Code of Alabama

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Section 11-81-141 Powers of municipalities or counties generally; provisions in instruments
or deeds of trust creating pledges, mortgages, liens, etc., for payment of bonds; determination
of costs of acquisition, construction, etc., of undertakings. (a) In addition to the powers
which it may now have, any municipality or county shall have power under this division: (1)
To acquire by gift or purchase, to construct, to reconstruct, to improve, to better or to
extend any undertaking within or without the municipality or county or partially within or
partially without the municipality or county; (2) To operate and maintain any undertaking
for its own use and for the use of public and private consumers and users within and without
the territorial boundaries of the municipality or county; (3) To lease any undertaking or
portion thereof to any agency or department of the State of Alabama for a period or periods
not exceeding 40 years from the completion of the construction of the work, if... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 26-21-4 Procedure for waiver of consent requirement - Notice to parents or guardian
prohibited; participation in proceedings; right to counsel; assistance in preparing petition;
confidentiality; contents of petition; precedence of proceeding; rules of procedure; waiver
of consent; guardian ad litem for interests of unborn child; findings and conclusions; appeal;
no fees or costs; related criminal charges. (a) A minor who elects not to seek or does not
or cannot for any reason, obtain consent from either of her parents or legal guardian, may
petition, on her own behalf, the juvenile court, or the court of equal standing, in the county
in which the minor resides or in the county in which the abortion is to be performed for a
waiver of the consent requirement of this chapter. Notice by the court to the minor's parents,
parent, or legal guardian shall not be required or permitted. The requirements and procedures
under this chapter shall apply and are available only to minors who... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-126 Interstate Commission of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. (a) The
party states hereby create and establish a joint public entity known as the Interstate Commission
of Nurse Licensure Compact Administrators. (1) The commission is an instrumentality of the
party states. (2) Venue is proper, and judicial proceedings by or against the commission shall
be brought solely and exclusively, in a court of competent jurisdiction where the principal
office of the commission is located. The commission may waive venue and jurisdictional defenses
to the extent the commission adopts or consents to participate in alternative dispute resolution
proceedings. (3) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to be a waiver of sovereign immunity.
(b) Membership, voting, and meetings. (1) Each party state shall have and be limited to one
administrator. The head of the state licensing board for each party state, or his or her designee,
shall be the administrator of this compact for that... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-16-73 Surface Mining Commission - Creation; composition; officers; compensation;
meetings; offices; funds; removal of members. (a) There is continued as previously established
the Alabama Surface Mining Reclamation Commission under the name of the Alabama Surface Mining
Commission for the purpose of transition in implementing and enforcing this article and carrying
out the intent and policy stated in Section 9-16-71. All members of the commission appointed
under authority of Section 9-16-33, shall continue their terms as created under that section
until all reappointments and filling of vacancies have been filled in the manner as provided
in this section. At the expiration of any term, that member shall continue in office until
an appointment occurs as provided in this section. After February 25, 1994, no member shall
serve more than two full consecutive terms of office. (b) The commission shall be composed
of seven members, who are fair and reasonable citizens of the state... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-6F-6 Authorization of establishment; Alabama Public Charter School Commission; registration
requirements; powers and duties of authorizers. (a) Eligible authorizing entities. (1) A public
charter school shall not be established in this state unless its establishment is authorized
by this section. No governmental entity or other entity, other than an entity expressly granted
chartering authority as set forth in this section, may assume any authorizing function or
duty in any form. The following entities shall be authorizers of public charter schools: a.
A local school board, for chartering of schools within the boundaries of the school system
under its jurisdiction, pursuant to state law. b. The Alabama Public Charter School Commission,
pursuant to this section. (2) A local school board that registers as an authorizer may approve
or deny an application to form a public charter school within the boundaries of the local
school system overseen by the local school board. (3) All... - 21K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-10 Application; licensure by credentials; special purpose license. (a) Every person
who desires to practice dentistry within the State of Alabama shall file an application prescribed
by the board. Notwithstanding the method of obtaining licensure or any particular requirement
set forth herein, every person as a prerequisite to licensure shall be at least 19 years of
age, of good moral character, a citizen of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United
States, a person who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation
from the federal government, and a graduate of a dental school or college accredited by the
American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation and approved by the board and
shall satisfy any other requirement set forth in any rule adopted by the board. (b) Licensure
by examination shall be applicable to the following categories: (1) Those individuals who
have never been licensed or taken an examination and whose... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-18-1 Enactment of Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact. The Southern Interstate Nuclear
Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the state of Alabama with any and all
states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as
follows: "SOUTHERN INTERSTATE NUCLEAR COMPACT "Article I. Policy and Purpose "The
party states recognize that the proper employment of nuclear energy, facilities, materials,
and products can assist substantially in the industrialization of the south and the development
of a balanced economy for the region. They also recognize that optimum benefit from and acquisition
of nuclear resources and facilities requires systematic encouragement, guidance, and assistance
from the party states on a cooperative basis. It is the policy of the party states to undertake
such cooperation on a continuing basis; it is the purpose of this compact to provide the instruments
and framework for such a cooperative effort to improve... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-46-24 Designating and equipping voting places; election officials; canvass returns.
(a) The municipal governing body may, when it orders an election, designate at least one place
of voting in each ward and if the ward has been divided into voting districts then at least
one place of voting in each district or the municipal governing body may establish and designate
one central place (location) within the municipality as the place of voting for all wards.
The number of voting boxes or voting machines as prescribed, shall be placed in a central
place of voting for use by the electors. The municipal governing body shall provide at least
one machine or at least one box for the voters of each ward, provided that this requirement
shall not apply to any municipality which uses electronic vote counters or tabulators or other
devices that are regulated by the Alabama Electronic Voting Committee established in Chapter
24 of Title 17 that are capable of counting the ballots from all... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-32-1 Enactment of Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact.
The Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact is hereby enacted
into law and entered into by the State of Alabama with any and all states legally joining
therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as follows: SOUTHEAST INTERSTATE
LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT COMPACT Article I. Policy and Purpose There is hereby
created the Southeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Compact. The party
states recognize and declare that each state is responsible for providing for the availability
of capacity either within or outside the state for the disposal of low-level radioactive waste
generated within its borders, except for waste generated as a result of defense activities
of the federal government or federal research and development activities. They also recognize
that the management of low-level radioactive waste is handled most... - 31K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-12-5 Powers, duties and functions. The powers, duties and functions of the agency
shall be as follows: (1) GENERALLY. The agency a. Shall have perpetual succession in its corporate
name. b. May sue and be sued in its corporate name. c. May adopt, use and alter a corporate
seal, which shall be judicially noticed. d. May enter into such contracts and cooperative
agreements with the federal, state and local governments, with agencies of such governments,
with private individuals, corporations, associations, trusts and other organizations as the
board may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to carry out the purposes of this chapter,
including the planned, orderly residential development of the area. e. May adopt, amend and
repeal bylaws. f. May appoint such managers, officers, employees, attorneys and agents as
the board deems necessary for the transaction of its business, fix their compensation, define
their duties, require bonds of such of them as the board may... - 18K - Match Info - Similar pages

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