Code of Alabama

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Section 9-10B-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases,
unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings:
(1) AREA OF THE STATE. Any municipality or county, including portions thereof, or other geographical
area of the state as may be designated by the commission pursuant to this chapter. (2) BENEFICIAL
USE. The diversion, withdrawal, or consumption of the waters of the state in such quantity
as is necessary for economic and efficient utilization consistent with the interests of this
state. (3) CAPACITY STRESS AREA. An area of the state designated by the commission pursuant
to this chapter where the commission determines that the use of the waters of the state, whether
ground water, surface water, or both, requires coordination, management, and regulation for
the protection of the interests and rights of the people of the state. (4) CERTIFICATE OF
USE. A certificate which shall be issued by the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-2 Legislative findings; exemptions. The Legislature of the State of Alabama hereby
finds and declares that: (1) All waters of the state, whether found on the surface of the
ground or underneath the surface of the ground, are among the basic resources of the State
of Alabama; (2) The use of waters of the state for human consumption is recognized as a priority
use of the state and it is the intent of this chapter that no limitation upon the use of water
for human consumption shall be imposed except in emergency situations after the Office of
Water Resources has considered all feasible alternatives to such limitations; (3) The use
of such waters should be conserved and managed to enable the people of this state to realize
the full beneficial use thereof and to maintain such water resources for use in the future;
(4) The general welfare of the people of this state is dependent upon the dedication of the
water resources of the State of Alabama to beneficial use to the fullest... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-20 Submission of declaration of beneficial use; requirements and limitations;
certificate of use. (a) A declaration of beneficial use shall be submitted within 90 days
of the promulgation of rules and regulations governing such declarations by each public water
system that regularly serves, individually or in combination with other such systems, more
than 10,000 households and by each person who diverts, withdraws, or consumes more than 100,000
gallons of water on any day from the waters of the state. (b) A declaration of beneficial
use shall be submitted within 180 days of the promulgation of rules and regulations governing
such declarations by each public water system that regularly serves, individually or in combination
with other such systems, less than 10,000 households. (c) No declaration of beneficial use
shall be required to be submitted by any person, other than public water systems, who diverts,
withdraws, or consumes less than 100,000 gallons of water each day... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-5 Functions and duties of Office of Water Resources. The general functions and
duties of the Office of Water Resources shall be as follows: (1) To develop long-term strategic
plans for the use of the waters of the state by conducting and participating in water resource
studies and by administering the laws established by this chapter and regulations promulgated
hereunder; (2) Acting through the commission, to adopt and promulgate rules, regulations,
and standards for the purposes of this chapter, and to develop policy for the state regarding
the waters of the state; (3) To implement quantitative water resource programs and projects
for the coordination, conservation, development, management, use, and understanding of the
waters of the state; (4) To serve as a repository for data regarding the waters of the state;
(5) To, at its discretion, study, analyze, and evaluate in coordination with, or with the
assistance of, other agencies of the state, the federal government, any... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

of the ACT Basin, and to share this information among the commission members and with others;
(10) To cooperate with appropriate state, federal, and local agencies or any other person
in the development, ownership, sponsorship, and operation of water resource facilities in
the ACT Basin; provided, however, that the commission shall not own or operate a federally-owned
water resource facility unless authorized by the United States Congress; (11) To acquire,
receive, hold and convey such personal and real property as may be necessary for the
performance of its duties under the compact; provided, however, that nothing in this compact
shall be construed as granting the ACT Basin Commission authority to issue bonds or to exercise
any right of eminent domain or power of condemnation; (12) To establish and modify an allocation
formula for apportioning the surface waters of the ACT Basin among the States of Alabama and
Georgia; and (13) To perform all functions required of it by this... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

of the ACF Basin, and to share this information among the commission members and with others;
(10) To cooperate with appropriate state, federal, and local agencies or any other person
in the development, ownership, sponsorship, and operation of water resource facilities in
the ACF Basin; provided, however, that the commission shall not own or operate a federally-owned
water resource facility unless authorized by the United States Congress; (11) To acquire,
receive, hold and convey such personal and real property as may be necessary for the
performance of its duties under the compact; provided, however, that nothing in this compact
shall be construed as granting the ACF Basin Commission authority to issue bonds or to exercise
any right of eminent domain or power of condemnation; (12) To establish and modify an allocation
formula for apportioning the surface waters of the ACF Basin among the States of Alabama,
Florida and Georgia; and (13) To perform all functions required of it by... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30E-3 Definitions. Unless otherwise defined in this chapter, the definition of all
terms included in Section 22-30-3 shall be applicable to this chapter. Other definitions as
necessary may be promulgated as regulations by the department for further implementation of
this chapter. Also, as used in this chapter, the following words and terms have the following
which is created in Section 22-30E-12. (2) APPLICANT. An owner or operator or prospective
purchaser of a qualifying property seeking to participate in the voluntary cleanup program
established pursuant to this chapter. (3) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A statement prepared
by a professional engineer or geologist licensed to practice in the State of Alabama which
certifies compliance with a voluntary cleanup plan required by Section 22-30E-9. (4) CLEANUP.
For purposes of this chapter, cleanup means the cleaning up, remediation,... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

loans, grants or other assistance from federal, state and local governments or from agencies
of such governments, and make contracts and execute instruments containing such terms, provisions
and conditions as the board in its discretion deems to be necessary, proper or advisable for
the purpose of obtaining such loans, grants or other assistance. (3) LAND ACQUISITION. The
authority may acquire by purchase, construction, lease, gift, condemnation or otherwise property
of any kind, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein, that the board deems
necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers or functions; provided, that acquisition
by condemnation shall be limited to lands, rights in land, including leaseholds and easements,
and water rights in the Bear Creek Watershed that the board determines to be necessary to
the control and optimum development of Bear Creek and its tributaries, including such lands
adjacent to or in the immediate vicinity of water control... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-12 Water Resources Commission created; membership. There is hereby created the
Alabama Water Resources Commission. The commission shall consist of 19 members who are citizens
of this state as follows: (1) Seven of the members of the commission shall be appointed by
the Governor with one member being a resident of each congressional district and with at least
one member being a resident of each surface water region; provided, however, that no more
than two residents from each surface water region may be appointed by the Governor to serve
on the commission at the same time. (2) The Governor shall also appoint one member of the
commission from a list of five candidates submitted by an organization representing a majority
of the rural water systems in the state, and one member from a list of five candidates submitted
by a statewide organization representing soil and water conservation districts in the state.
(3) Five of the members of the commission shall be appointed by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-7 Advisory committee. Whenever the described area of operation shall include three
or more counties or portions thereof, there shall be created an advisory committee to consult
with and assist the authority. The advisory committee shall consist of one member from each
affected county who shall be a person of good moral character and a duly qualified elector
of the county he represents on the advisory committee, together with the Governor, the State
Health Officer, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, the State Geologist,
the Director of the State Industrial Development Board, the Chairman of the Alabama Water
Improvement Commission, the President of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and the head of any
air pollution regulating body which might be created by the Legislature of this state, who
shall be members ex officio of the advisory committee. The Governor shall be the chairman
of the advisory committee, and he shall designate one of the appointive... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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