Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37A-100.05 Administrative hearings; contesting liability; fines and costs; affirmative
defenses. (a) An administrative hearing officer appointed by the mayor of the city is vested
with the power and jurisdiction to conduct administrative hearings of civil violations provided
for in this article. (b) A person who receives a notice of violation may contest the imposition
of the fine by submitting a request for an administrative hearing of the civil violation,
in writing, within 15 days of the 10th day after the date the notice of violation is mailed.
Upon receipt of a timely request, the city or its designee shall notify the person of the
date and time of the administrative hearing by United States mail. (c) Failure to pay a fine
or to contest liability in a timely manner is an admission of liability in the full amount
of the fine assessed in the notice of violation. (d) Any fine imposed pursuant to this article
shall not be collected if, after a hearing, the administrative... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-77 Division of Hearings and Appeals. (a) There is created a Division of Hearings
and Appeals within the Alabama Surface Mining Commission to enforce this article. The division
shall have such powers and authority as required by law and as delegated by the director.
(b) The commission may hire or contract with hearing officers to hear and determine appeals
from regulatory, enforcement, or other activities of the commission. A hearing officer shall
be a member of and in good standing with the Alabama State Bar. (c) No person shall serve
as a hearing officer who has any direct or indirect financial interest in an underground or
surface coal mining operation or who has been employed by or represented any coal mine operator
within the previous 24 months. (Acts 1981, No. 81-435, p. 682, §8; Act 2010-498, p. 768,
§1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-6-7 Advisory committee. Whenever the described area of operation shall include three
or more counties or portions thereof, there shall be created an advisory committee to consult
with and assist the authority. The advisory committee shall consist of one member from each
affected county who shall be a person of good moral character and a duly qualified elector
of the county he represents on the advisory committee, together with the Governor, the State
Health Officer, the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources, the State Geologist,
the Director of the State Industrial Development Board, the Chairman of the Alabama Water
Improvement Commission, the President of the Alabama Wildlife Federation and the head of any
air pollution regulating body which might be created by the Legislature of this state, who
shall be members ex officio of the advisory committee. The Governor shall be the chairman
of the advisory committee, and he shall designate one of the appointive... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-8A-3 Commission - Members and officers; terms of office; vacancies; compensation
and expenses; meetings; quorum; record of proceedings; copies of proceedings as evidence;
members and officers not personally liable. (a) The members of the commission shall consist
of the Governor; the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries; the President of the Alabama
Farmers Federation; the President of the Alabama Cattlemen's Association; the Chair of the
State Soil and Water Conservation Committee; a member of the Alabama Forestry Commission designated
by the Governor; the President of the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts; and two
citizens of the state of good reputation who are active farmers or timberland owners or involved
in environmental protection appointed by the Governor. Each voting member of the commission,
except the two citizens appointed by the Governor, may appoint a designee to represent him
or her at all commission meetings. The members of the commission may... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-5-31 Alabama Coroner's Training Commission. (a) There is created the Alabama Coroner's
Training Commission to be appointed as herein provided. Appointments to the commission shall
be made as follows: (1) The President of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint one
county coroner to serve an initial term of two years. (2) The Attorney General shall appoint
one district attorney to serve for an initial term of one year. (3) The Governor shall appoint
one county coroner to serve for an initial term of three years. (4) The Director of the Alabama
Department of Forensic Sciences shall appoint one person who is either a state medical examiner
or a forensic scientist to serve for an initial term of two years. (5) The Board of Directors
of the Alabama Coroner's Association shall appoint three county coroners to serve for initial
terms of two years each. (b) The membership of the commission shall be inclusive and reflect
the racial, gender, geographic, urban\rural, and... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27-68 Commission may seek injunctive relief, etc., for violation of article; investigation;
revocation of registration. (a) If it appears that a person, firm, corporation, or any business
entity has engaged, or is about to engage, in an act or practice constituting a violation
of a provision of this article or rule or order of the commission, the commission, through
the Attorney General, may institute legal actions to enjoin the act or practice and to enforce
compliance with this article or any rule or order of the commission or to have a receiver
or conservator appointed. To prevail in such action, it shall not be necessary to allege or
prove either that an adequate remedy at law does not exist or that substantial or irreparable
damage would result from the continued violation thereof. (b) The commission may: (1) Make
any public or private investigation which it deems necessary, either within or outside of
this state, to determine whether any person has violated or is about... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-4-81 Budget Officer. (a) The division of the budget shall be headed by and under
the direction, supervision and control of an officer who shall be designated the Budget Officer.
The Budget Officer may be employed from within or without the classified service; such Budget
Officer shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Director of Finance, with the
approval of the Governor. The Budget Officer shall be entitled to the same benefits as any
person in the classified service. (b) Any person who may be serving as such Budget Officer
on July 5, 1983, who is not reemployed as such Budget Officer under the provisions of this
section, and who prior to such employment as Budget Officer was a member of the state Merit
System, may elect to return to the Merit System job classification previously held. (Acts
1939, No. 112, p. 144; Acts 1939, No. 144, p. 190; Code 1940, T. 55, §92; Acts 1983, No.
83-438, p. 619, §§1, 2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-32-150.05 Duties of commission. It shall be the duty of the county racing commission
to carry out this part; and it shall have the following specific duties: (1) To fix and set
dates upon which race meetings may be held or operated. (2) To make an annual report to the
county commission of its operation, showing its own actions and rulings, and receipts derived
under this part, and such suggestions as it may deem proper for the more effective accomplishment
of the purpose of this part. (3) To require each applicant, who shall have been a resident
of the State of Alabama for at least five years immediately preceding the date the license
is issued, to set forth on his or her application for a license to operate a race meeting
the following information: a. The full name of the person, association, or corporation and
if a corporation, the name of the state under which the same is incorporated, and the name
of the corporation's agents for service of process within the State of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-58 Personnel. (a) The Director of the Securities Commission shall prepare in writing
a manual of necessary employee positions for the commission, including job classifications,
personnel qualifications, duties, maximum and minimum salary schedules, and other personnel
information for approval by the commission. (b) Subject to the provisions of the Merit System
law, the director may select, appoint, and employ such accountants, auditors, financial analysts,
special agents and senior special agents, clerks, and other personnel as the director deems
necessary for the proper administration of the Alabama securities laws including legal counsel
to act as attorneys for the commission in actions or proceedings brought by or against the
commission under or pursuant to any provision of law under the commission's jurisdiction,
or in which the commission joins or intervenes as to a matter within the commission's jurisdiction,
as a friend of the court or otherwise, and stenographic... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-4-5 Adoption, revision, etc., of rules, regulations, standards, etc., by State Board
of Health; appeals therefrom; State Board of Health not to discriminate among branches of
healing arts in administration of funds. (a) The State Board of Health, with the advice and
consultation of the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, is hereby authorized and empowered
to adopt, revise, abolish, promulgate and publish rules, regulations, standards and procedures
for: (1) The preparation of the preliminary State Health Plan and the State Medical Facilities
Plan; (2) The administration of the State Health Plan and of the State Medical Facilities
Plan after approval by the Statewide Health Coordinating Council; (3) The construction and
operation of health care facilities established under the State Medical Facilities Plan; and
(4) Such other matters as may be necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this article.
(b) The State Board of Health is also authorized and empowered to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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