or are useful in rail transportation service, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing: a. Track, roadbed, and related structures,
including rail, ties, ballast, other track materials, grading, tunnels, bridges, trestles,
culverts, elevated structures, stations, office buildings used for operating... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-271 Acquisition, construction, etc., of judicial facilities; award of contract;
payments under contract; Building Commission expenses; revision of plans. The authority shall
proceed with the acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of the judicial facilities
as soon as may be practicable following the sale of the authority's bonds. Such acquisition,
construction, installation and equipping shall be done by the authority under the supervision
of the Building Commission upon the award of a contract or contracts for each part of the
work to the lowest responsible bidder after advertisement for and public opening of sealed
bids; provided, that for the purpose of determining the lowest responsible bidder, the invitation
for bids and the bidding documents shall be so arranged that alternates from the base bid
shall constitute cumulative deductions from the base bid in the event such alternates should
be selected. All such contracts shall be lump sum contracts and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

a party thereto, which relate to the design, construction, acquisition, financing, or operation
of any facilities that are financed, in whole or in part, by any corporation pursuant to the
provisions of this chapter (including, without limitation, utility services agreements and
contracts for the design, construction, and equipment of such facilities) shall be exempt
from (1) such laws requiring competitive bids for any contract to be entered into by counties,
municipalities, public corporations, or other instrumentalities authorized by them, including,
but without limitation to, the provisions of Article 3 of Chapter 16 of Title 41, and (2)
the laws of the state limiting the duration of any contracts for the purchase of personal
property or contractual services by counties, municipalities, public corporations, or other
instrumentalities authorized by them, including, without limitation to, the provisions of
Article 3 of Chapter 16 of Title 41. (Acts 1984, No. 84-314, p. 695, §20.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-6-76 Powers of corporation - Issuance and sale of securities. (a) The corporation
is authorized to issue and sell its interest-bearing or noninterest-bearing securities, in
one or more series, not exceeding $6,000,000.00, in aggregate principal amount, to provide
funds to be used by the Board of Agriculture and Industries in the construction, acquisition
and installation of a market facility and to be used by the Agricultural Center Board in the
renovation of the coliseum. (b) The principal of, premium, if any, and interest on any securities
or series of securities of the corporation the proceeds of which are devoted to the construction,
acquisition and installation of the market facility shall be payable from and secured by a
pledge of all rents, leases, charges or other revenues derived or realized from leases to
the public of said market facility after deduction of costs of operation. The principal of,
premium, if any, and interest on any securities or series of securities... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-268 Authorization, issuance and sale of bonds. The authority is hereby authorized
from time to time to sell and issue its interest-bearing or noninterest-bearing bonds, in
one or more series, not to exceed an aggregate principal amount of $40,000,000.00, excluding
refunding bonds described in Section 41-10-277, for the purpose of providing funds for the
acquisition, construction, installation and equipping of judicial facilities, and for payment
of obligations incurred for any of said purposes. Bonds of the authority may be in such form
and denominations, may be of such tenor, may be payable in such installments and at such time
or times not exceeding 30 years from their date, may be payable at such place or places, may
be redeemable at such times and under such conditions, may bear interest at such rate or rates
payable and evidenced in such manner or may be structured to bear no interest or to reflect
compound interest and may be secured in such manner, all as shall not... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-101A-15 Use of proceeds. (a) The principal proceeds derived from any borrowing made
by an authority shall be used solely for the purpose or purposes for which the borrowing was
authorized to be made. If any securities are issued for the purpose of financing costs of
acquiring, constructing, improving, enlarging, and equipping a project, those costs shall
be deemed to include the following: (1) The cost of any land forming a part of the project.
(2) The cost of the labor, materials, and supplies used in any construction, improvement,
or enlargement, including architectural and engineering fees and the cost of preparing contract
documents advertising for bids. (3) The purchase price of, and the cost of installing, equipment
for the project. (4) The cost of landscaping the lands forming a part of the project and of
constructing and installing roads, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, utilities, and parking facilities
in connection therewith. (5) Legal, accounting, publishing, printing,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-18A-4 Powers and duties. The purpose of the authority shall be to assist institutions
for higher education in the construction, financing and refinancing of the projects. The exercise
by the authority of the powers conferred by this chapter shall be deemed and held to be the
performance of an essential public function. For the purpose of this chapter, the authority
shall have the powers and duties set forth in this section. (1) To adopt an official seal
and alter the same at its pleasure. (2) To sue and be sued in contract and in tort and to
complain and defend in all courts of law and equity. (3) To maintain an office at such place
or places as it may designate. (4) To determine the location and character of any project
financed under this chapter, to acquire, construct, reconstruct, remodel, maintain, manage,
enlarge, alter, add to, repair, operate, lease as lessee or lessor, sell or otherwise dispose
of, any project in any manner it deems to the best advantage of the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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