Code of Alabama

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a default, breach, right of recoupment, claim, defense, termination, right of termination,
or remedy under the account or chattel paper. (g) Subsection (b)(3) not waivable. Subject
to subsection (h), an account debtor may not waive or vary its option under subsection (b)(3).
(h) Rule for individual under other law. This section is subject to law other than this article
which establishes a different rule for an account debtor who is an individual and who incurred
the obligation primarily for personal, family, or household purposes. (i) Inapplicability
to health-care-insurance receivable. This section does not apply to an assignment of a health-care-insurance
receivable. (j) Section prevails over inconsistent law. This section prevails over any inconsistent
provision of an existing or future statute, rule, or regulation of this State unless the provision
is contained in a statute of this State, refers expressly to this section, and states that
the provision prevails over this section.... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-615 Application of proceeds of disposition; liability for deficiency and right
to surplus. (a) Application of proceeds. A secured party shall apply or pay over for application
the cash proceeds of disposition under Section 7-9A-610 in the following order to: (1) the
reasonable expenses of retaking, holding, preparing for disposition, processing, and disposing,
and, to the extent provided for by agreement and not prohibited by law, reasonable attorney's
fees and legal expenses incurred by the secured party; (2) the satisfaction of obligations
secured by the security interest or agricultural lien under which the disposition is made;
(3) the satisfaction of obligations secured by any subordinate security interest in or other
subordinate lien on the collateral if: (A) the secured party receives from the holder of the
subordinate security interest or other lien an authenticated demand for proceeds before distribution
of the proceeds is completed; and (B) in a case in which a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-3-605 Discharge of indorsers and accommodation parties. (a) In this section, the
term "indorser" includes a drawer having the obligation described in Section 7-3-414(d).
(b) Discharge, under Section 7-3-604, of the obligation of a party to pay an instrument does
not discharge the obligation of an indorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse
against the discharged party. (c) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees, with
or without consideration, to an extension of the due date of the obligation of a party to
pay the instrument, the extension discharges an indorser or accommodation party having a right
of recourse against the party whose obligation is extended to the extent the indorser or accommodation
party proves that the extension caused loss to the indorser or accommodation party with respect
to the right of recourse. (d) If a person entitled to enforce an instrument agrees, with or
without consideration, to a material modification of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-515 Duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing
statement. (a) Five-year effectiveness. Except as otherwise provided in subsections (b), (e),
(f), (g), and (h), a filed financing statement is effective for a period of five years after
the date of filing. (b) Manufactured-home transaction. Except as otherwise provided in subsections
(e), (f), and (g), an initial financing statement filed in connection with a manufactured-home
transaction is effective for a period of 30 years after the date of filing if it indicates
that it is filed in connection with a manufactured-home transaction. (c) Lapse and continuation
of financing statement. The effectiveness of a filed financing statement lapses on the expiration
of the period of its effectiveness unless before the lapse a continuation statement is filed
pursuant to subsection (d). Upon lapse, a financing statement ceases to be effective and any
security interest or agricultural lien that was... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-9-48 Fraud in insolvency. (a) A person commits the crime of fraud in insolvency
if, with the intent to defraud a creditor and with knowledge or reason to believe either that
proceedings have been or are about to be instituted for the appointment of a receiver or that
a composition agreement or other arrangement for the benefit of creditors has been or is about
to be made, he: (1) Conveys, transfers, removes, conceals, destroys, encumbers or otherwise
disposes of any part of or any interest in the debtor's estate; or (2) Presents to any creditor
or to the receiver any writing or record relating to the debtor's estate, not otherwise within
the coverage of Sections 13A-10-101, 13A-10-102 or 13A-10-109, knowing or having reason to
believe that it contains a false material statement; or (3) Misrepresents or refuses to disclose
to the receiver, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Section 13A-10-4, the
existence, amount or location of any part of or an interest in... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-11-451 Brokers lien generally; recording notice; notice requirements; enforcement
of lien. (a) A real estate broker shall have a lien, in the amount of the compensation agreed
upon by and between the broker and his or her client, upon commercial real estate or any interest
therein which is subject to and described in the brokerage agreement and owned by a client
or by a party whose commercial real estate may be liened if different from the client who
has received written notice from the broker in conformity with subsection (f) prior to obtaining
an interest in the commercial real estate through a purchase, lease, or conveyance. Commercial
real estate, or an interest therein, acquired by a person other than a client prior to receipt
of the notice from the broker required by this division is not subject to the lien provided
by this division. The lien shall arise: (1) Upon the satisfaction of each of: a. Conveyance
of the commercial real estate identified in and subject to the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-9B-9 Defenses, liability, and protection of transferee. (a) A transfer is not voidable
under Section 8-9B-5(a)(1) against a person that took in good faith and for a reasonably equivalent
value given the debtor or against any subsequent transferee that took in good faith. (b) To
the extent a transfer is avoidable in an action by a creditor under Section 8-9B-8(a)(1),
the following rules apply: (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the creditor
may recover judgment for the value of the asset transferred, as adjusted under subsection
(c), or the amount necessary to satisfy the creditor's claim, whichever is less. The judgment
may be entered against: (i) the first transferee of the asset or the person for whose benefit
the transfer was made; or (ii) any subsequent transferee, other than: (A) a good-faith transferee
that took for value; or (B) a subsequent transferee of a person described in clause (A). (2)
Recovery pursuant to Section 8-9B-8(a)(1) or (b) of or from... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-2A-139 Bond. (a) The court must require a conservator to furnish a bond payable
to the judge of probate conditioned upon faithful discharge of all duties of the trust according
to law, with sureties as it shall specify. Unless otherwise directed, the bond must be in
the amount of the aggregate capital value of the property of the estate in the conservator's
control, plus one year's estimated income, and minus the value of securities deposited under
arrangements requiring an order of the court for their removal and the value of any land which
the fiduciary, pursuant to Section 26-2A-152(d), lacks power to sell or convey without court
authorization. The court, in lieu of sureties on a bond, may accept other collateral for the
performance of the bond, including a pledge of securities or any other assets or a mortgage
of land. (b) The court may at any time reduce the bond of the conservator or require the conservator
to provide additional or larger bond as may seem to be proper... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-208 Additional duties of secured party having control of collateral. (a) Applicability
of section. This section applies to cases in which there is no outstanding secured obligation
and the secured party is not committed to make advances, incur obligations, or otherwise give
value. (b) Duties of secured party after receiving demand from debtor. Within 10 days after
receiving an authenticated demand by the debtor: (1) a secured party having control of a deposit
account under Section 7-9A-104(a)(2) shall send to the bank with which the deposit account
is maintained an authenticated statement that releases the bank from any further obligation
to comply with instructions originated by the secured party; (2) a secured party having control
of a deposit account under Section 7-9A-104(a)(3) shall: (A) pay the debtor the balance on
deposit in the deposit account; or (B) transfer the balance on deposit into a deposit account
in the debtor's name; (3) a secured party, other than a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

7-9A-102(a)(28), in respect of property in which the secured party has a security interest,
as defined in Section 7-1-201(37). (10) PROPELLED VEHICLE. Any propelled device in, upon,
or by which any person or property is transported on land, water, or in the air, and such
term includes motor vehicles, motorcycles, motorboats, aircraft, and any vessel propelled
by machinery, whether or not that machinery is the principal source of propulsion. (11) PROPERTY.
Any money, tangible or intangible personal property, property (whether real or personal)
the location of which can be changed (including things growing on, affixed to, or found in
land and documents, although the rights represented hereby have no physical location), contract
right, chose-in-action, interest in a claim to wealth, credit, or any other article or thing
of value of any kind. Commodities of a public utility nature, such as gas, electricity, steam,
and water, constitute property, but the supplying of such a commodity to... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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