Code of Alabama

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Section 11-67-62 Notice. (a) After the passage of the resolution, notice of a public hearing
on the matter shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, mailed 21 days prior
to the date of the hearing and shall inform the owner of the time, date, and place of the
hearing and the reason for the hearing. The notice shall be mailed to the owner of the property
as the information appears on record in the office of the tax assessor. (b) All notices shall
carry a list of names of persons or private contractors, or both, who perform the work and
are registered with the municipal clerk. The names shall not constitute a recommendation and
the failure to include a list shall in no way affect the operation of this article. (c) Notice
shall also be given by publication in a newspaper of general circulation published in the
municipality once a week for two consecutive weeks, or if no newspaper is published in the
municipality, notice shall be posted in three public places located in... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-86A-14 Execution of bonds and interest coupons; form, terms, denominations, etc.,
of bonds; validation of bonds; sale; refunding bonds. (a) Bonds of an authority shall be signed
by the chair and attested by the secretary, the seal of the authority shall be affixed thereto,
and any interest coupons applicable to the bonds shall be signed by the chair; provided that
a facsimile of the signature of the officers may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any
bonds in lieu of being manually subscribed. A facsimile of the seal of the authority may be
printed or otherwise produced on any bonds in lieu of being manually affixed thereto, and
a facsimile of the chair's signature may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any interest
coupons in lieu of being manually subscribed, provided, that the bonds have been manually
authenticated by a transfer agent of the bond issue. Delivery of the bonds executed shall
be valid notwithstanding any changes in officers or in the seal of the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-99A-15 Issuance of bonds by districts; terms and assessments. (a) A district may
borrow money by the issuance of bonds, which bonds shall be revenue obligations, payable exclusively
out of assessments levied on land within the district, and the bonds shall not be supported
by the full faith and credit of the appointing government. However, the bonds may be secured
by additional revenues, guarantees, pledges, letters of credit, or other credit enhancements
as may be provided by the district, the owner of any property within the district, or any
other person, to the extent provided in the proceedings of the board with respect to the issuance
of the bonds. (b) Bonds of a district shall be signed by its chair and attested by its secretary,
the seal of the district may be affixed thereto, and any interest coupons applicable to the
bonds shall be signed by the chair; provided that: (1) a facsimile of the signature of the
officers may be printed or otherwise reproduced on any bonds... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-280 Issuance of distinctive plates; list of eligible retired professional firefighters;
identification; fees; use of plates or tags. (a) As used in this section, the following terms
shall have the following meanings: (1) Professional firefighter means a paid member of a paid
or part-paid fire department of a city, town, county, or other subdivision of the state, including
the chief, assistant chief, warden, engineer, captain, firemen, and all other officers and
employees of the department who actually engage in fire fighting or rendering first aid at
the scene of an accident. (2) Retired professional firefighter means a retired member of a
paid or part-paid fire department of a city, town, county, or other subdivision of the state,
including the chief, assistant chief, warden, engineer, captain, firemen, and all other officers
and employees of the department who actually engaged in fire fighting or rendering first aid
at the scene of an accident. Notwithstanding any other... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-67 Legislative oversight committee. (a) There is created a legislative committee
to oversee the implementation and administration of this Article 2, except Subdivision 1 of
Division 1. The committee shall be composed of three members of the House of Representatives
and a county license plate issuing official, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure
of the Speaker of the House, and three members of the Senate and a county license plate issuing
official, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Presiding Officer of
the Senate. The committee shall also be composed of the Secretary of the Alabama State Law
Enforcement Agency or his or her designee, a probate judge who is a licensing plate official
appointed by the President of the Probate Judges Association, and a county licensing plate
official who shall be appointed by the Alabama Association of Tax Administrators. The Department
of Revenue shall designate a representative, the Department of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-7B-7 Application for examination or licensure. (a) Any person who desires to engage
in any of the practices regulated by the board pursuant to this chapter shall be a citizen
of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present
in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government, and shall
file with the board a written application for examination or licensure. Before a person may
engage in the practices regulated by this chapter, the person shall be licensed by the board
pursuant to this chapter. Any person who practices, maintains a school or shop, or acts in
any capacity without a license when one is required pursuant to this chapter, or who otherwise
violates this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined five hundred dollars ($500)
or imprisoned for not more than 30 days, or both. Any corporation which violates this chapter
shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-40 Creation; composition. (a) In order to accomplish the purposes and to provide
for the enforcement of this chapter, there is hereby created the board. The board is hereby
vested with the authority to carry out the purposes and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
On June 24, 1959, the members of the present board now in existence shall hold office for
the remainder of their respective terms for which they have been elected and thereafter until
their successors are elected and qualified and shall constitute the board under this chapter.
The board shall consist of six dentists who shall be selected in the method set forth herein
all of whom having been actively engaged in the practice of dentistry in the State of Alabama
for at least five years next preceding the date of their election and one dental hygienist
elected at-large as provided in subsection (b). Each member of the board shall be a citizen
of this state. No member of the board shall be a member of the faculty... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-290 Registration of vintage vehicle. (a) Subject to the requirements of subsections
(b), (c), (d) and (e), the owner of a motor vehicle which is herein defined as a "vintage
vehicle", upon application to the judge of probate or commissioner of licenses on special
application forms prescribed by the Commissioner of Revenue and the payment of a registration
fee of ten dollars ($10), may register the vehicle as a "vintage vehicle" and procure
therefor permanent license plates to be issued and displayed on the vehicle. (b) Beginning
October 1, 1996, the owner of a "vintage vehicle" which is owned and operated primarily
as a collector's item may, upon satisfying the requirements of this subsection, register the
vehicle as a "vintage vehicle." The owner shall apply to the judge of probate or
county official authorized and required by law to issue license plates. The owner shall pay
a registration fee of ten dollars ($10). Upon satisfying these requirements, permanent "vintage... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-14A-1 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall mean:
(a) ALABAMA S CORPORATION. An S corporation defined under Section 40-18-160. (b) C CORPORATION.
A corporation other than an Alabama S corporation. (c) CODE. The Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended from time to time. (d) CORPORATION. An entity, including a limited liability
company electing to be taxed as a corporation for federal income tax purposes, through which
business can be conducted while offering limited liability to the owners of the entity with
respect to some or all of the obligations of the entity, other than a limited liability entity
or a disregarded entity. The term "corporation" shall include but not be limited
to the following: Corporations, professional corporations, joint stock companies, unincorporated
professional associations, real estate investment trusts, limited liability companies electing
to be taxed as corporations for federal income tax purposes, and all... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-17-370 Levy, administration, and collection of additional excise tax. (a) Effective
for tax periods beginning after August 31, 2019, an additional excise tax of six cents ($0.06)
is imposed on each net gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel. (b) Effective October 1, 2020,
this additional excise tax is increased by two cents ($.02) to eight cents ($0.08) on each
net gallon of gasoline and diesel fuel. (c) Effective October 1, 2021, this additional excise
tax is increased by two cents ($.02) to ten cents ($0.10) on each net gallon of gasoline and
diesel fuel. (d) Beginning October 1, 2023, and on July 1 of every other year thereafter,
the excise tax rate provided in this section shall be adjusted by the percentage change in
the yearly average of the National Highway Construction Cost Index (NHCCI) issued by the U.
S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for the most recent 12-month period ending December
31, compared to the base year average, which is the average for the 12-month... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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