Code of Alabama

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Section 26-9-4 Limitations as to appointment of guardians. Except as provided in this chapter,
it shall be unlawful for any person to accept appointment as guardian of any ward if such
proposed guardian shall at that time be acting as guardian for five wards. In any case, upon
presentation of a petition by an attorney of the administration under this section alleging
that a guardian is acting in a fiduciary capacity for more than five wards and requesting
his or her discharge for that reason, the court, upon proof substantiating the petition, shall
require a final accounting forthwith from such guardian and shall discharge such guardian
in the case. The limitations of this section shall not apply where the guardian is a bank
or trust company acting for the wards' estates only. An individual may be guardian of more
than five wards if they are all members of the same family. (Acts 1931, No. 240, p. 280; Code
1940, T. 21, ยง162.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-15-2 Amount of tax. Subject to the exception hereinafter stated, there is hereby
levied and imposed upon all net estates passing by will, devise or under the intestate laws
of the State of Alabama, or otherwise, which are lawfully subject to the imposition of an
estate tax by the State of Alabama, a tax equal to the full amount of state tax permissible
when levied by and paid to the State of Alabama as a credit or deduction in computing any
federal estate tax payable by such estate according to the act of Congress in effect, on the
date of the death of the decedent, taxing such estate with respect to the items subject to
taxation in Alabama. The tax hereby imposed shall not exceed in the aggregate amounts which
may by any law of the United States be allowed to be credited against or deducted from such
federal estate tax. The estate tax hereby levied shall be levied only so long as and during
the time an inheritance or estate tax is enforced by the United States against... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-36-80.05 Jackson County Preservation of Justice Act. SECTION 4 OF ACT 2019-215 WAS
THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) This section shall be known and cited as the Jackson County
Preservation of Justice Act. (b) The Legislature hereby finds and declares the following:
(1) The financial restraints existing in the State General Fund budget have resulted in a
shortfall to the Unified Judicial System that has caused the layoff of many judicial employees.
In Jackson County, three employees in the circuit clerk's office who were scheduled for layoff
have been temporarily retained with alternate funding other than funds appropriated to the
Unified Judicial System; however, this alternate funding cannot be relied upon in the future.
Revenue from this section will restore funding for some judicial employees in the circuit.
(2) This section addresses this problem by increasing court costs. (c) In... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2A-60 (Article 60.) Action by the convening authority. (a) The findings and sentence
of a court-martial shall be reported promptly to the convening authority after the announcement
of the sentence. (b)(1) The accused may submit to the convening authority matters for consideration
by the convening authority with respect to the findings and the sentence. Any submission shall
be in writing. Except in a summary court-martial case, a submission shall be made within 10
days after the accused has been given an authenticated record of trial and, if applicable,
the recommendation of a judge advocate under subsection (d). In a summary court-martial case,
such a submission shall be made within seven days after the sentence is announced. (2) If
the accused shows that additional time is required for the accused to submit such matters,
the convening authority or other person taking action under this article, for good cause,
may extend the applicable period under subdivision (1) for up to... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-38 Allocation formulae. (a) The state ceiling for calendar year 1989 and thereafter
is hereby allocated in its entirety to the state, and no other governmental unit, issuer,
or other entity of any type shall have or utilize any portion of the state ceiling for such
year except in accordance with this division. The state ceiling for calendar year 1989 and
thereafter shall be redistributed by the authority to issuers of affected bonds in the chronological
order of receipt of completed applications, subject to the limitations, reservations and further
provisions of this subsection. (1) There is hereby reserved for Alabama Housing Finance Authority
25 percent of the state ceiling for each calendar year, to be used for the issuance of exempt
facility bonds for qualified residential rental projects and for the issuance of qualified
mortgage bonds, in such relative principal amounts as shall be determined by the Board of
Directors of Alabama Housing Finance Authority. The... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-69 Powers of board. The board shall be a body corporate and shall have the power
to do all of the following: (1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants
for a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state. (2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend,
and revoke licenses, issue private reprimands and private informed admonitions to practitioners
who practice veterinary medicine in this state, or otherwise discipline or censure veterinary
professionals, irrespective of their licensure status, whether active, inactive, expired,
lapsed, surrendered, or disciplined, relative to acts, omissions, complaints, and investigations
which occurred during the licensure period consistent with this article. (3) Conduct investigations
for the purpose of discovering violations of this article or grounds for disciplining licensed
veterinary professionals or other non-licensed individuals pursuant to the administrative
code of the board and appoint individuals and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-22-13.8 Fiscal year 2018-2019 adjustments. (a) PAY INCREASES, FY 2018-2019. The
State Budget Officer shall allocate to the State Board of Education, the Board of Trustees
of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, the Board of Youth Services School District,
the Board of Directors of the Alabama School of Fine Arts, and the Board of Trustees of the
Alabama School of Mathematics and Science and for disbursement to the employees thereof funds
based on the criteria established in this section. It is not the intent of this section to
make appropriations, but the appropriations required by this section shall be made in the
annual Education Trust Fund budget act for the designated fiscal year. (1) Certificated Personnel
(K-12). For the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2018, and each year thereafter, each certificated
employee at all city and county school systems and the teachers at the Department of Youth
Services School District shall receive a two and one-half percent salary... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-10-26 Title revested upon payment of debt. The payment or satisfaction of the real
property mortgage debt divests the title passing by the mortgage. "Payment or satisfaction
of the real property mortgage debt" shall not occur until there is no outstanding indebtedness
or other obligation secured by the mortgage, and no commitment or agreement by the mortgagee
to make advances, incur obligations or otherwise give value (collectively referred to as "extend
value"), under any agreement, including, without limitation, agreements providing for
future advances, open end, revolving or other lines of credit, or letters of credit. Except
as otherwise specifically provided to the contrary in the Alabama Residential Mortgage Satisfaction
Act, upon the written request to satisfy a mortgage signed by the mortgagors and by all other
persons who have a right to require the mortgagee to extend value or signed by other authorized
representatives on behalf of the mortgagors and such other... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-19-17 Inducing obligation on more than one contract in order to obtain higher finance
charge prohibited; consolidation of existing precomputed consumer credit transaction contract
and subsequent precomputed consumer credit transaction. (a) No creditor shall induce or permit
any person or any husband and wife, jointly or severally, to become obligated directly or
contingently, or both, on more than one consumer credit transaction at the same time for the
purpose of obtaining a higher finance charge than would otherwise be permitted by Section
5-19-3. This subsection shall not apply to the maintenance of two or more separate consumer
credit transactions where the consumer credit transactions were created on different dates.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any seller to evade or attempt to evade this section by inducing
a buyer to become obligated to another creditor in which the initial creditor has a pecuniary
interest or with whom the initial creditor has an arrangement for... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-105 Permits; LP-Gas Recovery Fund; proof of insurance; surety bond; Liquefied
Petroleum Gas Board Personal Bond Fund; change of name. (a) The board may issue permits to
any person, who is a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States,
is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government,
to engage in or continue the business of selling, distributing, storing, or transporting liquefied
petroleum gases and to engage in or continue the business of installing, servicing, repairing,
removing, or adjusting liquefied petroleum gas containers, tanks, or systems or to perform
magnetic, hydrostatic, visual, or X-ray inspections of liquefied petroleum gas storage containers,
cargo tanks, motor fuel containers, and cylinders in the State of Alabama; and to prescribe
the requirements of any person to obtain the permits. The board may revoke any permit issued,
for cause, in the opinion of the board. (b) The permits... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

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