Code of Alabama

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Section 26-16-52 Ad hoc child abuse protection team advisory committee created; composition,
duties, etc.; annual report. Upon October 1, 1985, an ad hoc child abuse protection team advisory
committee shall be created and shall consist of the following members: The Governor of the
State of Alabama or his or her designated representative; the Director of the Department of
Human Resources; the Executive Director of the Child Abuse Trust Fund; the President of the
State Parents Teachers Association; two judges in the State of Alabama that preside over courts
exercising juvenile jurisdiction to be selected by the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme
Court; one representative from the Association of County Department of Human Resources County
Directors to be selected by the Governor; the Executive Director of the Office of Prosecution
Services; the Chairman of the Victims Compensation Commission; and two other members selected
by the President of the Child Abuse Trust Fund. The committee... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22A-6 Environmental Management Commission; powers and duties; composition;
meetings; compensation; expenses; ethical requirements. (a) There is hereby created a seven
member Environmental Management Commission of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management
which shall have the following duties: (1) To select a director for the Department of Environmental
Management and to advise the director on environmental matters which are within the department's
scope of authority; (2) To establish, adopt, promulgate, modify, repeal, and suspend any rules,
regulations, or environmental standards for the department which may be applicable to the
state as a whole or any of its geographical parts; (3) To develop environmental policy for
the state; and (4) To hear and determine appeals of administrative actions. (b) The Environmental
Management Commission shall be composed of seven members who are citizens of the State of
Alabama. Initial members of the commission shall be appointed... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-36-2 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise indicated,
the following terms shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(1) COMMISSION. The Alabama Environmental Management Commission. (2) DEPARTMENT. The Alabama
Department of Environmental Management. (3) DIRECTOR. The Director of the Alabama Department
of Environmental Management. (4) OPERATOR. Any person in control of, or having responsibility
for, the daily operation of an underground storage tank. (5) OWNER OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE
TANK: a. In the case of an underground storage tank in use on November 8, 1984 or brought
into use after that date, any person who owns an underground storage tank used for the storage,
use, or dispensing of regulated substances, and b. In the case of any underground storage
tank in use before November 8, 1984 but no longer in use on that date, the present owner of
the tank and any person who owned such tank immediately before the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-1060 Creation; composition; meetings. (a) The Commission on Girls and Women
in the Criminal Justice System is created. (b) The commission shall be composed of all of
the following members: (1) Three members of each house, to be appointed by the presiding officer
in each house. One member of each house shall be designated the co-chairperson of the commission.
(2) The Director of the Board of Pardons and Paroles or his or her designee. (3) The Commissioner
of the Department of Corrections or his or her designee. (4) The Executive Director of the
Alabama Department of Youth Services or his or her designee. (5) The Commissioner of the Department
of Human Resources or his or her designee. (6) The Commissioner of the Department of Mental
Health or his or her designee. (7) The Executive Director of the Alabama Sentencing Commission
or his or her designee. (8) The State Health Officer of the Alabama Department of Public Health
or his or her designee. (9) The Chancellor of... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-34-5 Application for corporation; contents; officers; board of directors;
record of proceedings. (a) To become a corporation, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor,
the Speaker of the House, the director of the department and the Director of Finance shall
present to the Secretary of State of Alabama an application signed by them which shall set
forth: (1) The name, official designation and official residence of each of the applicants,
together with a certified copy of the commission evidencing each applicant's right to office;
(2) The date on which each applicant was inducted into office and the term of office of each
of the applicants; (3) The name of the proposed corporation, which shall be the "Alabama
Water Pollution Control Authority"; (4) The location of the principal office of the proposed
corporation; and (5) Any other matter relating to the incorporation which the applicants may
choose to insert and which is not inconsistent with this chapter or any other laws of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-16-93 State Child Death Review Team - Created. (a) There is hereby created
the State Child Death Review Team, referred to in this article as the state team. (b) The
state team shall be situated within the Alabama Department of Public Health for administrative
and budgetary purposes. (c) The state team shall be a multidisciplinary, multiagency review
team, composed of 28 members, the first 7 of whom are ex officio. The ex officio members may
designate representatives from their particular departments or offices to represent them on
the state team who may vote and exercise all other prerogatives of the appointment. The members
of the state team shall include all of the following: (1) The Jefferson County Coroner, Medical
Examiner. (2) The State Health Officer who shall serve as chair. (3) One member appointed
by the Alabama Sheriff's Association. (4) The Director of the Alabama Department of Forensic
Sciences. (5) The Commissioner of the Alabama Department of Human Resources.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-11B-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words
and phrases shall have the following meanings: (1) ADECA. The Alabama Department of Economic
and Community Affairs. (2) COMMISSION. The Mississippi-Louisiana-Alabama Rapid Rail Transit
Commission created by the Mississippi-Louisiana-Alabama Rapid Rail Transit Compact, Chapter
11 of this title, or its successor. (3) FREIGHT COMPONENT OF THE STATE RAIL PLAN. The plan
developed by ADECA with the assistance of the commission, in conjunction with the railroads
operating in the state and in concert with the Passenger Component of the State Rail Plan,
that promotes freight rail service within the state, including, but not limited to, service
to and from water ports in the state and the articulation of the ongoing comprehensive vision
and objectives associated with promoting freight rail service within the state. (4) PASSENGER
COMPONENT OF THE STATE RAIL PLAN. The plan developed by ADECA with the assistance of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-22-3 Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section, except when
the context otherwise requires: (1) AGENCY. Every board, bureau, commission, department, officer,
or other administrative office or unit of the state, including the Alabama Department of Environmental
Management, other than the Legislature and its agencies, the Alabama State Port Authority,
the courts, the Alabama Public Service Commission, or the State Banking Department, whose
administrative procedures are governed by Sections 5-2A-8 and 5-2A-9. The term does not include
boards of trustees of postsecondary institutions, boards of plans administered by public pension
systems, counties, municipalities, or any agencies of local governmental units, unless they
are expressly made subject to this chapter by general or special law. (2) COMMITTEE. The Joint
Committee on Administrative Rule Review, comprised of the members of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-27-6 Appointment of the Director of the Department of Public Safety; functions
of department; Highway Patrol Division; Marine Police Division. (a)(1) The Director of the
Department of Public Safety shall be appointed by the Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement
Agency, after consultation with the Governor, and shall hold office at the pleasure of the
secretary. The director shall be appointed from a legacy agency as defined in Section
41-27-7. The salary of the director shall be set by the secretary, and shall not be subject
to Section 36-6-6. A person appointed director shall have an extensive law enforcement
background and, by virtue of office, is a state law enforcement officer with the immunity
set forth in Section 6-5-338. (2) The director shall have overall supervision and management
of functions transferred to the department pursuant to this section, subject to the
approval of the secretary, including the power to change the working title of any position
or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-16.1 Alabama Council on Family and Children. (a) The Legislature finds
that there is at present a need in Alabama to coordinate, at the state and local level, the
efforts of existing providers of services supporting early childhood development and family
involvement in education. (b) There is hereby established the Alabama Council on Family and
Children to be composed of the Governor, who shall be chairperson; the State Superintendent
of Education; the Commissioner of the Department of Human Resources; the State Health Officer;
the Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; the Chairman of
the Children's Trust Fund; and the Director of the Department of Youth Services, or their
designated representatives, and one additional member from each congressional district to
be appointed by the Governor. Said council shall exist for the purpose of coordinating existing
services, at the state and local level, supporting early childhood development and... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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