Code of Alabama

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Section 9-11-91.1 Unauthorized fishing from or near fish farm. (a) It shall be unlawful for
any person to fish or take fish from any fish farm except with the consent of the owner thereof.
Any person possessing fishing tackle on the premises of a fish farm shall be rebuttably presumed
to be fishing. (b) Any motor vehicle, or fishing tackle, or other fishing equipment which
has been or is used for illegal fishing shall be contraband, and, in the discretion of the
circuit court may be forfeited to the county wherein the violation occurred, as provided by
law. A commercial fish pond shall be posted with signs which are readable from the public
right-of-way. (c) The sheriff or any other person authorized to enforce the game and fish
laws of this state who apprehends any person violating the provisions of this section, or
who finds any vehicle which is being or has been used in illegal fishing shall seize the vehicle
and any fishing tackle and other fishing equipment found in the possession... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-32-150.12 Pari-mutuel wagering; hours of racetrack operation and number of races.
(a) The commission shall make rules governing, permitting, and regulating the wagering on
dog races under the form of mutuel wagering by patrons known as pari-mutuel wagering, which
method shall be legal to the extent that and so long as, the same is carried on and conducted
strictly in conformity with this part, and not otherwise. Only the persons, associations,
or corporations receiving a license from the commission shall have the right or privilege
to conduct this type of wagering and the licenses shall restrict and confine this form of
wagering to a space within the race meeting grounds. All other forms of wagering on the result
of dog races shall continue to be illegal, and any or all wagering outside of the enclosure
of such races, where such races shall have been licensed by the commission shall be illegal.
(b) No person or corporation shall directly or indirectly purchase pari-mutuel... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-16A-7 Additional findings; bonds authorized; procedures. (a) The Legislature finds
that the number of students attending the several school systems located in those areas of
North Alabama that will be directly impacted by the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will collectively increase by an estimated 9,000 students. As a result, there will be a need
for the construction of additional school facilities as well as the renovation of existing
school facilities. The Legislature also finds that the 2005 BRAC and Subsequent BRAC Actions
will have a positive impact on future receipts to the Education Trust Fund, as the significant
population growth in North Alabama will increase sales, income, and other tax collections.
Thus, it is an efficient use of state funds to allow such revenue growth to help pay for capital
improvement costs associated with BRAC-related school construction. (b) The Alabama Public
School and College Authority is hereby authorized to sell and issue its... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-232 Possession, sale, purchase, etc., of protected wild birds, etc. Any person,
firm, association, or corporation who takes, catches, kills, or has in possession at any time,
living or dead, any protected wild bird not a game bird, or who sells or offers for sale,
buys, purchases, or offers to buy or purchase any such bird or exchange same for anything
of value, or who shall sell or expose for sale or buy any part of the plumage, skin, or body
of any bird protected by the laws of this state, or who shall take or willfully destroy the
nests of any wild bird, or who shall have the nests or eggs of the birds in his or her possession,
except as otherwise provided by law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction,
shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than five
hundred dollars ($500) for each offense. (Acts 1935, No. 383, p. 813, §2; Code 1940, T. 8,
§83; Act 2008-384, p. 714, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4A-3 Brewpub licensing and requirements; conditions. (a) In addition to the licenses
authorized to be issued and renewed by the board pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Licensing
Code codified as Chapter 3A of this title, the board, upon applicant's compliance with this
chapter, Chapter 3A and the rules adopted thereunder, and the conditions set forth in subsection
(b), may issue to a qualified applicant a brewpub license which shall authorize the licensee
to do all of the following: (1) Manufacture or brew beer, in a quantity not to exceed 10,000
barrels in any one year, and to sell beer brewed on the licensed premises in unpackaged form
at retail for on-premises consumption at the licensed premises only. (2) Sell beer brewed
on the licensed premises in packaged form at retail for off-premises consumption, provided
the beer sold for off-premises consumption may not exceed 288 ounces per customer per day
and shall be sealed, labeled, packaged, and taxed in accordance with... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

BEER OR WINE DISTRIBUTOR. A distributor, as licensed by the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control
Board, selling or distributing beer or wine in this state. (3) PERSON. Any individual, firm,
partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, receiver, trustee, or any
other entity. (4) RETAILER. A person or group of persons that have a relationship with each
other as defined in Section 267(b) of the federal Internal Revenue Code whose primary business
is the sale of tangible personal property at retail, including supporting operations
such as warehousing, shipping, and storage of product, and who holds a license pursuant to
Section 40-23-6 or 40-23-66. (5) SELLER. A manufacturer, wholesaler, or distributor of beer,
wine, or tobacco products who sells to a retailer in this state. The term also includes a
wholesale club or warehouse club that sells tobacco under a membership. (c) For the purpose
of enforcing the collection of taxes levied by this chapter, on the sale of... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-11-153 Wholesale and retail freshwater nongame fish dealers' licenses; commercial
paddlefish dealer's license. (a) Every person, firm, association, or corporation engaged in
the buying, selling, or handling of freshwater nongame fish for the purpose of resale, whether
handled on a commission basis or otherwise, and every person, firm, association, or corporation
shipping freshwater nongame fish out of the State of Alabama on consignment or order shall
be considered a wholesale dealer of freshwater nongame fish, and shall be required to pay
a license of $25.00 per annum. Any person, firm, association, or corporation handling freshwater
nongame, uncooked fish strictly at retail to the consumer shall be considered a retailer and
must purchase a license and pay $10.00 per annum for the same. The revenue to be derived from
such licenses shall be covered into the State Treasury to the credit of the Game and Fish
Fund of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-40A-19 Penalties. (a) Any person who intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with
criminal negligence: (1) Accumulates scrap tires in violation of this chapter, upon conviction,
shall be subject to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three months. (2) Processes scrap
tires in violation of this chapter, upon conviction, shall be subject to a term of imprisonment
not exceeding six months. (3) Transports scrap tires in violation of this chapter, upon conviction,
shall be subject to a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year. (4) Engages in unauthorized
disposal of scrap tires in violation of this chapter, upon conviction, shall be subject to
a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years nor less than one year and one day and, in
addition, may be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for each violation. (5)
Makes any false statement or representation in any document used to comply with this chapter,
upon conviction, shall be subject to a term of imprisonment... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-17A-11 Application for certificate; statements; issuance; expiration; transfer.
(a) An application to the commissioner for a certificate of authority shall be accompanied
by the statement and other matters described in this section in the form prescribed by the
commissioner. Annually thereafter, within six months after the end of its fiscal period, or
within an extension of time therefor, as the commissioner for good cause may grant, the person
authorized to engage in the sale of preneed contracts shall file with the commissioner a full
and true statement of his or her financial condition, transactions, and affairs, prepared
on a basis as adopted by a rule of the commissioner, as of the preceding fiscal period or
at such other time or times as the commissioner may provide by rule, together with information
and data which may be required by the commissioner. (b) The statement shall include all of
the following: (1) The types of preneed contracts proposed to be written and the... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-12-200.5 Material harmful to minors - Distribution, possession with intent to distribute,
display for sale, etc., prohibited; penalty; affirmative defenses; operation of adult-only
enterprise near place frequented by minors; exceptions; disposition of fines. (1) It shall
be unlawful for any person to knowingly or recklessly distribute to a minor, possess with
intent to distribute to a minor, or offer or agree to distribute to a minor any material which
is harmful to minors. Any person who violates this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
and may also be imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year. (2)a. It shall be
unlawful for any person to openly and knowingly display for sale at any business establishment
frequented by minors, or any other place where minors are or may be invited as part of the
general public, any material which is harmful to minors or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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