Code of Alabama

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Section 41-9-415 Executive director; personnel; employee benefits. (a) The commission may employ
an executive director, who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission and who shall be
responsible directly to the commission. The commission shall determine the compensation of
the executive director, which shall be paid from the funds of the commission. The commission
shall designate the duties and responsibilities of the executive director. (b) The commission
may employ administrative employees, consultants, research assistants, and other supervisory
and professional personnel as may be necessary or advisable for carrying out, in the most
efficient and beneficial manner, the purposes and provisions of this article. The commission
may offer to its employees any benefits offered to employees of the State of Alabama, including
retirement, medical and dental care, and workers' compensation plans. (Act 2010-509, p. 839,
§2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-243.02 Levy of tax. (a) As used in this section, the following terms have the
meanings here given them: (1) COUNTY. Any county now or hereafter subject to this subpart.
(2) COUNTY GOVERNING BODY. The county board of revenue, the county commission, or other like
body of the county. (3) DIRECTOR OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. The director of the county
department of revenue, the license commissioner, or judge of probate of the county, or any
other public officer performing like duties in the county. (4) SECTION 3 AS AMENDED IN 1979.
Section 3 as amended by the 1979 amendment. (5) STATE ORIGINAL UNBROKEN PACKAGE POLICY. The
state policy in effect when the original Section 3 of Act 388 of the 1965 Regular Session
was approved in August 1965, prohibiting licensees from selling or keeping for sale liquor
or wine except in an original unbroken package. (6) THE 1979 AMENDMENT. The act the Legislature
of Alabama adopted during its Regular Session of 1979 amending the original... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-7-16 Penalty for violations of article. If any labor organization violates any provision
of this article, it shall be penalized civilly in a sum not exceeding $1,000.00 for each such
violation, to be recovered as a penalty in the circuit court of the county in which the violation
occurred, the action being brought in the name of the State of Alabama by the district attorney
of the circuit in which the violation occurred, and it shall be the duty of the district attorney
of any circuit in which any such violation occurs to institute and prosecute such action.
The doing of any act forbidden or declared unlawful by the provisions of this article, except
where a penalty is specifically provided in this article, or the commission of any offense
declared in this article to be a misdemeanor shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable
by a fine not exceeding $500.00, by imprisonment at hard labor for not more than 12 months,
or by both. (Acts 1943, No. 298, p. 252, §18.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-506 Sanctions. (a) Any person who violates the provisions of this article is
subject to criminal prosecution for the unlicensed practice of medicine or osteopathy under
the provisions of Section 34-24-51, or injunctive or other action authorized in this state
to prohibit or penalize continued practice without a license under the provisions of Section
34-24-52. (b) Nothing in this article shall be interpreted to limit or restrict the commission's
authority to discipline any physician licensed to practice in this state who violates the
provisions of Sections 34-24-310 to 34-24-406, inclusive, while engaging in the practice of
medicine within this or any other state. (Acts 1997, No. 97-166, p. 238, §7.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-19-90 Kellyton industrial park. The Coosa County Commission, after tax abatement
incentives have expired from the industrial park in Kellyton, which development was funded
with 58 percent of the debt paid by Alexander City and 42 percent of the debt paid by Coosa
County, shall pay Alexander City located in Tallapoosa County from the county general fund
an amount equal to 58 percent of the noneducational county ad valorem tax revenue derived
from the park. (Act 2001-492, p. 859, §l.)... - 806 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-17-30 Penalties - Overdraws; receipt of commission, emolument, etc., for procuring
loans. Any officer, director, committee member, or employee of a credit union who willfully
and knowingly overdraws his own account with such credit union and thereby obtains money or
funds of any such credit union except as specifically permitted by the written loan policy
of the board of directors or asks, receives, consents or agrees to receive any commission,
emolument, gratuity, or reward or any promise of any commission, emolument or reward, or any
money, property or thing of value or of personal advantage in procuring or endeavoring to
procure for any person, firm or corporation any loan from or the purchase or discount of any
paper, note, draft check or bill of exchange by any such credit union is guilty of a Class
C misdemeanor. (Acts 1989, No. 89-632, p. 1241, §4.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-11 Enforcement of provisions of article - Institution of civil action for enforcement
of final order of director; engaging in surface mining without valid permit; willful misrepresentations,
etc., in applications; rights of exception and appeal. (a) Should the director determine that
any final order or determination made by him, not then the subject of judicial review, is
being violated by any operator, then the director may cause to have instituted a civil action
in any court of competent jurisdiction to forfeit the bond of the operator as to land affected
by the operator's violation of this article or for injunctive or other appropriate relief
to prevent any further or continued violation of such final order or determination. (b) Any
person required by this article to have a permit who engages in surface mining without a valid
permit to do so as prescribed by this article shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this
article and, upon complaint made by the director in a... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-13 Administration of article. Any act authorized to be done by the Director of
the Department of Industrial Relations of the State of Alabama may be performed by the inspector,
assistant inspector or any employee of the department when designated by the director. The
superintendent may adopt and promulgate reasonable rules and regulations respecting the administration
of this article and in conformity therewith. (Acts 1969, No. 399, p. 773, §13.)... - 769 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-85-22 Composition; qualifications, appointments, terms of office, and compensation
of members; vacancies. (a) The membership of any regional planning commission created and
established under this article shall be composed of not less than three representatives of
each governmental unit participating in the creation of such. In addition to said minimum
representation of three, each governmental unit shall be entitled to appoint one other representative
for each 50,000 people residing within the geographical and territorial limits and bounds
of such governmental unit according to the most recent federal census; provided, that any
commission in which any county having a population in excess of 600,000 participates shall
be constituted as follows: Each governmental unit shall have only one representative, except
that any city having a population of more than 300,000 shall have 20 representatives, and
each county having a population of more than 600,000 shall have 10... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-4-87 Penalties. (a) Any person who violates any provision of this article or of
any regulation issued hereunder shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed two hundred
thousand dollars ($200,000) for each violation for each day that the violation persists. However,
the maximum civil penalty shall not exceed two million dollars ($2,000,000) for any related
series of violations. (b) Any civil penalty may be compromised by the commission. In determining
the amount of the penalty, or the amount agreed upon in compromise, the appropriateness of
the penalty to the size of the business of the person charged, the gravity of the violation,
and the good faith of the person charged in attempting to achieve compliance, after notification
of a violation, shall be considered. The amount of the penalty, when finally determined, or
the amount agreed upon in compromise, may be deducted from any sums owing by the State of
Alabama to the person charged, or may be recovered in a civil... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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