Code of Alabama

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Section 8-12-22 Use, furnishing, trafficking, or possession of containers without consent presumptive
evidence of unlawful use or purchase. The use by any person or corporation, other than the
person or corporation whose name, mark, or device may be, or may have been, upon the same,
without the written consent of, or purchase from, the owner of any bottle, box, siphon, fountain,
or keg, a description of the name, mark, or device whereon shall have been filed and published
as provided in Section 8-12-20, for the sale of soda water, mineral, or aerated water, ginger
ale, milk, cream, beer, ale, or other beverages, any article of merchandise, medicines, compounds,
or preparations, or for the furnishing of such similar beverages to customers or the buying,
selling, using, disposing of, or trafficking in any such bottles, boxes, siphons, fountains,
or kegs by any person or corporation other than the person or corporation owning the name,
mark, or device thereon of such owner, without his... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-9-32 Continuation of lien and attachment to crop of succeeding year. When the tenant
fails to pay any part of such rent or advances, and continues his tenancy under the same landlord,
on the same or other lands, the balance due therefor shall be held and treated as advances
to him by the landlord for the next succeeding year, for which the original lien for advances,
if any remain unpaid, shall continue on the articles advanced, or property purchased with
money advanced, or obtained by barter in exchange for articles advanced, and for which a lien
shall also attach to the crop of such succeeding year. (Code 1876, §3469; Code 1886, §3058;
Code 1896, §2705; Code 1907, §4736; Code 1923, §8801; Code 1940, T. 31, §17.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-10-131 Rents, issues, and profits of redeemed land. Neither the purchaser, nor anyone
claiming under him, who may have lawfully obtained possession of any real estate purchased
at tax sales shall be liable upon the redemption of such real estate to account to the owner
for any rents, issues, or profits during such possession, but as to such rents, issues, and
profits he shall be held and considered the rightful owner of such real estate unless such
owner at the time of the sale was a minor or a person of unsound mind and had no guardian,
or his guardian was not lawfully served with notice of the proceedings had in the court of
probate for the sale of such real estate, in which event such purchaser or other person in
possession shall be liable for rents, issues, and profits, as in other cases; but neither
such purchaser nor anyone claiming under him shall have the right to cut standing timber from
land so purchased at tax sales, nor shall have the right to remove or destroy... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-260 Deprivation of owner of possession. The owner of personalty is entitled to
possession thereof. Any unlawful deprivation of or interference with such possession is a
tort for which an action lies. (Code 1907, §2461; Code 1923, §5667; Code 1940, T. 7, §91.)... - 588 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-4-13 Effect of contracts of nonresident married women as to real or personal property
situated within state. All contracts concerning real or personal property situated in this
state entered into by married women who are not residents of this state at the time of entering
into such contracts have the same force and validity as if such contracts were made by married
women residing within this state. (Code 1896, §2532; Code 1907, §4500; Code 1923, §8275;
Code 1940, T. 34, §77.)... - 813 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-10 Confidentiality, disclosure, and exchange of tax returns and tax information.
THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section,
it shall be unlawful for any person to print, publish, or divulge, without the written permission
or approval of the taxpayer, the return of any taxpayer or any part of the return, or any
information secured in arriving at the amount of tax or value reported, for any purpose other
than the proper administration of any matter administered by the department, a county, or
a municipality, or upon order of any court, or as otherwise allowed in this section. Statistical
information pertaining to taxes may be disclosed at the discretion of the commissioner or
his or her delegate to the legislative or executive branch of the state. Upon request, the
commissioner or his or her delegate may make written disclosure as... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 13A-8-82 Possession, sale, rental, etc., of recorded device in violation of article
prohibited; penalties. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly sell, rent, cause
to be sold or rented, or possess for the purpose of selling or renting any recorded device
that has been produced, manufactured, distributed or acquired in violation of any provision
of this article. (2) Penalties for violations hereof are prescribed in Section 13A-8-86(b).
(Acts 1975, No. 1063, p. 2125, §3; Code 1975, §13-3-152; Acts 1989, No. 89-532, p. 1089,
§1.)... - 882 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4-20 Sale, offer for sale, possession, barter, exchange, etc., of prohibited liquors
and beverages. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation or association within
this state to sell, offer for sale, keep or have in possession, barter, exchange or to give
away, furnish at a public place or elsewhere or otherwise dispose of the prohibited liquors
and beverages described in this chapter or any of them in any quantity, except as provided
in this chapter, or to accept the delivery of or to receive or to have in possession or possess
in this state any of said prohibited liquors and beverages as defined by the laws of the State
of Alabama in any quantity whatsoever. (Acts 1915, No. 1, p. 1; Acts 1919, No. 7, p. 6; Code
1923, §4621; Code 1940, T. 29, §98.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4-50 Manufacture, sale, possession, etc., of still, etc., for manufacture of prohibited
liquors or beverages. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation in this state
to manufacture, sell, give away or have in possession any still, apparatus, appliance or any
device or substitute therefor to be used for the purpose of manufacturing any prohibited liquors
or beverages. (Acts 1919, No. 737, p. 1086; Code 1923, §4656; Code 1940, T. 29, §131.)... - 780 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-332 Process - Form of notice; service and return thereof. (a) Upon complaint being
made, the district judge shall issue a notice to the party against whom the complaint is made
to the following effect: The State of Alabama, ___ County. To ___ You are hereby commanded
to be and appear before me, at _____ on the _____ day of _____, 2__, to answer to, and make
defense against a complaint exhibited to me against you by _____, for a forcible entry and
detainer (or for unlawful detainer, as the case may be). Witness my hand this _____ day of
______, 2__. ___ District Court Judge (b) The notice shall be served on the defendant at least
six days before the return day of the process and may be served on the defendant anywhere
within the state. The return of the service thereof by any sheriff or constable of the state
is sufficient, or proof of the fact may be made before the judge. A copy of the notice shall
be personally served upon the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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