Code of Alabama

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Section 45-6-241 Imposition of excise taxes; monthly report; failure to comply. (a) For the
purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed
by this subsection. (1) COUNTY. Bullock County. (2) COMMISSION. The Bullock County Commission.
(3) GASOLINE. Gasoline, gasohol, naphtha, and other liquid motor fuels or any device or substitute
therefor commonly used in internal combustion engines; provided, that such term shall not
be held to apply to those products known commercially as "kerosene oil," "fuel
oil" or "crude oil" when used for lighting, heating, or industrial purposes.
(4) MOTOR FUEL. Diesel oil, tractor fuel, gas oil, distillate, kerosene, jet fuel, or any
substitutes or devices therefor when sold, distributed, stored, or withdrawn from storage
in any county for use in the operation of any motor vehicle upon the highways of this state.
(5) PERSON. Persons, corporations, copartnerships, companies, agencies, associations, incorporated
or... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-4-23 Duties generally. It shall be the duty of the county treasurer: (1) To receive
and keep the money of the county and disburse the same as below stated: a. To pay out of the
general fund of the county, on presentation and without being audited and allowed by the county
commission, all grand and petit juror certificates and to pay all other claims against the
general funds that must be allowed and audited only after they have been audited and allowed
and a warrant has issued therefor, but only to the extent so allowed, any warrant to the contrary
notwithstanding, and in making payments from said fund he shall observe the order of preference
as prescribed by Section 11-12-15. b. To keep in well-bound books separate registers of claims
presented against the general fund, the special fund if any and the fine and forfeiture fund.
c. To number and register in the order in which they are presented all claims against the
general fund which have been audited and allowed by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-70-2 Initiation and notice of action. (a) Class 2 municipalities may initiate an
expedited quiet title and foreclosure action under this chapter against a parcel of tax sale
property located within its municipal limits and purchased by the municipality. The municipality
shall record, in the office of the judge of probate in the county in which the property is
located, a notice of its intention to file an expedited quiet title and foreclosure action.
The notice shall include a legal description of the property, street address of the property
if available, a statement that the property is subject to expedited quiet title and foreclosure
proceedings under this chapter, and a statement that those proceedings may extinguish any
legal interests in the property. As used herein, interested parties shall mean the owner,
his or her heirs or personal representatives, any mortgagee or purchaser of the subject property
or any part thereof, and any party with an interest in the property,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-70A-2 Initiation and notice of action. (a) Any Class 3 municipality may initiate
an expedited quiet title and foreclosure action under this section against a parcel of tax
sale property located within its municipal limits and purchased by the municipality from the
State Land Commissioner. The municipality shall record, in the office of the judge of probate
in the county in which the property is located, a notice of its intention to file an expedited
quiet title and foreclosure action. The notice shall include a legal description of the property,
street address of the property if available, a statement that the property is subject to expedited
quiet title and foreclosure proceedings under this chapter, and a statement that those proceedings
may extinguish any legal interests in the property. As used herein, "interested parties"
shall mean the owner, his or her heirs or personal representatives, any mortgagee or purchaser
of the subject property or any part thereof, and any... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 12-19-90 Judge of probate - Schedule of fees. (a) The following fees for service provided
by the probate offices shall be charged and paid into the county treasury or to the judge
of probate as may be authorized or required by law: (1) Probate of will of not more than five
pages, whether contested or not, with three certified copies of letters and including final
settlement when not more than 10 pages. An additional charge of $3.00 per page for wills over
five pages in length and for final settlements in excess of 10 pages in length shall be made
..... $45.00 (2) Grant of letters of administration with three certified copies of letters
of administration and including final settlement when not more than 10 pages (when over 10
pages an additional charge of $3.00 per page) ..... 45.00 (3) Grant of letters of guardianship
or conservatorship, three certified copies ..... 20.00 (4) Partial or final settlement of
guardianship or conservatorship ..... 15.00 (5) Each additional... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-9-70 Definitions. The following words and phrases as used in this article shall
have the following meanings unless a different meaning is required by the context: (1) CHARITABLE
ORGANIZATION. Any benevolent, philanthropic, or patriotic person, or one purporting to be
such, consistent with the then-controlling definition provided in the Internal Revenue Code
of the United States of America, which solicits and collects funds for charitable purposes
and includes each local, county, or area division within this state of the charitable organization;
provided the local, county, or area division has authority and discretion to disburse funds
or property otherwise than by transfer to any parent organization. (2) CHARITABLE PURPOSE.
Any charitable, benevolent, philanthropic, or patriotic purpose which is consistent with the
then-controlling definition provided in the Internal Revenue Code of the United States of
America. (3) CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION. Any charitable organization... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-20A-7 Registration information - Required. (a) The following registration information,
unless otherwise indicated, shall be provided by the sex offender when registering: (1) Name,
including any aliases, nicknames, ethnic, or tribal names. (2) Date of birth. (3) Social Security
number. (4) Address of each residence. (5) Name and address of any school the sex offender
attends or will attend. For purposes of this subdivision, a school includes an educational
institution, public or private, including a secondary school, a trade or professional school,
or an institution of higher education. (6) Name and address of any employer where the sex
offender works or will work, including any transient or day laborer information. (7) The license
plate number, registration number or identifier, description, and permanent or frequent location
where all vehicles are kept for any vehicle used for work or personal use, including land
vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft. (8) Any telephone number... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-182 Borrowing by corporation generally; debts not obligations of state, counties
or municipalities; tax exemptions. (a) All securities of the corporation shall be signed in
the name and behalf of the corporation by its chairman and attested by its secretary, but
a facsimile of the signature of one, but not both, of such officers may be printed thereon
in lieu of the manual signature of such officer, and the seal of the corporation shall be
affixed thereto or a facsimile thereof printed thereon. Any interest coupons applicable to
any securities of the corporation shall be signed by its chairman, but a facsimile of such
chairman's signature may be printed on any such interest coupons in lieu of his manually signing
the same. Any securities of the corporation may be executed and delivered by it at any time
and from time to time, shall be in such form and denomination and of such tenor and maturity
or maturities not exceeding 40 years from their date, shall contain such... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-318 Powers of authority. (a) In addition to all other powers granted elsewhere
in this article, and subject to the express provisions of its certificate of incorporation,
an authority shall have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto
or necessary to the discharge thereof in corporate form: (1) To have succession by its corporate
name for the duration of time, which may be in perpetuity, specified in its certificate of
incorporation or until dissolved as provided in Section 22-21-339; (2) To sue and be sued
in its own name in civil suits and actions, and to defend suits and actions against it, including
suits and actions ex delicto and ex contractu, subject, however, to the provisions of Chapter
93 of Title 11, which chapter is hereby made applicable to the authority; (3) To adopt and
make use of a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt, alter, amend
and repeal bylaws, regulations and rules, not inconsistent with the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-12-10 License inspectors generally; when taxes due and payable; collection and distribution
of penalties and citation fees on delinquent licenses. (a) The county commission of each county
is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a license inspector. (b) It shall be the duty
of the license inspector to scrutinize the records and stubs kept in the office of the probate
judge and also to examine the license records of each city or town located in the county or
counties of which he has been appointed license inspector; and, if it shall be reported to
any license inspector or come to his knowledge that any person, persons, firms, or corporations
have failed or refused to take out a license for a business or occupation for which a license
is required by the state or have failed or refused to take out a license for operating any
motor vehicle or trailer for which a license is required by law, the license inspector shall
thereupon cite such delinquent to appear before the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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