Code of Alabama

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Section 9-11-45 License to hunt on wildlife management areas; fee; violations. (a) Unless
a person is properly licensed for a particular activity under the wildlife heritage license,
any person who hunts on state operated wildlife management areas in this state shall pay a
special annual license fee of fifteen dollars ($15) in addition to the amount of the resident
or nonresident's licenses specified in Sections 9-11-44 to 9-11-49, inclusive, payment of
which shall be evidenced by a stamp, license, big game tag system, or other appropriate method
as the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may prescribe. (b) The issuing officer
or authority shall be allowed a fee of one dollar ($1) for each special license issued by
him or her, which issuing fee shall be in addition to the cost of the special license. In
counties where the judge of probate or issuing officer is on the fee system, the issuing fee
shall be retained by the judge of probate or issuing officer, and in counties... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-54 Special fishing license for totally disabled persons; period of validity;
request for recertification of disability; fee of issuing authority; definitions. (a) Any
person who is totally and permanently disabled and receiving disability retirement from a
public or private entity or a disability benefit from the federal Social Security Administration,
the United States Railroad Retirement, the United States Office of Personnel Management, the
Retirement Systems of Alabama, or a unit of federal, state, or local government designated
by rule of the department and who has been a bona fide resident of this state for not less
than 90 days next preceding the date of application may, upon the payment of an annual license
fee as provided in subsection (b), plus an issuance fee of one dollar ($1), procure a special
fishing or hunting license in the following manner: The applicant shall file with the person,
in the county in which he or she resides, who is duly authorized to issue... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-44 Resident license - Hunting. (a) Any person who is age 16 years or older,
but who has not reached 65 years of age, who has resided in Alabama continuously for a period
of not less than 90 days next preceding, and who is not serving as a member of the Armed Forces
of the United States of America during any period of time in which the United States of America
is in a state of war, as declared by an act of Congress, shall procure an annual resident
all-game hunting license before the person is entitled to hunt in this state by filing an
application with the person in any county of the state duly authorized to issue the license,
stating his or her name, age, place of residence, post office address, and after paying to
the person issuing the license a license fee of twenty-three dollars ($23), plus an issuance
fee of one dollar ($1), which fees shall be subject to adjustment as provided for in Section
9-11-68. Any Alabama resident age 16 through 64 years, in lieu of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-55 Nonresident freshwater fishing licenses - Annual license; penalty. Nonresidents
of the state 16 years of age or older shall not take, catch, kill or attempt to take, catch,
or kill any fish in any of the fresh waters of this state without first procuring an annual
nonresident freshwater fishing license which shall authorize the holder to fish in any legally
available fresh waters of this state, by filing with any person authorized to issue the license
an affidavit stating the applicant's age, place of residence, and post office address and
after paying to the person issuing the license a fee of forty-four dollars ($44), plus a two
dollar ($2) issuance fee, which fees shall be subject to adjustment as provided for in Section
9-11-68. The license fees for residents of the states of Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee,
and Mississippi shall, upon submittal of a valid driver license issued by one of those states
or, in the case of nondrivers, proof of residency of one of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-56 Nonresident freshwater fishing licenses - Trip license; penalty. Any
nonresident of this state 16 years of age or older shall not take, catch, kill or attempt
to take, catch, or kill any fish in any of the fresh waters of this state for a period of
seven consecutive days or less without first procuring a trip fishing license in the same
manner provided for other licenses provided in this article, by paying the sum of twenty-four
dollars ($24), plus a two dollar ($2) issuance fee, which fees shall be subject to adjustment
as provided for in Section 9-11-68, which license will authorize the holder thereof
to fish in any of the otherwise legally available fresh waters of this state during those
hours occurring during the then current license year for a period not to exceed 168 consecutive
hours from the beginning date and time, as selected and designated by the licensee to the
issuing agent at the time of issuance. The license fees for residents of the States of Florida,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-90 Municipal business licenses; branch offices; application. (a) All municipalities
shall have the following powers: (1) To license any exhibition, trade, business, vocation,
occupation, or profession not prohibited by the Constitution or laws of the state which may
be engaged in or carried on in the municipality. (2) To fix the amount of licenses, the time
for which they are to run, not exceeding one license year, to provide a penalty for doing
business without a license, and to charge a fee not exceeding ten dollars ($10) for issuing
each license. The issuance fee shall be increased every five license years by the Department
of Revenue by an amount equal to the percentage increase, if any, in the U.S. Department of
Labor's Producer Price Index during that five-year period, rounded to the nearest dollar,
with the base year being 2006. The Department of Revenue shall notify all municipalities and
the Alabama League of Municipalities of any such fee increase no later than... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-433 Issuance of annual stamp; lifetime migratory waterfowl stamp; fees;
issuing agents; refund for unsold stamps. (a) A stamp shall be issued to each hunting license
applicant by the judge of probate or issuing officer of any county of the state or other authorized
license agent as provided herein upon the payment of a fee of ten dollars ($10). Each stamp
shall be valid for the duration of one hunting season as established by the department. Stamps
shall be available for sale prior to any waterfowl season, including any special season which
may precede the regular season. The stamp fee provided in this subsection shall be subject
to periodic adjustments by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources based on increases
in the Consumer Price Index in the same manner as other fishing and hunting licenses and fees
are adjusted pursuant to Section 9-11-68. (b) In lieu of an annual stamp, a lifetime
migratory waterfowl stamp may be purchased by or for individuals... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-47 Nonresident hunting licenses - "All game." Any nonresident
of this state who is 16 years old or older shall procure an annual "all game hunt license"
to hunt all legal game in this state by filing an application with the Commissioner of Conservation
and Natural Resources or any judge of probate or other person authorized to issue the license,
stating his or her age, race, place of residence, and post office address and after paying
to the person issuing the license a fee of two hundred seventy-three dollars ($273), plus
a two dollar ($2) issuance fee, which fees shall be subject to adjustment as provided for
in Section 9-11-68. Every person making application for a nonresident hunting license
as provided in this section and Sections 9-11-46, 9-11-48, and 9-11-49 shall provide
a valid driver license number or, in the case of nondrivers, proof of permanent residence.
All nonresident hunting licenses shall bear the driver license number of the licensee and
the state where... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-46 Nonresident hunting licenses - "Small game only." Any nonresident
of this state who is 16 years old or older shall procure an annual "small game only"
hunting license to hunt all legal game in this state except deer and turkey by filing an application
with the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources or any judge of probate or other
person authorized to issue the license, stating his or her age, race, place of residence,
and post office address and after paying to the person issuing the license a fee of eighty-eight
dollars ($88), plus a two dollar ($2) issuance fee, which fees shall be subject to adjustment
as provided for in Section 9-11-68. There shall be provided on the license form for
the licenses provided for in this section a check-off option whereby the licensee may
voluntarily choose to donate an additional one dollar ($1) to the Division of Wildlife and
Freshwater Fisheries for the purpose of research on wildlife and wildlife habitat as approved
by... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-37 Issuance of licenses generally - Issuance fee; reports. (a) There shall
be a $1.00 issuance fee for all licenses sold by the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, which shall be in addition to the
prescribed cost of such licenses. In counties where the probate judge or issuing officer is
on the fee system, the issuing fee shall be retained by the probate judge or issuing officer,
and in counties where the probate judge or issuing officer is on a salary basis, the fee shall
be paid by him into the county treasury to the credit of the appropriate fund. It shall be
unlawful to charge any amount that is in excess of the fee provided herein; and, if any probate
judge, license commissioner, special agent or other person authorized to issue such licenses
does so, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished, upon conviction, by a
fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense. (b)... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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