Code of Alabama

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Section 24-7A-2 Establishment of authority. There is created and established an Indian housing
authority for the jurisdiction of the State of Alabama, to be styled the Alabama Indian Housing
Authority. Its purpose shall be to provide safe and decent dwelling places for low-income
persons and families in Indian areas. The authority shall consist of five members who shall
be appointed by the commission from nominations submitted to the commission from the tribal
councils of the following tribal governments: (1) Cherokees of Southeast Alabama. (2) Cherokees
of Northeast Alabama. (3) Echota Cherokees. (4) Machis Creeks. (5) Star Clan of Muscogee (Creeks).
No person shall be barred from serving as a member of the authority because the person is
a tenant or home buyer in a tribal housing project. Members of the authority shall serve a
term of three years from their appointment, and may serve an unlimited number of terms. In
the event of a vacancy on the authority, the commission shall... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-255.02 Solid waste management advisory board. (a) There is created a solid waste
management advisory board consisting of 11 members: One shall be a member of the County Commission
of Mobile County, Alabama, one shall be the solid waste coordinator, two shall be appointed
by the senators of the Mobile County Legislative Delegation, two shall be appointed by the
representatives of the Mobile County Legislative Delegation, one at large shall be appointed
by all other appointees, one shall be appointed by the Sheriff of Mobile County, one shall
be appointed by the County Commissioner of District 1, one shall be appointed by the County
Commissioner of District 2, and one shall be appointed by the County Commissioner of District
3. All members shall reside in the unincorporated area of Mobile County. (b) The solid waste
management advisory board members shall serve for a term of four years; provided, however,
in the initial term the member from the county commission shall serve... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-4-50 Appointment; composition; powers and duties; expenses; seal; public records.
(a) The Governor shall appoint a State Board of Auctioneers to be comprised of seven auctioneer
members and one consumer member. Except as otherwise provided by Act 98-271, all appointments
and subsequent appointments by the Governor shall be for a term of five years, with each auctioneer
member appointed being a resident of a different congressional district and the consumer member
being a resident of and appointed from the state at-large. Within 60 days after July 1, 1998,
the Governor shall appoint one additional auctioneer member provided for herein for a term
of two years and the other additional auctioneer member provided for in Act 98-271 shall be
appointed by the Governor for a term of four years. Thereafter, subsequent appointments shall
be for a term of five years. Appointments shall end on the anniversary date of the original
appointments, except appointments to fill a vacancy which... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25A-3 Notice requirements. (a) Unless otherwise specified by law and as provided
herein, any governmental body subject to this chapter, except for an advisory board, advisory
commission, advisory committee, task force, or other advisory body created solely to make
recommendations on public policy issues and composed of persons who do not receive compensation
for their service as members of the board, commission, committee, task force, or body from
public funds, shall post notice of all meetings, as defined in Section 36-25A-2(6)a.1., at
least seven calendar days prior to the meeting as follows: (1) The Alabama Legislature is
solely governed by the Alabama Constitution which establishes that the doors of each house
of the Alabama Legislature shall be open to the public unless a vote is taken that secrecy
is required under the circumstances. The respective houses of the Alabama Legislature shall
develop rules consistent with the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, providing for... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15B-4 Permanent joint interim legislative oversight committee. (a) There is created
the Permanent Joint Interim Legislative Oversight Committee of the Children First Trust Fund.
The committee shall be composed of three members of each house, to be appointed by the presiding
officer of each house. The chair and vice chair of the oversight committee shall be elected
at the first meeting by the members of the oversight committee. The oversight committee shall
meet as it deems necessary and shall study and oversee all facets of the Children First Trust
Fund. The committee shall review each monthly report provided by the council, and may make
recommendations as it deems appropriate. (b) The oversight committee shall consider recommending
to the council a comprehensive plan to establish a grants program to assist parents in placing
their children in accredited behavior modification programs. (c) Upon the request of the chair,
the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-1-8 Board of directors. (a)(1) The port authority shall be governed by a board of
directors, consisting of eight appointed members and one ex officio member. a. The Governor
shall appoint eight members subject to confirmation by the Senate as follows: b. Two members
from the southern region of this state consisting of the following counties: Baldwin, Choctaw,
Clarke, Conecuh, Dallas, Escambia, Hale, Marengo, Mobile, Monroe, Perry, Washington, and Wilcox.
c. Two members from the central region of this state consisting of the following counties:
Autauga, Barbour, Bullock, Butler, Chambers, Chilton, Coffee, Coosa, Covington, Crenshaw,
Dale, Elmore, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Lee, Lowndes, Macon, Montgomery, Pike, Russell, Randolph,
Tallapoosa, and Tuscaloosa. d. Two members from the northern region of this state consisting
of the following counties: Winston, Clay, Cullman, Cleburne, Colbert, Pickens, Shelby, St.
Clair, Sumter, Talladega, Etowah, Walker, Morgan, Marion, Marshall,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-20-90 Covington County Industrial Development Authority. (a) There is created the
Covington County Industrial Development Authority. The authority is created for the purpose
and has the responsibility of aiding and assisting current industries and coordinating efforts
of all municipal and county agencies of Covington County, as well as aiding organizations
in the development of new industries which shall provide job opportunities for the citizens
of Covington County, Alabama. (b)(l) The authority shall be governed by a board of directors
consisting of seven members. Two of the members shall be appointed by the Chair of the Covington
County Commission. Two of the members shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Andalusia.
Two members shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Opp, and one member shall be appointed
by the Mayor of the City of Florala. Subsequently, vacancies on the board shall be appointed
by the same appointing authority who made the initial... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-5-31 Alabama Coroner's Training Commission. (a) There is created the Alabama Coroner's
Training Commission to be appointed as herein provided. Appointments to the commission shall
be made as follows: (1) The President of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint one
county coroner to serve an initial term of two years. (2) The Attorney General shall appoint
one district attorney to serve for an initial term of one year. (3) The Governor shall appoint
one county coroner to serve for an initial term of three years. (4) The Director of the Alabama
Department of Forensic Sciences shall appoint one person who is either a state medical examiner
or a forensic scientist to serve for an initial term of two years. (5) The Board of Directors
of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint three county coroners to serve for initial
terms of two years each. (b) The membership of the commission shall be inclusive and reflect
the racial, gender, geographic, urban\rural, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-24 Composition of authority; compensation of commissioners; quorum; officers and
employees; delegation of powers and duties by authority. (a) Except as provided in subsection
(b), an authority shall consist of five commissioners appointed by the mayor, who shall designate
the first chair. None of the commissioners may be city officials. The commissioners who are
first appointed shall be designated by the mayor to serve for terms of one, two, three, four,
and five years, respectively, from the date of their appointment. Thereafter, the term of
office shall be five years. A commissioner shall hold office until his or her successor has
been appointed and has qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term. Three
commissioners shall constitute a quorum. The mayor shall file with the city clerk a certificate
of the appointment or reappointment of any commissioner and such certificate shall be conclusive
evidence of the due and proper appointment of such... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-24-90 Selma and Dallas County Economic Development Authority. (a) In Dallas County,
there is created the Selma and Dallas County Economic Development Authority. The authority
is created for the purpose and has the responsibility of aiding and assisting current industries
and coordinating efforts of all municipal and county agencies of Dallas County, Alabama, as
well as aiding organizations in the development of new industries which will provide job opportunities
for the citizens of the City of Selma and Dallas County, Alabama. (b)(l) The authority shall
be governed by a board of directors consisting of five members. Three of the five members
shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Selma and the Judge of Probate of Dallas County.
One member shall be appointed by the Craig Field Airport and Industrial Authority and one
member shall be appointed by the Selma and Dallas County Chamber of Commerce. There shall
be racial minority representation on the board. Subsequently,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

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