Code of Alabama

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Section 40-2-11 Powers and duties generally. It shall be the duty of the Department of Revenue,
and it shall have the power and authority, in addition to the authority now in it vested by
law: (1) To have and exercise general and complete supervision and control of the valuation,
equalization, and assessment of property, privilege, or franchise and of the collection of
all property, privilege, license, excise, intangible, franchise, or other taxes for the state
and counties, and of the enforcement of the tax laws of the state, and of the several county
tax assessors and county tax collectors, probate judges, and each and every state and county
official, board, or commission charged with any duty in the enforcement of tax laws, to the
end that all taxable property in the state shall be assessed and taxes shall be imposed and
collected thereon in compliance with the law and that all assessments on property, privileges,
intangibles, and franchises in the state shall be made in exact... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2A-3 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter and Chapter 2B, the following
terms shall have the following meanings: (1) ASSOCIATE ALABAMA TAX TRIBUNAL JUDGE. An associate
judge as defined in Section 40-2B-2. (2) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. Any individual, including,
but not limited to, an attorney or certified public accountant with written authority or power
of attorney to represent a taxpayer before the department or the Alabama Tax Tribunal; provided
however, that nothing herein shall be construed as entitling any such individual who is not
a licensed attorney to engage in the practice of law. (3) CHIEF ALABAMA TAX TRIBUNAL JUDGE
or CHIEF JUDGE. The chief judge as defined in Section 40-2B-2. (4) COMMISSIONER. The commissioner
of the department or his or her delegate. (5) COMPTROLLER. The Comptroller of the State of
Alabama. (6) DELEGATE. When used with reference to the commissioner means any officer or employee
of the department duly authorized by the commissioner,... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14-9 Complaint and hearing; appeal; disciplinary actions. (a) Any person wishing
to make a complaint against a licensee or apprentice under this chapter shall reduce the same
to writing and file his or her complaint with the board within one year from the date of the
action upon which the complaint is based. If the board investigates and determines the charges
made in the complaint are sufficient to warrant a hearing to determine whether the license
issued under this chapter shall be suspended or revoked, it shall make an order fixing a time
and place for a hearing and require the licensee complained against to appear and defend against
the complaint. The order shall have annexed thereto a copy of the complaint. The order and
copy of the complaint shall be served upon the licensee at least 20 days before the date set
for hearing, either personally or by registered or certified mail sent to the licensee's last
known address. Continuances or adjournment of hearing date shall... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-41-5 Powers of board. (a) The board shall elect from its membership a chair, a vice
chair, and a secretary-treasurer. The board shall adopt rules to govern its proceedings. A
majority of the appointed membership of the board shall constitute a quorum for all meetings.
(b) The board shall, by regulation, adopt an administrative code and a code of professional
conduct, which shall be published by the board and distributed to every applicant for licensing
and to every licensee under this chapter. The publication shall constitute due notice to all
applicants and licensees. The board shall solicit comments from the profession at large concerning
these codes and may revise and amend the codes. (c) The board shall have the authority to
prepare, administer, and grade oral or written examinations, or both, as required or permitted
by this chapter to test an applicant's academic preparation and ability to apply such training
to the public practice of geology. The board may take any... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-18-1 Text. Article I. Findings and Purposes. (a) The party states find that the
South has a sense of community based on common social, cultural and economic needs and fostered
by a regional tradition. There are vast potentialities for mutual improvement of each state
in the region by cooperative planning for the development, conservation and efficient utilization
of human and natural resources in a geographic area large enough to afford a high degree of
flexibility in identifying and taking maximum advantage of opportunities for healthy and beneficial
growth. The independence of each state and the special needs of subregions are recognized
and are to be safeguarded. Accordingly, the cooperation resulting from this agreement is intended
to assist the states in meeting their own problems by enhancing their abilities to recognize
and analyze regional opportunities and take account of regional influences in planning and
implementing their public policies. (b) The purposes of... - 24K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-3-11 Powers and duties generally. (a) The county commission shall have authority:
(1) To direct, control, and maintain the property of the county as it may deem expedient according
to law, and in this direction and control it has the sole power to locate the courts in the
rooms of the courthouse and to designate the rooms to be occupied by the officers entitled
to rooms therein, including the circuit judge if resident in the county, and to change the
location of the courts and the designation of the rooms for officers as it may deem best and
most expedient, and this shall be done by order of the county commission entered upon the
minutes of the county commission at a regular meeting of the county commission. In the event
the courthouse is inadequate to supply office rooms for such officers, the county commission
may lease such office rooms in a convenient location in the county site and pay the rental
from the county fund. (2) To levy a general tax, for general county... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-8 Employers' options to secure payment of compensation. (a) Option to insure risks.
An employer subject to this chapter may secure the payment of compensation under this chapter
by insuring and keeping insured his or her liability in some insurance corporation, association,
organization, insurance association, corporation, or association formed of employers and workers
or formed by a group of employers to insure the risks under this chapter, operating by mutual
assessment or other plans or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the insurance association,
organization, or corporation shall have first had its contract and plan of business approved
in writing by the Commissioner of the Department of Insurance of Alabama and have been authorized
by the Department of Insurance to transact the business of workers' compensation insurance
in this state and under the plan. Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary,
the obligations of employers under law for... - 14K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-5-77 Expenses of medical and surgical treatment, vocational rehabilitation, medicine,
etc.; medical examinations; review by ombudsman of medical services. (a) In addition to the
compensation provided in this article and Article 4 of this chapter, the employer, where applicable,
shall pay the actual cost of the repair, refitting, or replacement of artificial members damaged
as the result of an accident arising out of and in the course of employment, and the employer,
except as otherwise provided in this amendatory act, shall pay an amount not to exceed the
prevailing rate or maximum schedule of fees as established herein of reasonably necessary
medical and surgical treatment and attention, physical rehabilitation, medicine, medical and
surgical supplies, crutches, artificial members, and other apparatus as the result of an accident
arising out of and in the course of the employment, as may be obtained by the injured employee
or, in case of death, obtained during the period... - 13K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-13-2 Definitions. When used in this chapter, the following words shall have the
following meanings: (1) ADULT. An individual 19 years of age and older. (2) ADULT CARE FACILITY.
A person or entity holding a Department of Human Resources license or approval or certification
to provide care, including foster care, for adults. (3) APPLICANT. A person or entity who
submits an application for license as a child care or adult care facility to the Department
of Human Resources or a child placing agency, or an application for employment or for a volunteer
position to a Department of Human Resources licensed child care or adult care facility. With
regard to child care and adult care facilities in a home setting, the term includes an adult
household member whose residence is in the home. The term also includes an individual who
submits an application for a volunteer position or for employment with the Department of Human
Resources in a position in which the person has unsupervised... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-2B-2 Alabama Tax Tribunal. (a) Statement of Purpose. To increase public confidence
in the fairness of the state tax system, the state shall provide an independent agency with
tax expertise to resolve disputes between the Department of Revenue and taxpayers, prior to
requiring the payment of the amounts in issue or the posting of a bond, but after the taxpayer
has had a full opportunity to attempt settlement with the Department of Revenue based, among
other things, on the hazards of litigation. By establishing an independent Alabama Tax Tribunal
within the executive branch of government, this chapter provides taxpayers with a means of
resolving controversies that insures both the appearance and the reality of due process and
fundamental fairness. The tax tribunal shall provide hearings in all tax matters, except those
specified by statute, and render decisions and orders relating thereto. A tax tribunal hearing
shall be commenced by the filing of a notice of appeal protesting... - 39K - Match Info - Similar pages

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