Code of Alabama

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Section 12-19-10 Local purchasing procedures. In order to facilitate the prompt purchase and
delivery of equipment, clerical office supplies, court forms, stationery and other printed
court supplies, hereinafter referred to as "clerical office supplies," used by and
in the offices of circuit judges, district judges, circuit clerks, district clerks, registers,
court administrators, official court reporters, magistrates and jury commissions, the presiding
circuit judge of each judicial circuit is hereby authorized to administer local purchasing
procedures within such judicial circuit and each county thereof as provided in this section.
(1) Not more than 90 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, each circuit judge,
district judge, circuit clerk, district clerk, register, court administrator, official court
reporter, magistrate and each jury commission shall submit to the Administrative Director
of Courts a written estimate of the costs of clerical office supplies anticipated to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 17-16-56 Contest of election of judge of probate court and other county and municipal
officers - Generally. If the contest is of an election to the office of judge of the probate
court, sheriff, tax assessor, tax collector, county treasurer, clerk of the circuit court,
or any other office filled by the vote of a single county or any subdivision thereof, or any
office of a city or town not in this article otherwise provided for, the party contesting
must file in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county in which the election
was held, a statement in writing, verified by affidavit, of the grounds of the contest as
provided in this article and must give good and sufficient security for the costs of the contest,
to be approved by the clerk. On the filing of the statement and the giving of the security,
the clerk must enter the contest on the trial docket as a civil action pending in the court
for trial, and, after having made such entry, the clerk must issue a... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 25-4-137 Adjustments or refunds. (a) If, not later than four years after the date on
which any contributions, penalties, or interest became due, an employer who has paid such
contributions, penalties, or interest thereon shall make application for an adjustment thereof
in connection with subsequent contribution payments, or for a refund thereof because such
adjustment cannot be made, and the secretary shall determine that such contributions, penalties,
or interest, or any portion thereof, was erroneously collected, the secretary shall allow
such employer to make an adjustment thereof in connection with subsequent contribution liability,
or, if such adjustment cannot be made, the secretary may refund such contributions, interest,
and penalties from the clearing account. Any refund of interest and/or penalties which have
been transferred to the Special Employment Security Administration Fund shall be made from
the Special Employment Security Administration Fund, provided for in... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 31-2-11 Exemption of officers and enlisted men of National Guard, etc., from state
jury duty. Owing to liability to call for military duty during their term of service, every
officer and enlisted man of the National Guard, Naval Militia and Alabama State Guard when
activated in lieu of the National Guard, shall be exempt from state jury duty during his active
membership, any local or special laws to the contrary notwithstanding. The commanding officer
of any unit shall furnish each member of his unit applying for same such certificate of membership
as may be prescribed by the Adjutant General, signed by such commanding officer, which certificate
shall be accepted by any court as proof of exemption as provided by this section. Such certificate
shall be effective for the calendar year in which it is issued or until such member is discharged
or separated, whichever is sooner. (Acts 1939, No. 509, p. 774; Code 1940, T. 35, §11; Acts
1973, No. 1038, p. 1572, §11.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 33-2-211 Notification by Director of Alabama State Port Authority to Director of Finance
of expected deficiency. During the first 20 days of each quarter of each fiscal year of the
state, beginning with the fiscal year commencing on October 1, 1987, the Director of the Alabama
State Port Authority shall notify the Director of Finance in writing as to whether the revenues
anticipated to be derived by the Alabama State Port Authority from the operation of its facilities
for that quarter, plus those moneys the Director of the Alabama State Port Authority anticipates
will be made available during that quarter to the Alabama State Port Authority pursuant to
Section 40-13-6, will together be sufficient to pay the aggregate of (1) the expenses anticipated
to be incurred in operating and maintaining the Alabama State Port Authority's coal handling
facilities during that quarter (including depreciation for that quarter not to exceed $500,000.00),
(2) the expenses anticipated to be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-165 Renewal, suspension, retirement, etc., of license; waiver of fees; inactive
license. (a) Every license to practice chiropractic or permit to own a chiropractic practice
shall be subject to renewal on September 30 of the year for which it is issued with a grace
period from October 1 to December 31 of each year. Every person having a valid license or
permit may on or before September 30 renew the license or permit for the ensuing year by the
payment to the board of a fee of not more than four hundred dollars ($400), the exact amount
to be fixed by rule of the board, adopted in accordance with the Alabama Administrative Procedure
Act, subject to the condition that no increase or decrease in any one year shall exceed twenty-five
dollars ($25). The license renewal shall be accompanied by satisfactory evidence that the
person has completed during the preceding year a minimum of 18 hours of professional educational
work approved by the board. The permit renewal shall be... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-72 Single member districts; compensation; residency requirements. (a) It is the
intent of this section to implement the amended federal court order, and related orders, dated
October 31, 1985, Civil Action No. 84-C-1730-S, in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Alabama, Southern Division, in the case of Taylor, et al. v. The Jefferson
County Commission, and subsequently redrawn by the county commission pursuant to Section 11-3-1.1.
(b) There is created and established in and for Jefferson County a single-member district
governing body. The Jefferson County Commission shall be composed of five members, elected
from single-member districts one through five, inclusive, which districts are described in
the amended federal court order dated October 31, 1985, and related orders, in Civil Action
No. 84-C-1730-S in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama,
Southern Division, in the case of Taylor, et al. v. The Jefferson... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-6-285 Proceedings upon defendant's suggestion of disputed boundary line. The defendant,
within pleading time or within 30 days before the case is called for trial and after notice
to the plaintiff or his attorney of record of his purpose so to do, may file his suggestion
in writing that the action arises over a disputed boundary line, in which suggestion he shall
describe the location of the true line, and the court or jury trying the issue shall ascertain
the true location of the boundary line, and judgment shall be entered accordingly, and shall
order the sheriff to establish and mark the true line as ascertained; and, in such case, the
costs shall be apportioned justly and equitably. A single judgment on such issue of the location
of the true boundary line shall bar another action for the location of the same boundary line.
(Code 1852, §2213; Code 1867, §2614; Code 1876, §2963; Code 1886, §2699; Code 1896, §1533;
Code 1907, §3843; Code 1923, §7457; Code 1940, T. 7,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-43C-45 Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional
revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures;
public utility budgets. In no event shall the expenditures recommended by the mayor in the
general fund budget exceed the receipts estimated, taking into account the estimated cash
surplus or deficit at the end of the current fiscal year, as provided in the preceding section
hereof, unless the mayor shall recommend an increase in or levy of new or increased taxes
or licenses within the power of the city to levy and collect in the ensuing fiscal year, the
receipts from which, estimated on the basis of the average experience with the same or similar
taxes during the three full tax years last past, will make up the difference. If estimated
receipts exceed estimated expenditures, the mayor may recommend revisions in the tax and license
ordinances of the city in order to bring the general fund budget into... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44C-45 Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional
revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures;
public utility budgets. In no event shall the expenditures recommended by the mayor in the
general fund budget exceed the receipts estimated, taking into account the estimated cash
surplus or deficit at the end of the current fiscal year, as provided in the preceding section
hereof, unless the mayor shall recommend an increase in or levy of new or increased taxes
or licenses within the power of the city to levy and collect in the ensuing fiscal year, the
receipts from which, estimated on the basis of the average experience with the same or similar
taxes during the three full tax years last past, will make up the difference. If estimated
receipts exceed estimated expenditures, the mayor may recommend revisions in the tax and license
ordinances of the city in order to bring the general fund budget into... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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