Code of Alabama

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Section 7-4-406 Customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature or alteration.
(a) A bank that sends or makes available to a customer a statement of account showing payment
of items for the account shall either return or make available to the customer the items paid
or provide information in the statement of account sufficient to allow the customer reasonably
to identify the items paid. The statement of account provides sufficient information if the
item is described by item number, amount, and date of payment. (b) If the items are not returned
to the customer, the person retaining the items shall either retain the items or, if the items
are destroyed, maintain the capacity to furnish legible copies of the items until the expiration
of seven years after receipt of the items. A customer may request an item from the bank that
paid the item, and that bank must provide in a reasonable time either the item or, if the
item has been destroyed or is not otherwise obtainable, a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4-104 Definitions and index of definitions. (a) In this article, unless the context
otherwise requires: (1) "Account" means any deposit or credit account with a bank,
including a demand, time, savings, passbook, share draft, or like account, other than an account
evidenced by a certificate of deposit; (2) "Afternoon" means the period of a day
between noon and midnight; (3) "Banking day" means the part of a day on which a
bank is open to the public for carrying on substantially all of its banking functions; (4)
"Clearing house" means an association of banks or other payors regularly clearing
items; (5) "Customer" means a person having an account with a bank or for whom a
bank has agreed to collect items, including a bank that maintains an account at another bank;
(6) "Documentary draft" means a draft to be presented for acceptance or payment
if specified documents, certificated securities (Section 7-8-102) or instructions for uncertificated
securities (Section 7-8-308), or... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4-403 Customer's right to stop payment; burden of proof of loss. (a) A customer or
any person authorized to draw on the account if there is more than one person may stop payment
of any item drawn on the customer's account or close the account by an order to the bank describing
the item or account with reasonable certainty received at a time and in a manner that affords
the bank a reasonable opportunity to act on it before any action by the bank with respect
to the item described in Section 7-4-303. If the signature of more than one person is required
to draw on an account, any of these persons may stop payment or close the account. (b) A stop-payment
order is effective for six months, but it lapses after 14 calendar days if the original order
was oral and was not confirmed in writing within that period. A stop-payment order may be
renewed for additional six-month periods by a writing given to the bank within a period during
which the stop-payment order is effective. (c) The... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4A-202 Authorized and verified payment orders. (a) A payment order received by the
receiving bank is the authorized order of the person identified as sender if that person authorized
the order or is otherwise bound by it under the law of agency. (b) If a bank and its customer
have agreed that the authenticity of payment orders issued to the bank in the name of the
customer as sender will be verified pursuant to a security procedure, a payment order received
by the receiving bank is effective as the order of the customer, whether or not authorized,
if (i) the security procedure is a commercially reasonable method of providing security against
unauthorized payment orders, and (ii) the bank proves that it accepted the payment order in
good faith and in compliance with the security procedure and any written agreement or instruction
of the customer restricting acceptance of payment orders issued in the name of the customer.
The bank is not required to follow an instruction that... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4A-204 Refund of payment and duty of customer to report with respect to unauthorized
payment order. (a) If a receiving bank accepts a payment order issued in the name of its customer
as sender which is (i) not authorized and not effective as the order of the customer under
Section 7-4A-202, or (ii) not enforceable, in whole or in part, against the customer under
Section 7-4A-203, the bank shall refund any payment of the payment order received from the
customer to the extent the bank is not entitled to enforce payment and shall pay interest
on the refundable amount calculated from the date the bank received payment to the date of
the refund. However, the customer is not entitled to interest from the bank on the amount
to be refunded if the customer fails to exercise ordinary care to determine that the order
was not authorized by the customer and to notify the bank of the relevant facts within a reasonable
time not exceeding 90 days after the date the customer received... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4-303 When items subject to notice, stop-payment order, legal process, or setoff;
order in which items may be charged or certified. (a) Any knowledge, notice, or stop-payment
order received by, legal process served upon, or setoff exercised by a payor bank comes too
late to terminate, suspend, or modify the bank's right or duty to pay an item or to charge
its customer's account for the item if the knowledge, notice, stop-payment order, or legal
process is received or served and a reasonable time for the bank to act thereon expires or
the setoff is exercised after the earliest of the following: (1) The bank accepts or certifies
the item; (2) The bank pays the item in cash; (3) The bank settles for the item without having
a right to revoke the settlement under statute, clearing-house rule, or agreement; (4) The
bank becomes accountable for the amount of the item under Section 7-4-302 dealing with the
payor bank's responsibility for late return of items; or (5) With respect to... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-4-208 Presentment warranties. (a) If an unaccepted draft is presented to the drawee
for payment or acceptance and the drawee pays or accepts the draft, (i) the person obtaining
payment or acceptance, at the time of presentment, and (ii) a previous transferor of the draft,
at the time of transfer, warrant to the drawee that pays or accepts the draft in good faith
that: (1) The warrantor is, or was, at the time the warrantor transferred the draft, a person
entitled to enforce the draft or authorized to obtain payment or acceptance of the draft on
behalf of a person entitled to enforce the draft; (2) The draft has not been altered; and
(3) The warrantor has no knowledge that the signature of the purported drawer of the draft
is unauthorized. (b) A drawee making payment may recover from a warrantor damages for breach
of warranty equal to the amount paid by the drawee less the amount the drawee received or
is entitled to receive from the drawer because of the payment. In addition,... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43C-66 Head of division of finance - Powers and duties. The head of the division
of finance shall have general management and control of the division and of finance. He shall
have charge, subject to the direction and control of the mayor, of the administration of the
financial affairs of the city, and to that end shall have authority and be required to: (1)
Cooperate with the mayor in compiling estimates for the general fund, public utility, and
capital budgets; (2) Supervise and control all encumbrances, expenditures, and disbursements
to insure that budget appropriations are not exceeded; (3) Prescribe and install systems of
accounts for all departments, offices, and agencies of the city and provide instructions for
their use; and prescribe the form of receipts, vouchers, bills, or claims to be used and of
accounts to be kept by all departments, offices, and agencies of the city; (4) Require daily,
or at such other intervals but no longer than weekly, a report of receipts... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

improperly charted, coded, or billed for any medical or health care service, common practices,
including but not limited to, repayment, even years later, may use as a defense to, or ground
for dismissal of, a prosecution under this section. (i) The introduction into evidence of
a paid state warrant to the order of the defendant is prima facie evidence that the defendant
did receive public assistance from the state. (j) The introduction into evidence of a transaction
history generated by a personal identification number (PIN) establishing a purchase
or withdrawal by electronic benefit transfer is prima facie evidence that the identified recipient
received public assistance from the state. (k)(1) If an original record is admissible in any
case or proceeding in a court in the state, a certified copy of the record in the custody
of any federal or state agency relating to an investigation of public assistance fraud under
this section shall be admissible when certified and affirmed by the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

or its agent. c. Property not subject to paragraphs a. or b. within two years of the distribution
shall remain reportable under other sections of this article. (12) Property received by a
court as proceeds of a class action, and not distributed pursuant to the judgment, one year
after the distribution date. (13) Property held by a court, government, governmental subdivision,
agency, or instrumentality, one year after the property becomes distributable. (14) Wages
or other compensation for personal services, one year after the compensation becomes
payable. (15) Deposit or refund owed to a subscriber by a utility, one year after the deposit
or refund becomes payable. (16) Any check, warrant, debit card, or other payment instrument
drawn on or issued by the State of Alabama, outstanding and unpaid within the time frame allowed
under Section 41-4-60. (17) Gift certificate, other than those exempt under Section 35-12-73,
three years after June 30 of the year in which the certificate was... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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