Code of Alabama

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Section 13A-10-132 Crimes in connection with sham legal process, etc. (a) For the purposes
of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) LAW ENFORCEMENT
OFFICER. The same as defined in Section 13A-10-1. (2) LAWFULLY ISSUED. Adopted, issued, or
rendered in accordance with the applicable statutes, rules, regulations, and ordinances of
the United States, a state, an agency, or a political subdivision of a state. (3) SHAM LEGAL
PROCESS. The issuance, display, delivery, distribution, reliance on as lawful authority, or
other use of an instrument that is not lawfully issued, whether or not the instrument is produced
for inspection or actually exists, which purports to be any one of the following: a. A summons,
subpoena, judgment, lien, arrest warrant, search warrant, or other order of a court of this
state, a peace officer, or a legislative, executive, or administrative agency established
by state law. b. An assertion of jurisdiction or authority over or... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-16-54 Contest of election of judge of circuit or district court - Procedure generally.
If the contest is of an election to the office of judge of the circuit court or of the district
court, the party contesting must file in the office of the judge of probate of the county
of the residence of the person declared elected, a statement in writing of the grounds of
contest, verified by affidavit, as prescribed in this article, and must give good and sufficient
security for the costs of the contest, to be approved by the judge of probate. On the filing
of the statement and the giving of the security, the judge of probate must endorse thereon
an order appointing a day for the trial of the contest, not less than 30 nor more than 50
days from the day of the reception of the certified statement and fixing the place of trial,
which must be at some place in the circuit or district in which the election was held, and
where a circuit or district court is required to be held, and must... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-12-79 Custody by state; recovery by holder; defense of holder. (a) In this article,
good faith means honesty in fact in the conduct or transaction concerned. (b) Upon payment
or delivery of property to the Treasurer, the state assumes custody and responsibility for
the safekeeping of the property. A holder who pays or delivers property to the Treasurer in
good faith is relieved of all liability arising thereafter with respect to the property. The
payment or delivery of property to the Treasurer shall operate as a full, absolute and unconditional
release and discharge of the holder from any and all claims or demands of or liability to
any person entitled thereto, or to any other claimant or state, and the payment or delivery
may be pleaded as an absolute bar to any action brought against the holder by any other person
entitled thereto, or by any other claimant or state. Once properly pleaded, the holder shall
immediately and thereafter be relieved of and held harmless from... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-5-102 Definitions. (a) In this article: (1) "Adviser" means a person who,
at the request of the issuer, a confirmer, or another adviser, notifies, or requests another
adviser to notify, the beneficiary that a letter of credit has been issued, confirmed, or
amended. (2) "Applicant" means a person at whose request or for whose account a
letter of credit is issued. The term includes a person who requests an issuer to issue a letter
of credit on behalf of another if the person making the request undertakes an obligation to
reimburse the issuer. (3) "Beneficiary" means a person who under the terms of a
letter of credit is entitled to have its complying presentation honored. The term includes
a person to whom drawing rights have been transferred under a transferable letter of credit.
(4) "Confirmer" means a nominated person who undertakes, at the request or with
the consent of the issuer, to honor a presentation under a letter of credit issued by another.
(5) "Dishonor" of a letter... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-12A-2 Assertion of patent infringement in bad faith. (a) A person may not assert
a claim of patent infringement in bad faith. (b) The Attorney General may investigate claims
of patent infringement alleged to have been made in bad faith and may do both of the following:
(1) Issue subpoenas to any person to appear and produce relevant papers, documents, and physical
evidence, and administer an oath or affirmation to any person, in aid of any investigation
or inquiry into possible violations of this chapter. Subpoenas shall be served in accordance
with the appropriate Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. Upon failure of a person without lawful
excuse to obey a subpoena, the Attorney General may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction
for an order compelling compliance. After an action is commenced, discovery may proceed in
accordance with the Alabama Rules of Civil Procedure. (2) Initiate a civil action in the name
of the state, as necessary, to seek injunctive and any other... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-13-7 Identifying information of state employees on records available for public
inspection. (a) As used in this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) EMPLOYEE. Any person who is regularly employed by the state and who is subject to the
provisions of the state Merit System or any person who is regularly employed by a criminal
justice agency or entity or by a law enforcement agency within the state or any honorably
retired employee thereof, to include, but not be limited to, the following: A judge of any
position, including a judge of a municipal court; a district attorney; a deputy district attorney;
an assistant district attorney; an investigator employed by a district attorney; an attorney,
investigator, or special agent of the Office of the Attorney General; a sheriff; a deputy
sheriff; a jailor; or a law enforcement officer of a county, municipality, the state, or special
district, provided the law enforcement officer is certified by the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2A-1 (Article 1.) Definitions. For the purposes of this code, unless the context
otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: (1) ACCUSER. A person
who signs and swears to charges, any person who directs that charges nominally be signed and
sworn to by another, and any other person who has an interest other than an official interest
in the prosecution of the accused. (2) CADET, CANDIDATE, or MIDSHIPMAN. A person who is enrolled
in or attending a state military academy, a regional training institute, or any other formal
education program for the purpose of becoming a commissioned officer in the state military
forces. (3) CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. Information that meets all of the following requirements:
a. Any information or material that has been determined by an official of the United States
or any state pursuant to law, an Executive order, or regulation to require protection against
unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national or state security. b.... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-7-209 Lien of warehouse. (a) A warehouse has a lien against the bailor on the goods
covered by a warehouse receipt or storage agreement or on the proceeds thereof in its possession
for charges for storage or transportation, including demurrage and terminal charges, insurance,
labor, or other charges, present or future, in relation to the goods, and for expenses necessary
for preservation of the goods or reasonably incurred in their sale pursuant to law. If the
person on whose account the goods are held is liable for similar charges or expenses in relation
to other goods whenever deposited and it is stated in the warehouse receipt or storage agreement
that a lien is claimed for charges and expenses in relation to other goods, the warehouse
also has a lien against the goods covered by the warehouse receipt or storage agreement or
on the proceeds thereof in its possession for those charges and expenses, whether or not the
other goods have been delivered by the warehouse.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-3-302 Holder in due course. (a) Subject to subsection (c) and Section 7-3-106(d),
"holder in due course" means the holder of an instrument if: (1) The instrument
when issued or negotiated to the holder does not bear such apparent evidence of forgery or
alteration or is not otherwise so irregular or incomplete as to call into question its authenticity;
and (2) The holder took the instrument (i) for value, (ii) in good faith, (iii) without notice
that the instrument is overdue or has been dishonored or that there is an uncured default
with respect to payment of another instrument issued as part of the same series, (iv) without
notice that the instrument contains an unauthorized signature or has been altered, (v) without
notice of any claim to the instrument described in Section 7-3-306, and (vi) without notice
that any party has a defense or claim in recoupment described in Section 7-3-305(a). (b) Notice
of discharge of a party, other than discharge in an insolvency proceeding,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-9A-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) AFFILIATE. a. A person who directly
or indirectly owns, controls, or holds with power to vote, 20 percent or more of the outstanding
voting securities of the debtor, other than a person who holds the securities, 1. As a fiduciary
or agent without sole discretionary power to vote the securities; or 2. Solely to secure a
debt, if the person has not exercised the power to vote; b. A corporation 20 percent or more
of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or indirectly owned, controlled, or held
with power to vote, by the debtor or a person who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or
holds, with power to vote, 20 percent or more of the outstanding voting securities of the
debtor, other than a person who holds the securities, 1. As a fiduciary or agent without sole
power to vote the securities; or 2. Solely to secure a debt, if the person has not in fact
exercised the power to vote; c. A person whose business is operated... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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