Code of Alabama

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Section 7-9A-611 Notification before disposition of collateral. (a) "Notification date."
In this section, "notification date" means the earlier of the date on which: (1)
a secured party sends to the debtor and any secondary obligor an authenticated notification
of disposition; or (2) the debtor and any secondary obligor waive the right to notification.
(b) Notification of disposition required. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (d),
a secured party that disposes of collateral under Section 7-9A-610 shall send to the persons
specified in subsection (c) a reasonable authenticated notification of disposition. (c) Persons
to be notified. To comply with subsection (b), the secured party shall send an authenticated
notification of disposition to: (1) the debtor; (2) any secondary obligor; and (3) if the
collateral is other than consumer goods: (A) any other person from which the secured party
has received, before the notification date, an authenticated notification of a claim of an... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-15-33 Lien of owner, etc., of self-service storage facility upon personal property
located at facility. Where a rental agreement, as defined in subdivision (7) of Section 8-15-31,
is entered into between the owner and the occupant, the owner of a self-service storage facility
and his heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns shall have a lien upon all
personal property located at a self-service storage facility for rent, labor, or other charges,
present or future, in relation to the personal property and for expenses necessary for its
preservation or expenses reasonably incurred in its sale or other disposition pursuant to
this article. The lien attaches as of the date the personal property is brought to the self-service
storage facility and continues so long as the owner retains possession and until the default
is corrected, or a sale is conducted, or the property is otherwise disposed of to satisfy
the lien. The lien provided for in this section is superior... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-6-91 Definitions. In this article, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section: (1) BANK. A bank, trust company,
national banking association, savings bank, or industrial bank. (2) BROKER. A person, including
a bank, lawfully engaged in the business of effecting transactions in securities for the account
of others and includes a broker lawfully engaged in buying and selling securities for his
own account. (3) ISSUER. A person who places, or authorizes the placing of, his name on a
security other than as a transfer agent to evidence that it represents a share, participation,
or other interest in his property or in an enterprise or to evidence his duty to perform an
obligation evidenced by the security or who becomes responsible for or in place of any such
person. (4) PERSON. Such term includes a corporation, government or governmental subdivision
or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-319 Rights and title of consignee with respect to creditors and purchasers. (a)
Consignee has consignor's rights. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), for purposes
of determining the rights of creditors of, and purchasers for value of goods from, a consignee,
while the goods are in the possession of the consignee, the consignee is deemed to have rights
and title to the goods identical to those the consignor had or had power to transfer. (b)
Applicability of other law. For purposes of determining the rights of a creditor of a consignee,
law other than this article determines the rights and title of a consignee while goods are
in the consignee's possession if, under this part, a perfected security interest held by the
consignor would have priority over the rights of the creditor. (Act 2001-481, p. 647, ยง1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 32-8-39 Contents and effect of certificate. (a) Each certificate of title issued by
the department shall contain: (1) The date issued; (2) The current legal name and current
address of the owner; (3) The names and addresses of any lienholders in the order of priority
as shown on the application, or if the application is based on a certificate of title, as
shown on the certificate; (4) The title number; (5) A description of the vehicle including
the following data: year, make, model, vehicle identification number, type of body, number
of cylinders, whether new or used and if a new vehicle the date of the first sale of the vehicle
for use; and (6) Any other data the department prescribes. (b) Unless security is furnished
as provided in Section 32-8-36, a distinctive certificate of title shall be issued for a vehicle
last previously registered in another state or country, the laws of which do not require that
lienholders be named on a certificate of title to perfect their security... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-10A-2 Transfer of property, assets, etc. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision
of law including, but not limited to, Section 7-9-506 and Section 7-9A-623, to the extent
set forth in the transaction documents relating to a securitization transaction: (1) Any property,
assets, or rights purported to be transferred, in whole or in part, in the securitization
transaction shall be deemed to no longer be the property, assets, or rights of the transferor;
(2) A transferor in the securitization transaction, its creditors or, in any insolvency proceeding
with respect to the transferor or the transferor's property, a bankruptcy trustee, receiver,
debtor, debtor in possession, or similar person, to the extent the issue is governed by Alabama
law, shall have no rights, legal or equitable, whatsoever to reacquire, reclaim, recover,
repudiate, disaffirm, redeem, or recharacterize as property of the transferor any property,
assets, or rights purported to be transferred, in whole or in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-11-4 Requirements when judgment structured; termination. Where a judgment is structured
pursuant to Section 6-11-3 above, the following shall apply: (1) Should the judgment creditor
die before the final installment is paid, the remaining payments shall be made to the estate
of the decedent, or as otherwise directed by the court having jurisdiction over the estate.
(2) Where an installment payment is more than 15 days late, there shall be added to the amount
due for that installment interest from the date payment was due at the rate of 20 percent
per annum, compounded daily, and attorney's fee if necessary to collect the amount due. (3)
Upon motion of the judgment creditor, or his estate in the event of this death, the structure
may be terminated and all unpaid installments declared immediately due if the court finds
that the judgment debtor has exhibited a continuing pattern of failing to pay installments
when due or that there is a reasonable likelihood that future payments... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-260 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and terms, and
the plurals thereof, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless otherwise
required by their respective context: (1) ACQUISITION. Obtaining the legal equitable title
to a freehold or leasehold estate or otherwise obtaining the substantial benefit of such titles
or estates, whether by purchase, lease, loan or suffrage, gift, devise, legacy, settlement
of a trust or means whatever, and shall include any act of acquisition. The term "acquisition"
shall not mean or include any conveyance, or creation of any lien or security interest by
mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement, or similar financing instrument, nor shall it
mean or include any transfer of title or rights as a result of the foreclosure, or conveyance
or transfer in lieu of the foreclosure, of any such mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement,
or similar financing instrument, nor shall it mean or include any... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-120 When and by whom land may be redeemed. (a) Real estate which hereafter may
be sold for taxes and purchased by the state may be redeemed at any time before the title
passes out of the state or, if purchased by any other purchaser, may be redeemed at any time
within three years from the date of the sale by the owner, his or her heirs, or personal representatives,
or by any mortgagee or purchaser of such lands, or any part thereof, or by any person having
an interest therein, or in any part thereof, legal or equitable, in severalty or as tenant
in common, including a judgment creditor or other creditor having a lien thereon, or on any
part thereof; and an infant or insane person entitled to redeem at any time before the expiration
of three years from the sale may redeem at any time within one year after the removal of the
disability; and such redemption may be of any part of the lands so sold, which includes the
whole of the interest of the redemptioner. If the mortgage... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-13-6 Use of Social Security numbers on documents available for public inspection.
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a state department, licensing or regulatory
board, agency, or commission is prohibited from placing or otherwise revealing the Social
Security number of a person, including, but not limited to, full- or part-time employees thereof,
on any document that is available for public inspection including, but not limited to, state
personnel evaluation forms and any other forms related thereto unless otherwise required by
law, without the express consent of the person with the number, or the consent of that person's
parent, custodian, legal guardian, or legal representative. The foregoing prohibition shall
not apply when a federal or state agency makes a request for or releases a Social Security
number for a legitimate government purpose, or pursuant to a federal or state statute, regulation,
or federally funded program or pursuant to an administrative or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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