Code of Alabama

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Section 6-5-160.3 Standards of proof; remedies; enforcement. (a) A plaintiff is required by
a preponderance of the evidence to establish that a nuisance exists. The plaintiff is required
by clear and convincing evidence to establish that the owner of the property who is not a
resident or in actual possession of the property was criminally culpable in aiding and abetting
the nuisance. (b) If the existence of a nuisance is found, the judgment may include actual
damages and an injunction to restrain, abate, and prevent the continuance or recurrence of
the nuisance. The court may grant declaratory relief, mandatory orders, or any other relief
deemed necessary to accomplish the purposes of the injunction or order and enforce the judgment
or order. (c) The court may retain jurisdiction of the case for the purpose of enforcing its
orders. (d) If a nuisance is found, the court shall have additional power to fashion any one
or more of the following remedies: (1) Assess damages against the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-33-11 Enforcement provisions. (a) The commissioner may conduct examinations of warrantors,
administrators, or other persons to enforce this chapter and protect warranty holders in this
state. Upon request of the commissioner, a warrantor shall make available to the commissioner
all accounts, books, and records concerning vehicle protection products sold by the warrantor
that are necessary to enable the commissioner to reasonably determine compliance or noncompliance
with this chapter. (b) The commissioner may take action that is necessary or appropriate to
enforce this chapter, the commissioner's rules and orders, and to protect warranty holders
in this state. If a warrantor engages in a pattern or practice of conduct that violates this
chapter and that the commissioner reasonably believes threatens to render the warrantor insolvent
or cause irreparable loss or injury to the property or business of any person or company located
in this state, the commissioner may do any of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10B-5 Functions and duties of Office of Water Resources. The general functions and
duties of the Office of Water Resources shall be as follows: (1) To develop long-term strategic
plans for the use of the waters of the state by conducting and participating in water resource
studies and by administering the laws established by this chapter and regulations promulgated
hereunder; (2) Acting through the commission, to adopt and promulgate rules, regulations,
and standards for the purposes of this chapter, and to develop policy for the state regarding
the waters of the state; (3) To implement quantitative water resource programs and projects
for the coordination, conservation, development, management, use, and understanding of the
waters of the state; (4) To serve as a repository for data regarding the waters of the state;
(5) To, at its discretion, study, analyze, and evaluate in coordination with, or with the
assistance of, other agencies of the state, the federal government, any... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30-16 Responsibilities of hazardous waste storage and treatment facility and hazardous
waste disposal site operators. (a) The department, acting through the commission, is authorized
to promulgate rules and regulations establishing such standards, applicable to owners and
operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facilities as may be necessary
to protect human health or the environment. In establishing such standards, the department
may, where appropriate, distinguish in such standards between requirements appropriate for
new facilities and for facilities in existence on the date of promulgation of such regulations.
Such standards shall include but not be limited to the following: (1) Unless exempted from
regulation by this chapter or rules promulgated under authority of this chapter, obtaining
a permit from the department or interim status for each treatment, storage or disposal facility;
(2) Assuring that all hazardous wastes are stored, treated or... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-22-36 Authority to grant pardons and paroles, remit fines and forfeitures, etc.;
notice of board action. (a) In all cases, except treason and impeachment and cases in which
sentence of death is imposed and not commuted, as is provided by law, the Board of Pardons
and Paroles, after conviction and not otherwise, may grant pardons and paroles and remit fines
and forfeitures. (b) Each member of the Board of Pardons and Paroles favoring a pardon, parole,
remission of a fine or forfeiture, or restoration of civil and political rights shall enter
in the file his or her reasons in detail, which entry and the order shall be public records,
but all other portions of the file shall be privileged. (c) No pardon shall relieve one from
civil and political disabilities unless specifically expressed in the pardon. No pardon shall
be granted unless the prisoner has successfully completed at least three years of permanent
parole or until the expiration of his or her sentence if his or her... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-29-69 Powers of board. The board shall be a body corporate and shall have the power
to do all of the following: (1) Examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants
for a license to practice veterinary medicine in the state. (2) Issue, renew, deny, suspend,
and revoke licenses, issue private reprimands and private informed admonitions to practitioners
who practice veterinary medicine in this state, or otherwise discipline or censure veterinary
professionals, irrespective of their licensure status, whether active, inactive, expired,
lapsed, surrendered, or disciplined, relative to acts, omissions, complaints, and investigations
which occurred during the licensure period consistent with this article. (3) Conduct investigations
for the purpose of discovering violations of this article or grounds for disciplining licensed
veterinary professionals or other non-licensed individuals pursuant to the administrative
code of the board and appoint individuals and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-121.19 Dismissals, demotions, suspensions, and appeals. (a) An appointing authority
may dismiss or demote an employee holding permanent status for just cause whenever he or she
considers the good of the service will be served thereby, for reason stated in writing, served
on the affected employee, and a copy furnished to the director, which action shall become
a public record. The dismissed or demoted employee may within 10 days after notice, appeal
from the action of the appointing authority by filing with the board and the appointing authority
a written answer to the charges. The board shall order a public hearing of such charges. The
hearing shall be before a panel of three attorneys randomly selected by the presiding Judge
of Probate of Jefferson County from a list of attorneys who are licensed to practice law in
this state and who are otherwise qualified in the opinion of the judge of probate to hear
the appeal. The panel shall hear testimony offered in support and... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-36A-18 Confidentiality. (a) For purposes of this section, "confidential information"
shall mean all of the following: (1) A memorandum in support of an opinion submitted under
Section 27-36A-4 and any other documents, materials, and other information, including, but
not limited to, all working papers, and copies thereof, created, produced, or obtained by
or disclosed to the commissioner or any other person in connection with such memorandum. (2)
All documents, materials, and other information, including, but not limited to, all working
papers, and copies thereof, created, produced, or obtained by or disclosed to the commissioner
or any other person in the course of an examination made under subsection (f) of Section 27-36A-15;
provided, however, that if an examination report or other material prepared in connection
with an examination made under Chapter 2 is not held as private and confidential information
under Section 27-2-24, an examination report or other material... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-11-11 Disciplinary action. (a) The board may reprimand, censure, suspend, revoke,
place on probation, recover costs, or fine any licensee or certified engineer intern or land
surveyor intern or firm holding a certificate of authorization or refuse to issue, renew,
or reinstate the certificate of any licensee or certified engineer intern or land surveyor
intern or the certificate of authorization of a firm found guilty of any of the following:
(1) The practice of any fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to obtain or renew a certificate
of licensure, intern certification, or certificate of authorization. (2) Any gross negligence,
incompetency, violation of the rules of professional conduct prescribed by the board, or misconduct
in the practice of engineering or land surveying as a professional engineer, engineer intern,
professional land surveyor, or land surveyor intern. (3) Falsely representing himself or herself
as being in responsible charge of engineering work or... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-11-35 Powers of the board. (a) The board shall have the power to adopt and amend
bylaws and rules not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, as may be
reasonably necessary for the proper performance of its duties and the regulation of its procedures,
meetings, records, examinations, and conduct. The board shall have the power to adopt and
amend from time to time rules of professional conduct for professional engineers, engineer
interns, professional land surveyors, land surveyor interns, and corporations, partnerships,
or firms holding certificates of authorization. The board shall adopt and have an official
seal, which shall be affixed to each certificate issued. (b) In carrying into effect its duties
in any case involving the revocation of licensure or any disciplinary proceeding involving
a licensee or the holder of a certificate of authorization or practicing or offering to practice
without licensure, or false statement in connection with an... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

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