Code of Alabama

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Section 31-14-3 Creation; composition; meetings; compensation; powers and duties. (a) There
is created the Alabama Job Creation and Military Stability Commission. Members of the commission
shall include a chair and two vice chairs. The chair shall be the Lieutenant Governor, or
in the absence of a Lieutenant Governor, the chair shall be the Governor, or his or her designee.
The vice chairs shall be the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, or his or her designee,
and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, or his or her designee. (b) The commission
shall also consist of the following members: (1) Two members of the House of Representatives
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (2) Two members of the Senate appointed
by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. (3) The Adjutant General of the Alabama National
Guard. (4) The Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency. (5) The Secretary of
the Department of Commerce. (6) The Director of the Alabama... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-21-45 Functions and duties generally. The commission shall have the following functions
and duties together with all powers necessary or convenient for the performance thereof: (1)
To study, obtain data, statistics, and information, and to make reports concerning the recruitment,
selection, and training of law enforcement officers in the state and to make improvements
in methods of recruitment, selection, and training of law enforcement officers. (2) To review
from time to time the standards described in Section 36-21-46 for applicants for and appointees
as law enforcement officers. (3) To consider, hold public hearings on, adopt and promulgate
standards relating to the physical, mental, and moral fitness of any applicant for or appointee
as a law enforcement officer as do not lower the standards in Section 36-21-46 or as otherwise
permitted by Section 36-21-46. (4) To study, consider, and make reports from time to time
concerning the work and the curriculum and courses... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-13-61 Violations; penalties. (a) Any person required by this article to make a return,
pay a tax, keep records, or furnish information deemed necessary by the commissioner or the
computation, assessment, or collection of the tax imposed by this article, who fails to make
the return, pay the tax, keep the records, or furnish the information at the time required
by law or regulation, in addition to other penalties provided by law, shall be guilty of a
Class C misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished as provided by law. Each required
procedure and each required record shall constitute a separate offense. (b) Any person who
willfully or fraudulently makes and signs a return, not believing the return to be true and
correct as to every material fact, shall be guilty of a Class C felony, and upon conviction,
shall be punished as provided by law. Each return shall constitute a separate offense. Additionally,
any person who willfully or fraudulently makes and signs a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-265 Members, directors and officers of authority; quorum; vacancies; no additional
salary for service to authority; effect of resolutions; record of proceedings; establishment
of legislative oversight committee. The applicants named in the application and their respective
successors in office shall constitute the members of the authority. The Governor shall be
the chairman of the authority, the Chief Justice shall be the vice chairman of the authority
and the Director of Finance shall be the secretary of the authority. The State Treasurer shall
be the treasurer of the authority but shall not be a member of the authority. The authority,
at its option, may appoint an assistant secretary who shall not be a member of the authority.
The members of the authority shall constitute all the members of the board of directors of
the authority, which shall be the governing body of the authority. The presence of any three
members of the said board of directors shall constitute a quorum... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-27-7 Legacy agencies; classification of employees. (a) For the purposes of this
article, the term "legacy agency" means an existing agency, department, or division
that is being reorganized or abolished under this article. (b) Unless otherwise provided in
this article, all positions created by this article shall be in the classified service of
the state Merit System. (c) All persons employed on January 1, 2015, with a legacy agency
and transferred to the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, Department of Public Safety,
or State Bureau of Investigations shall maintain his or her classification and benefits under
the legacy agency. A person employed by a legacy agency on January 1, 2015, shall not receive
a decrease in salary, benefits, or seniority or otherwise receive a decrease in classification
as a result of the transfer to the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, Department of Public
Safety, or State Bureau of Investigations. (d) Any future change in classification... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-2 Definitions. Unless clearly indicated otherwise by the context, as used in this
article, the following terms have the following meanings: (1) AFFECTED LAND. The area of land
from which overburden has been removed or upon which overburden has been deposited after October
1, 1970. (2) CONTEMPORANEOUS. Occurring at the same time as a surface mining operation and
in conjunction with the grading activities at the site. (3) CONTIGUOUS. In actual contact,
touching, as contrasted with being near but not in contact. (4) DEPARTMENT. The Department
of Industrial Relations of the State of Alabama or any department, bureau, or commission as
may lawfully succeed to the powers and duties of the department relating to mining operations.
(5) DIRECT SEEDING. The planting of seeds by hand sowing, machine sowing, or aerial seeding.
(6) DIRECTOR. Director of the department or officer, bureau, or commission as may lawfully
succeed to the powers and duties of the director. (7) HIGHWALL. The... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-65-16 Review of application for horse racing facility license. (a) A commission
shall promptly consider any application for the issuance or transfer of a horse racing facility
license submitted to it and shall grant or deny the issuance or transfer of such license based
on all information before it, including the results of investigations it deems appropriate.
A commission shall deny the issuance of an original horse racing facility license to any applicant
unless it finds that the applicant's facility will meet the following minimum standards: (1)
That the facilities will provide a track racing surface of at least one mile; (2) That the
facility will be appropriate for the conduct of horse racing year-round and at night; and
(3) That the facility will be located within the boundaries of the commission municipal jurisdiction
or will be located on land in the host county and annexed to the sponsoring municipality prior
to the commencement of racing. (b) A commission shall... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-7 Technical and other advisory committees. (a) In order to make available to
the commission the services of an advisory body on such technical matters as the commission
shall require, there is hereby created the Technical Advisory Committee to the commission
which shall consist of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, the Commissioner of
Conservation and Natural Resources, the Director of the Alabama Development Office and the
State Geologist, each of whom shall be members of said advisory committee throughout his respective
term and until the appointment of his successor. The Technical Advisory Committee shall meet
on call of the chairman of the commission and shall advise the chairman and the commission
on any technical matters referred to it by the chairman of the commission. From time to time,
as circumstances may require, a member of the Technical Advisory Committee may designate a
representative of his department or agency to perform the duties of the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-23 Officers; rulemaking authority; compensation; executive director; disposition
of funds. (a)(1) The board appointed under this chapter and each successor thereto is authorized
to select from its own membership a chair and to adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations
for the transaction of its business and for the betterment and promotion of the standards
of service and practice to be followed in the funeral service profession in the State of Alabama
as the board may deem expedient and consistent with the laws of this state and for the public
good. (2) The chair shall preside at all meetings of the board unless otherwise ordered, and
he or she shall exercise and perform all duties and functions incident to the office of chair.
(3) The board may select also from its own membership a vice chair, a secretary, and a treasurer.
No two offices shall be held by the same person. (b) The treasurer shall give bond to the
State of Alabama in the sum of ten thousand dollars... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words shall have the
following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age and older. (2) ADULT CARE FACILITY.
A person or entity holding a Department of Human Resources license or approval or certification
to provide care, including foster care, for adults. (3) APPLICANT. A person or entity who
submits an application for license as a child care or adult care facility to the Department
of Human Resources or a child placing agency, or an application for employment or for a volunteer
position to a Department of Human Resources licensed child care or adult care facility. With
regard to child care and adult care facilities in a home setting, the term includes an adult
household member whose residence is in the home. The term also includes an individual who
submits an application for a volunteer position or for employment with the Department of Human
Resources in a position in which the person has unsupervised... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

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