Code of Alabama

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Section 35-4-33 Judgment for specific performance. A judgment for specific performance shall
operate as a deed to convey land or other property without any conveyance being executed by
the vendor. Such judgment, certified by the clerk or register, shall be recorded in the registry
of deeds in the county where the land lies, and shall stand in the place of a deed. In any
action in which the court orders the specific performance of a contract for the sale of real
estate, when it appears from the evidence that the party in whose favor the judgment is made
is entitled to the possession of the real estate as against the other party and that such
other party is in person or by tenants in possession of such real estate, the court may, in
such judgment of specific performance, order the issuance of a writ of possession as in ejectment
cases. (Code 1907, §3366; Code 1923, §6850; Code 1940, T. 47, §35.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9F-4 Issuance of elder abuse protection orders. (a) The following courts shall have
jurisdiction to issue elder abuse protection orders under this chapter: (1) Circuit courts.
(2) A special circuit court judge appointed pursuant to Section 12-1-14 or 12-1-14.1. (3)
A district court judge designated by a written standing order from the presiding circuit court
judge. (b) An elder abuse protection order may be requested in any pending civil or domestic
relations action, as an independent civil action, or in connection with the preliminary, final,
or post-judgment relief in a civil action. (c) A petition for an elder abuse protection order
may be filed in any of the following locations: (1) Where the plaintiff or defendant resides.
(2) Where the plaintiff is temporarily located if he or she has left his or her residence
to avoid further abuse. (3) Where the abuse occurred. (d) There is no minimum period of residence
for the plaintiff in the State of Alabama or in the county in... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-83.41 Creation; procedures; collection and distribution of funds; enforcement.
The District Attorney for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of Alabama may establish a Recovery
Unit of the Special Services Division. The district attorney, after electing to establish
the unit, shall assign sufficient staff and resources to effectively operate the unit. The
recovery unit shall be created for the purpose of the administration, collection, and enforcement
of court costs, fines, fines for failure to appear in court, victim compensation assessments,
bail bond forfeitures, restitution, or other payments which are ordered in any criminal proceeding,
quasi-criminal, or any other court proceeding by any court including, but not limited to,
municipal courts, district courts, and circuit courts payable to the state, the county, to
any municipality, or town within the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, to any crime victim on any
court order or judgment entered which has not been otherwise... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-13B-115 Seizure of foreign bank's property and business; liquidation. (a) If the
superintendent finds that any of the factors set forth in Section 5-13B-113 are true with
respect to any foreign bank which is licensed to establish and maintain an Alabama state branch
or Alabama state agency and that it is necessary for the protection of the interests of the
creditors of such foreign bank's business in this state or for the protection of the public
interest that he or she take immediate possession of the property and business of the foreign
bank, the superintendent may by order forthwith take possession of the property and business
of the foreign bank in this state and retain possession until the foreign bank resumes business
in this state or is finally liquidated. The foreign bank may, with the consent of the superintendent,
resume business in this state upon such conditions as the superintendent may prescribe by
regulation or order. (b) At any time within 10 days after the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4-286 Institution of proceedings for condemnation of vehicles, etc.; seized property
not to be retaken by replevin or detinue during pendency of action; intervention by parties
claiming superior right to seized property; powers of court to regulate proceedings to permit
parties claiming vehicles, etc., to assert rights. It shall be the duty of such officer in
the county or the Attorney General of the state to institute at once or cause to be instituted
condemnation proceedings in the circuit court by filing a complaint in the name of the state
against the property seized, describing the same, or against the person or persons in possession
of said vehicles of transportation, if known, to obtain a judgment enforcing the forfeiture.
No replevin or detinue writ may be employed to retake possession of such seized property pending
the forfeiture action, but any party claiming a superior right may intervene by motion in
said action and have his claim adjudicated. The judge... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-233.01 Fees for services. (a) The Sheriff of Mobile County shall be entitled
to receive the following fees for the services as listed below in civil and criminal cases:
SERVICE FEE (1) Levying attachment. $25 (2) Summoning garnishee and making return. $10 (3)
Garnishment notice to defendant. $10 (4) Serving summons and other mesne process, except subpoenas
for witnesses, and returning same. $10 (5) Summoning each witness and returning subpoenas.
$ 5 (6) Executing a writ of possession. $25 (7) Making a deed to real estate sold. $25 (8)
Serving summons and making returns in cases of forcible entry and detainer. $25 (9) Executing
writs of restitution in such cases. $25 (10) Collecting execution for cost only. $25 (11)
Serving subpoenas on bill in chancery proceedings and returning the same, for each defendant.
$25 (12) Serving any court summons not herein provided for and making return. $10 (13) Serving
attachment for contempt of court or rule to show cause. $10 (14) Taking... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-81 Additional costs and fees; disposition of funds; Judicial Administration Fund.
(a) In Chambers County, in addition to all other fees, there shall be taxed as costs the sum
of twenty dollars ($20) in each criminal case, quasi-criminal case, proceedings on a forfeited
bail bond or proceedings on a forfeited bond given in connection with an appeal from a judgment
or conviction in any inferior or municipal court of the county, in the Circuit Court of Chambers
County, or the District Court of Chambers County, hereinafter filed in or arising in the Circuit
Court of Chambers County, or the District Court of Chambers County, or brought by appeal,
certiorari, or otherwise to the Circuit Court of Chambers County, or the District Court of
Chambers County, which costs shall be collected as other costs in such cases are collected
by the clerk, or ex officio clerk, of the courts or the register of the Circuit Court of Chambers
County as the case may be. Such fees, when collected by... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-294 Retention of possession for one year by defendant if crop planted or growing
upon filing bond; force and effect of bond. (a) If the defendant has a crop planted or growing
on the premises and the court or jury finds for the plaintiff, they must also ascertain the
rental value of the premises during the current year, and no writ of possession can be issued
until the expiration of the year if the defendant executes a bond in double the amount of
such rent payable to the plaintiff, with surety approved by the clerk, conditioned to pay
the rent so assessed at the expiration of the year. (b) The bond must be filed in the office
of the clerk and, if the rent is not paid at the expiration of the year, has the force and
effect of a judgment; and thereon, execution for the amount of the rent must issue against
all the obligors or such of them as may be living. (Code 1852, §§2199, 2200; Code 1867,
§§2600, 2601; Code 1876, §§2949, 2950; Code 1886, §§2712, 2713; Code 1896,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-108 Directive order of discontinuance; appeal; injunction; hearings by board;
imposition of penalties. (a) Due to the inherent nature of liquefied petroleum gas which could
cause a danger to the public or to a liquefied petroleum gas user, the board or the board
administrator shall have the administrative authority to issue a written directive order requiring
any person who violates any of the provisions of this article as amended from time to time
or any rule or regulation promulgated by the board to discontinue the operation of any LP-gas
business or LP-gas system immediately and prohibit such person from commencing operations
until said violations have been corrected. When a written directive is issued by the board
or the board administrator, it shall be immediately complied with by the recipient. When a
directive order has been issued against a person, the recipient may, within five days, appeal
to the circuit court of the county in which the said violations occurred.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-18-200 Motion by persons convicted of capital offense for forensic DNA testing and
analysis. (a) An individual convicted of a capital offense who is serving a term of imprisonment
or awaiting execution of a sentence of death, through written motion to the circuit court
that entered the judgment of sentence, may apply for the performance of forensic deoxyribonucleic
acid testing on specific evidence, if that evidence was secured in relation to the investigation
or prosecution that resulted in the conviction of the applicant, is still available for testing
as of the date of the motion, forensic DNA testing was not performed on the case at the time
of the initial trial, and the results of the forensic DNA testing, on its face, would demonstrate
the convicted individual's factual innocence of the offense convicted. The filing of a motion
as provided in this subsection shall not automatically stay an execution. (b) Upon receipt
of a motion for DNA testing, the circuit court shall... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

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