Code of Alabama

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Section 28-4-325 Fees of officers making seizures of prohibited liquors. When an officer arrests
any person in possession of an unlawful quantity or quantities of prohibited liquors or of
such liquors under conditions prohibited by law, then, on the conviction of such party of
a violation of a city ordinance or state law, whether in the municipal court or state court
possessing jurisdiction, the following fee for making the seizure of the liquors shall be
taxed against the defendant and paid to such officer as a part of the cost of the case: (1)
If a seizure is made of not less than one gallon nor more than five gallons of such liquors,
the fee shall be $3.00; (2) If the seizure is of more than five gallons and less than 20 gallons,
the fee shall be $5.00; and (3) If more than 20 gallons is seized, the fee shall be $10.00.
(Acts 1915, No. 491, p. 553; Code 1923, §4654; Code 1940, T. 29, §129.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-40-62 Definitions. As used in this article, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings: (1) INTERESTED PARTY. Includes the following parties: a. The
person who last appears as owner of the real property in the county office of the judge of
probate's property records. b. The current mortgagee of record of the property or assignee
of record of the mortgagee. c. The current holder of a beneficial interest in a deed of trust
recorded against the real property. d. A tax certificate holder. e. A tax sale purchaser that
holds a deed of purchase in accordance with Section 40-10-29. f. Any party having an interest
in the real property, or in any part thereof, legal or equitable, in severalty or as tenant
in common, whose identity and addresses are reasonably ascertainable from the records of the
Class 2 municipality or records maintained in the county office of the judge of probate or
as revealed by a full title search, consisting of 50 years or more. g. An... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-117 Dispersion of mob, etc. - Authority to act to disperse mob, etc. After any
person or persons composing or taking part, or about to take part, in any riot, mob, rout,
assault, or unlawful combination or assembly mentioned in this chapter shall have been duly
commanded to disperse or where the circumstances are such that no such command is required
under the provisions of this chapter, the commander in charge of such military forces, within
the limits provided in his instructions, shall take such steps and make such disposition for
the arrest, dispersion, or quelling of the persons composing or taking part in such mob, riot,
tumult, outbreak, or unlawful combination or assembly mentioned in this chapter as may be
deemed requisite to that end, and, if, in doing so, any person is killed, wounded, or otherwise
injured, or any property injured or destroyed by any officer or member of the National Guard
or other person lawfully aiding them, such members of the National Guard... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4-55 Allowance, etc., of operation, etc., of still, etc., upon premises by another.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit or allow anyone to have,
possess, operate or locate on his premises any apparatus, plant or structure for the distilling
or manufacturing of prohibited liquors or beverages or any of them. When such apparatus, plant
or structure is found upon said premises, the fact shall be prima facie evidence that the
tenant or owner in actual possession of the premises has knowledge of the existence of the
same and of the purpose for which the same were to be used. Upon conviction of permitting
or allowing the same to be upon his premises, such tenant or owner shall be punished by a
fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $500.00 and may also be imprisoned in the county
jail or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not more than six months for the first
conviction, at the discretion of the court. On the second and every subsequent... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-17 Unauthorized wearing of uniform of United States Armed Forces. It shall be
unlawful for any person not an officer, warrant officer, or enlisted man of the United States
Armed Forces to wear the duly prescribed uniform or any distinctive part thereof, of the uniform
of the United States Armed Forces, within the boundaries of the State of Alabama; provided
that the foregoing provisions shall not be construed so as to prevent officers, warrant officers,
or enlisted men of the National Guard or Naval Militia, or such other organizations as the
Secretary of Defense shall designate, from wearing the prescribed uniform, nor to prevent
persons who in time of war have served honorably as officers of the United States Armed Forces,
regular or volunteer, whose most recent service was terminated by an honorable discharge,
muster out or resignation, from wearing, upon occasions of ceremony, the uniform of the highest
grade they held by brevet or other commission in such regular or... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-18 Wearing foreign uniforms - Prohibited; exceptions. (a) It shall be unlawful
for any person to appear in any public place or in the public view attired in any uniform
similar to that worn by the military, semimilitary, naval, police, storm troop, or other official
or semiofficial forces of any foreign state, nation or government, or attired in any distinctive
part or parts of such a uniform, and to assemble with other persons similarly attired in any
camp, drill ground, or other place for the purpose of engaging in military drill or training
or other military purposes. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in any public
place or in the public view attired in the uniform or wearing the distinctive garment of any
association of persons of whatsoever nature or form which engages in, adopts, or imitates
the drill formations, salutes, or other methods or practices or the symbols of any foreign
military, semimilitary, naval, police, storm troop, or similar foreign... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-37 Remedies of obligee of authority generally. An obligee of the authority shall
have the right, in addition to all other rights which may be conferred on such obligee, subject
only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such obligee: (1) By mandamus, or civil
action, both of which may be joined in one action, to compel the authority, and the commissioners,
officers, agents, or employees thereof, to perform each and every term, provision, and covenant
contained in any contract of the authority, and to require the carrying out of any or all
covenants and agreements of the authority and the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the
authority by this article. (2) By civil action to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful
or the violation of any of the rights of such obligee of the authority. (3) By civil action
in any court of competent jurisdiction to cause possession of any housing project, or any
part thereof, to be surrendered to any obligee having the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 24-1-75 Remedies of obligee of authority generally. An obligee of the authority shall
have the right, in addition to all other rights which may be conferred on such obligee, subject
only to any contractual restrictions binding upon such obligee: (1) By mandamus or civil action,
both of which may be joined in one action, to compel the authority, and the housing commissioners,
officers, agents or employees thereof, to perform each and every term, provision and covenant
contained in any contract of the authority, and to require the carrying out of any or all
covenants and agreements of the authority and the fulfillment of all duties imposed upon the
authority by this article. (2) By civil action to enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful,
or the violation of any of the rights of such obligee of the authority. (3) By civil action
in any court of competent jurisdiction to cause possession of any housing project, or any
part thereof, to be surrendered to any obligee having... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-155.1 Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this division shall
have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATION. Any group, whether incorporated or unincorporated, affiliated
with or organized for the benefit of one or more communities or neighborhoods containing an
alleged drug-related nuisance, or any group organized to improve the quality of life in a
residential area containing the alleged drug-related nuisance. (2) CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE ACTS.
The provisions of Sections 20-2-1 et seq., known as the "Alabama Uniform Controlled Substance
Act," and Sections 13A-12-201 et seq., known as "The Drug Predator Control Act of
1987," and Sections 13A-12-210 et seq., known as "The Drug Crimes Amendments Act
of 1987." (3) DRUG-RELATED NUISANCE. a. Any property, in whole or in part, used or intended
to be used to facilitate any violation of the controlled substance acts or any similar... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-4-1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall
have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) BREWER. Every person, firm, association or corporation that manufactures fermented liquors
of any name or description from malt, wholly or in part, or from any substitute therefor.
(2) DISTILLER. Every person, firm, association or corporation that produces distilled spirits
or who brews or makes mash, wort or wash fit for distillation or for the production of spirits
or who, by any process of evaporation, separates alcoholic spirits from any fermented substance
or who, making or keeping mash, wort or wash, has also in possession or use a still. (3) LIQUOR
NUISANCES. a. Any rooms or structures used for the unlawful manufacture, sale, furnishing,
distilling, rectifying, brewing or keeping of liquors or beverages that are prohibited by
the laws of Alabama to be manufactured, sold or otherwise disposed of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

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