Code of Alabama

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Section 16-30B-4 Liability of school employees. A school employee shall be immune from suit
and not liable for any civil damages as a result of his or her acts or omissions in the supervision
or rendering of services, care, or assistance to a student under this chapter, nor shall he
or she be liable for any civil damages as a result of any act, or failure to act, to provide
or arrange for further treatment, care, or assistance. (Act 2018-460, §2.)... - 758 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21B-4 Participation in a health care service that violates the conscience of health
care provider; written objection; liability. (a) A health care provider has the right not
to participate, and no health care provider shall be required to participate, in a health
care service that violates his or her conscience when the health care provider has objected
in writing prior to being asked to provide such health care services. (b) When objecting in
writing in accordance with this chapter, no health care provider shall be civilly, criminally,
or administratively liable for declining to participate in a health care service that violates
his or her conscience except when failure to do so would immediately endanger the life of
a patient. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, health care provider, health care institution,
public or private institution, public official, or any board which certifies competency in
medical or health care specialties to discriminate against any health... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 3-1-2 Liability of owner, etc., for injuries caused by rabid dog. The owner or person
in charge of any dog, who knows that such dog has been bitten by a rabid dog or has knowledge
of such facts that if followed up would disclose the facts that such dog has been bitten by
or exposed to a rabid dog, if such dog becomes a rabid dog and bites any person, stock, hogs
or cattle shall be liable to twice the damages sustained by the person injured, including
appropriate medical treatment, such damages to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Acts 1915, No. 477, p. 541; Code 1923, §6073; Code 1940, T. 3, §2.)... - 931 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-9-11 Exemption of officers, agents and employees of department from civil liability.
Any officer, agent or employee of the department, in the good faith exercise of his duties
under this chapter, shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of his acts or omissions
in rendering assistance or care to any person. (Acts 1977, No. 780, p. 1340, §10.)... - 675 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

institution, physician, dentist, hospital, or other health care provider as those terms are
defined in Section 6-5-481. (2) STANDARD OF CARE. The standard of care is that level of such
reasonable care, skill, and diligence as other similarly situated health care providers in
the same general line of practice, ordinarily have and exercise in like cases. A breach of
the standard of care is the failure by a health care provider to comply with the standard
of care, which failure proximately causes personal injury or wrongful death.
This definition applies to all actions for injuries or damages or wrongful death whether in
contract or tort and whether based on intentional or unintentional conduct. (3) FUTURE DAMAGES.
Damages for future medical treatment, care, or custody, loss of future earnings, future loss
of earning capacity, future loss of bodily function, future loss of consortium, or future
pain and suffering. (4) PERIODIC PAYMENT. The payment of money or delivery of other property... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-551 Complaint to detail circumstances rendering provider liable; discovery. In
any action for injury, damages, or wrongful death, whether in contract or in tort,
against a health care provider for breach of the standard of care, whether resulting from
acts or omissions in providing health care, or the hiring, training, supervision, retention,
or termination of care givers, the Alabama Medical Liability Act shall govern the parameters
of discovery and all aspects of the action. The plaintiff shall include in the complaint filed
in the action a detailed specification and factual description of each act and omission alleged
by plaintiff to render the health care provider liable to plaintiff and shall include when
feasible and ascertainable the date, time, and place of the act or acts. The plaintiff shall
amend his complaint timely upon ascertainment of new or different acts or omissions upon which
his claim is based; provided, however, that any such amendment must be made at... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-30A-9 Liability for actions taken or omitted under chapter. No action may be commenced
against the director, any employee of the department, or any person under contract with the
department for damages as a result of actions taken or omitted in the course of performing
duties or functions under this chapter or in the course of rendering care, assistance, or
advice at the direction of an on-scene coordinator appointed by the director, with respect
to the cleanup of an abandoned or inactive hazardous substance site including any release
of a hazardous substance or the threat thereof. (Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 88-859, p.
348, §9.)... - 959 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-50-17 Operation of a facility for care or treatment of mental or emotional illness
or substance abuse, or services to persons with an intellectual disability. (a) No person,
partnership, corporation, or association of persons shall operate a facility or institution
for the care or treatment of any kind of mental or emotional illness or substance abuse or
for providing services to persons with an intellectual disability as defined in this chapter,
without being certified by the department or licensed by the State Board of Health; provided
that nothing in this section shall be construed so as to require a duly authorized physician,
psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, licensed professional counselor operating under
the scope of his or her license, or Christian Science practitioner to obtain a license for
treatment of patients in his private office, unless he keeps two or more patients in his office
for continuous periods of 24 hours or more in one week, or that a church... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

employee, researcher, medical or nursing school faculty member, student, or employee, counselor,
social worker, or any professional, paraprofessional, or any other person who furnishes or
assists in the furnishing of health care services. (5) LIFE-SUSTAINING TREATMENT. Any medical
treatment, procedure, or intervention that, in the judgment of the attending physician, when
applied to the patient, would serve only to prolong the dying process where the patient has
a terminal illness or injury, or would serve only to maintain the patient in a condition
of permanent unconsciousness. These procedures include, but are not limited to, assisted ventilation,
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, renal dialysis, surgical procedures, blood transfusions, and
the administration of drugs and antibiotics. Life-sustaining treatment does not include the
administration of medication or the performance of any medical treatment where, in the opinion
of the attending physician, the medication or treatment... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-54A-2 Treatment under certain policies and contracts. (a) As used in this section,
the following words have the following meanings: (1) APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS. The design,
implementation, and evaluation of environmental modifications, using behavioral stimuli and
consequences, to produce socially significant improvement in human behavior, including the
use of direct observation, measurement, and functional analysis of the relationship between
environment and behavior. (2) AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER. Any of the pervasive developmental
disorders or autism spectrum disorders as defined by the most recent edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the edition that was in effect at the
time of diagnosis. (3) BEHAVIORAL HEALTH TREATMENT. Counseling and treatment programs, including
applied behavior analysis that are both of the following: a. Necessary to develop, maintain,
or restore, to the maximum extent practicable, the functioning of an... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

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