Code of Alabama

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Section 40-12-244 License tags and registration fees - Exemption for members of armed forces,
etc. There shall be exempt from the operation of the privilege or license tax and registration
fee now or hereinafter to be levied on automobiles and motor vehicles by the State of Alabama
one passenger vehicle owned by any of the following: (1)a. An active member of the Alabama
National Guard or the Alabama State Guard, when organized in lieu of the National Guard or
for any service-connected disabled veteran. The exemption for any service-connected disabled
veteran extends only to the service-connected disabled veterans' license plate. The exemption
for active members of the Alabama National Guard or Alabama State Guard, when organized in
lieu of the National Guard, shall be claimed upon presentation of proper identification on
forms prescribed by the Adjutant General. Active members of the National Guard may obtain
additional license plates for other passenger vehicles which they own by... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-39-201 Voiding of license when payment noncollectible. (a) This section shall apply
to Lauderdale County. (b) In cases where a personal check given for a license is found to
be noncollectible for any reason, the county license commissioner shall make a reasonable
attempt to retrieve the license in question. In the event that the license cannot be retrieved,
the license commissioner shall so state and that statement shall constitute authorization
to void any license in question. Once the license has been voided, the license commissioner
shall receive credit for the cost of the license plus the issuance fee. The appropriate state
office shall mark the records pertaining to the void license and, upon inquiry by law enforcement
agencies, shall notify the agencies that the party in question is operating under a void license.
All violations shall be prosecuted in accordance with current law. (c) The provisions of this
section are supplemental. It shall be construed in pari materia... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-8-241 Purpose; license or privilege fee; enforcement; exemption for religious practices.
(a) This section shall apply only to Calhoun County, Alabama, and to no other county. (b)
As used in this section, the following words and terms shall, except as otherwise provided
in this section, have the following meanings hereby ascribed to them: "the county"
means Calhoun County, Alabama; "the governing body" means the governing body of
Calhoun County, Alabama, whether it be a county commission, board of revenue, or other governing
body; "person" includes any natural person, partnership, corporation, firm, association,
trust, estate or other entity; and "business" includes all activities engaged in,
or caused to be engaged in, by any person with the object of gain, profit, benefit, or advantage,
either direct or indirect to such person; "license or privilege fee" shall not include
any sales or use tax. (c) The purposes of this section are to equalize the burden of taxation
by... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 2-31-3 License required; renewal; fees. No person may engage in business as a grain
dealer in the State of Alabama without a license therefor issued by the commissioner. Application
for a license to engage in business as a grain dealer shall be filed with the commissioner
and shall be on a form prescribed and furnished by the commissioner. The application shall
set forth the name of the applicant, the principal officers, if the applicant is a corporation
or the active members of a partnership, the location of the principal office or place of business
of the applicant, the location or locations in this state at which the applicant proposes
to engage in business as a grain dealer, the kind of grain which the applicant proposes to
handle, the type of business which the applicant proposes to conduct, and additional information
as the commissioner by regulation may require. The application for an initial license may
be filed at any time prior to beginning business as a grain dealer.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-4-8 Annual license fee of life insurers organized to aid nonprofit educational and
scientific institutions. Annuity considerations and premiums received by a life insurer licensed
to transact business in this state and which is organized and operated without profit to any
private shareholder or individual and exclusively for the purpose of aiding nonprofit education
and scientific institutions by issuing insurance or annuity contracts only for the benefit
of such institutions and individuals employed in the services thereof at the time such policy
or contract is issued shall not be subject to the payment of a privilege tax based upon premiums
or annuity considerations under the provisions of this chapter or any other law of this state.
In lieu of such privilege tax upon premiums and annuity considerations, such nonprofit company
shall pay an annual license fee of $5,000.00 to the commissioner for the privilege of transacting
an insurance business in this state. The initial... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-40-4 Licenses - Investigation and qualifications of applicant; issuance. (a) Upon
the filing of an application and the payment of the license fee the commissioner shall make
an investigation of each applicant and shall issue a license if the applicant is qualified
in accordance with this section. If the commissioner does not so find, he shall, within 30
days after he has received such application, at the request of the applicant, give the applicant
a full hearing. (b) The commissioner shall issue or renew a license as may be applied for
when he is satisfied that the person to be licensed: (1) Is competent and trustworthy and
intends to act in good faith in the capacity involved by the license applied for; (2) Has
a good business reputation and has had experience, training, or education, so as to be qualified
in the business for which the license is applied for; and (3) If a corporation, is a corporation
incorporated under the laws of this state or a foreign corporation... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-350 Legislative intent. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to establish an
Alabama Veteran Tag Program to recognize certain veterans. (b) The owner of a motor vehicle
who is a resident of this state and who is an eligible veteran pursuant to subsection (c)
of this section may be issued a distinctive license tag pursuant to this division. The veteran
shall make application to the judge of probate or commissioner of licenses, comply with state
motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, pay the regular
license fee for a tag as provided by law for a private passenger or pleasure motor vehicle,
and pay an additional fee of three dollars ($3) for the initial issuance of the tag except
a Vietnam veteran's tag. In the case of a Vietnam veteran's tag, the additional fee for the
initial issuance of the tag shall be six dollars ($6), three dollars ($3) of which shall be
distributed to the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc., Alabama State Council,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-16-200.02 Voiding of licenses for invalid payment. (a) This section shall only be
operative in Coffee County. (b) In Coffee County, if a check given for a license is found
to be non-collectible for any reason, the judge of probate will notify the worthless check
unit of the district attorney's office, who shall make a reasonable attempt to collect the
amount due for the license. If the collection cannot be made, the district attorney's office
shall so state and the statement shall constitute authorization for the judge of probate to
void the license. After the license has been voided, the judge of probate shall receive credit
for the cost of the license plus the issuance fee. The appropriate state office shall mark
the records pertaining to the void license and, upon inquiry by law enforcement agencies,
shall notify the agencies that the party in question is operating under a void license. A
person who operates a business with a void license shall be prosecuted in accordance... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-200 Payment with dishonored or invalid personal check. (a) In Baldwin County,
in cases where a personal check given for a license is found to be noncollectible for any
reason, the probate judge will notify the license inspector, who will make a reasonable attempt
to retrieve the license in question. In the event that the license cannot be retrieved, the
license inspector will so state and such statement shall constitute authorization for the
probate judge to void any license in question. Once such license has been voided, the probate
judge will receive credit for the cost of the license plus the issuance fee. The appropriate
state office will mark the records pertaining to the void license and, upon inquiry by law
enforcement agencies, will notify the agencies that the party in question is operating under
a void license. All violations will be prosecuted in accordance with current law. (b) The
provisions of this section are supplemental. It shall be construed in pari... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-240.80 Invalid check procedures. In Dale County, when a personal check given
for a license is found to be noncollectible for any reason, the revenue commissioner shall
notify the Worthless Check Unit of the District Attorney's Office which shall make a reasonable
attempt to collect the amount due for the license. In the event the collection cannot be made,
the district attorney's office shall so state in writing and the statement shall constitute
authorization for the revenue commissioner to void the license. Once the license has been
voided, the revenue commissioner shall receive credit for the cost of the license plus the
issuance fee. The appropriate state office shall mark the records pertaining to the void license
and upon inquiry by any law enforcement agency, shall notify the agency that the party in
question is operating under a void license. (Act 97-871, p. 224, §1; Act 97-882, p. 236,
§1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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