Code of Alabama

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shall, for the purpose of subsections (b) through (f) of this section, be deemed to accrue
upon delivery or tender of delivery thereof by the carrier and not after. (f) The term "overcharges"
as used in subsections (b) through (e) of this section shall mean charges for transportation
services in excess of those applicable thereto under the tariffs lawfully on file with the
Public Service Commission. (g) Any action brought under Section 25-5-11(b) must be brought
within two years of such injury or death. (h) All actions for malicious prosecution
must be brought within two years. (i) All actions for seduction must be brought within two
years. (j) All actions qui tam or for a penalty given by statute to the party aggrieved, unless
the statute imposing it prescribes a different limitation, must be brought within two years.
(k) All actions of libel or slander must be brought within two years. (l) All actions for
any injury to the person or rights of another not arising from contract... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

cause to be made the sum of _____ dollars damages adjudged to the said _____, and also the
further sum of _____ dollars, costs of the action; and make return of this writ and the execution
thereof according to law. Witness my hand, this _____ day of _____, 2__. _____ Clerk or Register.
(Form of Writ for Seizure and Delivery of Specific Property) The State of Alabama, ___ County.
To any Sheriff of the State of Alabama: You are hereby commanded to seize and deliver to _____
the following personal property, viz.: (Describe the property recovered), which the
said _____, on the _____ day of _____, 2__, by judgment of our circuit (or district) court,
held for the County of _____, recovered of _____, if the same can be had; if not, you are
hereby commanded that of the goods and chattels, land, and tenements of the said _____, you
cause to be made the sum of _____ dollars, the alternate value of the personal property,
viz.: (Set out the assessed value of each item of personal property).... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 10A-2-11.03 Action on plan. REPEALED IN THE 2019 REGULAR SESSION BY ACT 2019-94 EFFECTIVE
JANUARY 1, 2020. THIS IS NOT IN THE CURRENT CODE SUPPLEMENT. (a) After adopting a plan of
merger or share exchange, the board of directors of each corporation party to the merger,
and the board of directors of the corporation whose shares will be acquired in the share exchange,
shall submit the plan of merger, except as provided in subsection (g), or share exchange for
approval by its shareholders. (b) For a plan of merger or share exchange to be approved: (1)
The board of directors must recommend the plan of merger or share exchange to the shareholders,
unless the board of directors determines that because of conflict of interest or other special
circumstances it should make no recommendation and communicates the basis for its determination
to the shareholders with the plan; and (2) The shareholders entitled to vote must approve
the plan. (c) Subject to the corporation's articles of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-52-31 Adoption, publication, and certification of subdivision regulations; contents
of regulations; bond. (a) Except where the county commission is responsible for the regulation
of subdivision regulations within the territorial jurisdiction of a municipal planning commission
pursuant to Section 11-52-30, the municipal planning commission shall adopt subdivision regulations
governing the subdivision of land within its jurisdiction. The regulations may provide for
the proper arrangement of streets in relation to other existing or planned streets and to
the master plan, for adequate and convenient open spaces for traffic, utilities, access of
fire-fighting apparatus, recreation, light and air and for the avoidance of congestion of
population, including minimum width and area of lots. The regulations may include provisions
as to the extent to which streets and other ways shall be graded and improved and to which
water and sewer and other utility mains, piping, or other... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

- When issued; contents; receipt for cotton in bales; common-law liability not affected. (a)
Every transportation company receiving property for transportation, originating and terminating
in this state, shall issue to the shipper a receipt or bill of lading therefor in which shall
be stated the class or classes of freight shipped and the rate to the point of destination
and aggregate charge made for the transportation and shall be liable to the lawful holder
thereof for any loss, damage or injury to such property negligently caused by it or
by any transportation company to which said property may be delivered, or over whose lines
such property may pass; and no contract, stipulation, receipt, rule or regulation contained
in said receipt or bill of lading, or otherwise, shall exempt such transportation company
from the liability hereby imposed; but nothing in this subsection shall deprive any holder
of such receipt or bill of lading of any remedy or right of action which he has under... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

statement of the goods, property or chattels so lost, destroyed or injured, or not delivered,
setting forth the kind of articles, and the number thereof, and the value and the extent or
amount of damages, and shall, after making, subscribing and swearing to the same before an
officer authorized to administer an oath, deliver the same to the said transportation company,
agent, or officer of said transportation company so receiving said shipment within 60 days
after said loss, destruction, injury, or failure to deliver such goods, property or
chattels. (b) When such verified statement of such loss, destruction, injury, or failure
to deliver shall be delivered to such transportation company, or officer, or agent of such
transportation company, it shall be the duty of such transportation company, if such property,
goods or chattels were lost, destroyed, not delivered or injured by said transportation company,
or the agent or officer of such transportation company, to pay or tender to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-10-34 Contest of exemption claim - Proceedings when inventory discloses personalty
not embraced by claim of exemption. When, on a contest of a claim of exemption to personal
property, an inventory filed by the defendant on the plaintiff's demand discloses other personal
property owned by the defendant and subject to sale under process not embraced in the claim
of exemption, the defendant, at the time of filing the inventory, shall deliver such property
to the officer making the levy, who shall, whether he has returned the process or not, in
case of an execution sell the property as in other cases and apply the proceeds to the satisfaction
of the execution or, in case of an attachment or other mesne process, shall hold the property
to await the final determination of the action. In either event, he shall make due return
of the facts to the court. (Code 1886, §2530; Code 1896, §2056; Code 1907, §4183; Code
1923, §7905; Code 1940, T. 7, §648.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-597 Addition of person rightly entitled to office; entry of judgment on such right;
delivery of books, papers, and property. (a) When the action is commenced against a person
for usurping an office, the name of the person rightly entitled to the office, with a statement
of his right thereto, may be added, and, when added, judgment may be entered upon the right
of the defendant and also upon the right of the party so alleged to be entitled or only upon
the right of the defendant, as justice may require. (b) If judgment is entered upon the right
of the person so alleged to be entitled and the same is in favor of such person, he is entitled,
after taking the oath of office and executing such official bond as may be required, to take
upon himself the execution of the office, and it is his duty, immediately thereafter, to demand
of the defendant all the books, papers, and property in his custody, or within his power,
belonging to the office. On refusal or neglect to deliver over... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-151 Notice and hearings; granting of injunctive relief. Upon the filing and presentation
of a petition as authorized in this division, it shall be the duty of the court to set a day
for the hearing of the action upon not less than 10 nor more than 15 days' notice thereof
to be given the respondents, the notice to be in such form as the court may direct, and at
such hearing, upon reasonable cause, to grant a temporary restraining order or preliminary
injunction restraining the respondents from further operation or conduct of the business,
occupation, trade, or profession, and no bond shall be required of the petitioner as a condition
thereto. The court shall not grant a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction
unless it has reasonable cause to believe that the respondent owes a debt to the petitioner
for a privilege or business license or excise tax and that the petitioner has complied with
Section 11-51-150. The court shall, upon final hearing, if the proof... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-31 Sale, pawn; purchase or unauthorized retention of military property; seizure,
etc., of unlawfully retained property. Any person who sells, pawns, purchases, retains or
has in his possession or custody, without right, any military property belonging to this state
or the United States, or any unit of the armed forces of the state, and who, after proper
demand, refuses to deliver the same to any officer entitled to take possession thereof, is
guilty of a misdemeanor if the value of such property is $500.00 or less, and is guilty of
a felony if the value of such property exceeds $500.00. Any person belonging to the armed
forces of the state who, contrary to the order of the proper officer, retains in his possession
or control any military property of this state or of the United States is guilty of a misdemeanor
if the value of such property is $500.00 or less, and is guilty of a felony if the value of
such property exceeds $500.00. Any commanding officer may take possession... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

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