Code of Alabama

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Section 22-23B-2 Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this
chapter, shall have the following respective meanings unless the context clearly indicates
otherwise: AUTHORITY. The corporation organized pursuant to the provisions of this chapter
as a public corporation, agency and instrumentality of the state and known as the "Alabama
Drinking Water Finance Authority." AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution, order or other
proceedings adopted by the board of directors of the authority authorizing the issuance of
bonds, agreements and related matters. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The board of directors of the authority.
BOND PROCEEDS. The net proceeds of sale of bonds or notes, and the income derived from the
investment of such proceeds. BONDS. The bonds, notes or obligations or other evidences of
indebtedness issued by the authority under the provisions of this chapter. DEPARTMENT. The
Alabama Department of Environmental Management or any successor. FEDERAL ACT. The Act of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-294 Advisory Council. (a) The Advisory Council shall consist of a member
of the Alabama House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, a member of
the Alabama Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, one member appointed by each member
of the Designating Committee, three persons appointed from the state at-large by the Governor,
and one representative appointed by the Governor from each of the following groups or organizations:
(1) Scenic Alabama. (2) Alabama Environmental Council. (3) The outdoor advertising industry.
(4) The Alabama Wildlife Federation. (5) A business, industry, or trade association or professional
organization having its principal programs extending generally throughout the state, and having
a demonstrated concern for balancing economic growth with protection for the environment and
increased recreational opportunities. (6) Public utilities. (7) Tourism associations. (8)
Real estate associations. (9) Regional planning commissions.... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-354 Aeronautics Commission - Composition; qualifications; appointment;
terms of office; compensation; removal. The Alabama Aeronautics Commission, previously created
pursuant to Section 4-2-30, shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of
the Alabama State Department of Transportation. The commission shall consist of the Director
of Public Safety, the Director of the Alabama Development Office, and 12 members representing
each congressional district appointed by the Governor. The Governor shall appoint the remaining
five additional members, for a term of four years, a representative from the air carrier airport
boards. The 12 members of the commission serving on May 13, 2000, shall continue to serve
for the remainder of their terms of office as designated by the Governor at the time of their
original appointment. Successor appointees shall serve for terms of four years in the same
manner as their predecessors, except that any person appointed to fill a vacancy... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-28A-40 Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, and terms of office
of members; meetings; quorum; vacancies; removal of members. (a) There is established as an
independent agency of the executive branch of the government of the State of Alabama, the
Alabama Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. (b) The board shall
be comprised of seven members, who shall be appointed by the Governor from names submitted
to the Governor by the association. Not more than one board member from any United States
Congressional District shall be appointed to serve at the same time. Those persons nominated
or appointed to serve on the board shall have been engaged in rendering services to the public,
or teaching, or research, or any combination of service to the public, teaching, or research,
in speech-language pathology or audiology, or both for at least five years immediately preceding
their appointment, and shall be citizens of this state. At least three... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-13-20 State Records Commission created; composition; compensation; meetings.
There is hereby created a State Records Commission consisting of nine members as follows:
The Director of the Department of Archives and History, who shall be chair of the commission;
the Chief Examiner of the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts; the Attorney General;
the Secretary of State; the Commissioner of the Department of Revenue; the Director of the
Department of Finance; one member from the University of Alabama, to be designated by the
head of the Department of History; one member from Auburn University, to be designated by
the head of the Department of History; and one member, an archivist, historian, or librarian,
from one of Alabama's Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), to be appointed
by the Governor. The members from the University of Alabama, Auburn University, and the HBCUs
may be removed by the Governor at any time. All ex officio members, except the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-29-335 Alabama Apprenticeship Council. (a) The Alabama Apprenticeship Council,
which shall be composed of public and private persons representing employer and employee organizations
that are familiar with apprenticeable occupations, is established. All appointing authorities
shall coordinate their appointments so that diversity of gender, race, and geographical areas
is reflective of the makeup of this state. The membership of the council shall consist of
all of the following: (1) The Governor, who shall serve as ex officio chair of the council.
(2) The Lieutenant Governor. (3) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate. (4) The Speaker
of the House of Representatives. (5) The Chancellor of the Alabama Community College System.
(6) The State Superintendent of Education. (7) The Chair of the Alabama Workforce Development
Board. (8) The Chair of the Alabama Workforce Council. (9) Nine members appointed by the Governor,
and confirmed by the Senate, for a renewable term of service.... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-60.06 Coroner-Medical Examiners' Commission - Composition. (a) The Coroner-Medical
Examiners' Commission shall be composed of the following: (1) The county health officer. (2)
The District Attorney of Jefferson County, or his or her designated representative. (3) A
representative of the Jefferson County Medical Society selected by the society. (4) A representative
of the Birmingham Bar Association selected by the association. (5) A representative of the
Medical Center of the University of Alabama in Birmingham selected by the center. (6) Two
members of the Jefferson County Legislative Delegation, one from the Senate and one from the
House. (7) A Jefferson County law enforcement officer appointed by the Sheriff of Jefferson
County. (8) Two licensed funeral directors who are residents of Jefferson County, actively
engaged in the funeral business in the county, who shall be appointed by the Alabama Board
of Funeral Service. (9) A citizen of Jefferson County appointed by the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22A-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words
and phrases, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context or by legislation
governing functions transferred by this chapter, shall have the following meanings: (1) DEPARTMENT.
The Alabama Department of Environmental Management, established by this chapter. (2) DIRECTOR.
The director of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. (3) DIVISION. A subdivision
of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, which may be headed by a division chief.
Such divisions may be divided into sections where appropriate. (4) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
COMMISSION. The Environmental Management Commission of the Alabama Department of Environmental
Management. (5) FUNCTION(S). A duty, power or program exercised by or assigned to a commission,
board or the State Health Department, including all positions and personnel relating to the
performance of such function, unless otherwise provided by... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-27-44 Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee. There is hereby created
a twelve member Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee to advise on the development of
the Solid Waste Management Plan. The committee members shall be named as follows: two representatives
designated by the Governor who shall be private citizens and who shall have been residents
of the state for at least two years; two representatives designated by the State Health Officer;
two representatives designated by the board of directors of the Association of County Commissions
of Alabama; two representatives designated by the board of directors of the Alabama League
of Municipalities; one member of the Alabama Environmental Management Commission selected
by the commission; one representative from the Alabama Chapter of the Government Refuse Collection
and Disposal Association selected from its membership by its board of directors; president
of the Alabama Conservancy; and the chairman of the committee who... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-6-67 Legislative oversight committee. (a) There is created a legislative
committee to oversee the implementation and administration of this Article 2, except Subdivision
1 of Division 1. The committee shall be composed of three members of the House of Representatives
and a county license plate issuing official, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure
of the Speaker of the House, and three members of the Senate and a county license plate issuing
official, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Presiding Officer of
the Senate. The committee shall also be composed of the Secretary of the Alabama State Law
Enforcement Agency or his or her designee, a probate judge who is a licensing plate official
appointed by the President of the Probate Judges Association, and a county licensing plate
official who shall be appointed by the Alabama Association of Tax Administrators. The Department
of Revenue shall designate a representative, the Department of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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