Code of Alabama

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Section 6-5-149 Precedence of action over other cases; evidence; dismissal of action; continuance;
costs; judgment. (a) The action, when commenced, shall have precedence over all other cases
except injunctions. (b) In such action, evidence of the general reputation of the place or
any admission or finding of guilt of any person under the original laws against prostitution,
lewdness, or assignation at any such place shall be admissible for the purpose of proving
the existence of said nuisance and shall be prima facie evidence of such nuisance, of knowledge
of and acquiescence and participation therein on the part of the person, or persons, charged
with maintaining such nuisance. (c) If the complaint is filed for the state by a citizen of
the county, it shall not be dismissed except upon a sworn statement of the plaintiff or his
personal representative or agent, and his attorney or of the officer filing the complaint,
setting forth the reasons why the action should be dismissed and the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 6-5-430 Enforcement of action upon contract or tort arising in another state when jurisdiction
of defendant can be obtained in this state; doctrine of forum non conveniens applied. Whenever,
either by common law or the statutes of another state or of the United States, a claim, either
upon contract or in tort has arisen outside this state against any person or corporation,
such claim may be enforceable in the courts of this state in any county in which jurisdiction
of the defendant can be legally obtained in the same manner in which jurisdiction could have
been obtained if the claim had arisen in this state; provided, however, the courts of this
state shall apply the doctrine of forum non conveniens in determining whether to accept or
decline to take jurisdiction of an action based upon such claim originating outside this state;
and provided further that, if upon motion of any defendant it is shown that there exists a
more appropriate forum outside this state, taking into... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-24-5 Waiver of chapter provisions; other rights or remedies. (a) This chapter may
not be waived, whether by express waiver or by any provision in a contract attempting to make
the contract or agreement subject to the laws of another state. A waiver of any provision
of this chapter is void. (b) This chapter does not invalidate or restrict any other right
or remedy available to a sales representative or preclude a sales representative from seeking
to recover in one action on all claims against a principal. (Acts 1985, No. 85-543, p. 782,
§5; Acts 1994, No. 94-686, p. 1319, §1.)... - 913 bytes - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-34-50 Actions to enjoin or in quo warranto; liquidation; receivership. (a) When
the commissioner upon investigation finds that a domestic society: (1) Has exceeded its powers;
or (2) Has failed to comply with any provision of this chapter; or (3) Is not fulfilling its
contracts in good faith; or (4) Has a membership of less than 400 after an existence of one
year or more; or (5) Is conducting business fraudulently or in a manner hazardous to its members,
creditors, the public or the business, he shall notify the society of his findings, state
in writing the reasons for his dissatisfaction and require the society to show cause on a
date named why it should not be enjoined from carrying on any business until the violation
complained of shall have been corrected or why an action in quo warranto should not be commenced
against the society. (b) If on such date the society does not present good and sufficient
reasons why it should not be so enjoined or why such action should not... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14A-7 Applications for issuance or renewal of license; records; inactive license.
(a) Any residential home builder who desires to receive a new or renewal license under this
chapter shall make and file with the board 30 days prior to the next meeting of the board
a written application on a form prescribed by the board. Each applicant shall be a citizen
of the United States or, if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present
in the United States with appropriate documentation from the federal government. Such application
shall be accompanied by the payment of the annual license fee required by the board. After
the board accepts the application, the applicant may be examined by the board at its next
meeting. The board, in examining the applicant, shall consider the following qualifications
of the applicant: (1) Experience. (2) Ability. (3) Character. (4) Business-related financial
condition. a. The board may require a financial statement on a form... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-9-12 Recording, reporting requirements. (a) Every person granted a license to practice
dentistry or dental hygiene in this state by the board, as herein provided, shall cause his
or her license certificate to be recorded in the office of the judge of probate of the county
in which he or she desires to practice before beginning the practice of dentistry or dental
hygiene in the county. Any person receiving a license from the board, whether or not intending
to immediately engage in the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene in this state, shall
cause his or her license certificate to be recorded in the office of the judge of probate
in one of the counties of this state within 60 days of the issuance of the license certificate.
(b) Every person issued a special purpose license to practice dentistry across state lines
shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the board, and all rules and regulations of the board,
including all matters relating to discipline. It shall be the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-234.09 Appeals; subpoenas; hearing. (a) A classified employee, other than an appointed
official, shall have the right to appeal any disciplinary action taken against him or her.
An employee on probationary status shall not have that right unless the employee had permanent
status in some other position at the time of appointment to the probationary position. An
employee, other than an appointed official, desiring to appeal any disciplinary action directed
against him or her shall first exhaust any administrative remedy as provided by policy of
the sheriff's personnel system. Upon exhausting any administrative remedy, the employee shall
then file his or her appeal in writing with the personnel officer within seven calendar days
of the last final administrative action on the disciplinary action, and shall request a hearing
before the personnel appeals board. Within seven calendar days after the receipt of the appeal,
the personnel officer shall file with the chair of the... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-25B-6 PSC regulation of wastewater management entities. (a) The PSC shall promulgate
and enforce such rules as are necessary to certify and monitor the economic viability of wastewater
management entities. Such regulations may include, but may not be limited to, the following:
(1) Financial viability requirements necessary to insure the long-term operation and maintenance
of wastewater systems. (2) Conditions for the operation or permitting, or both, of cluster
wastewater and community wastewater systems. (3) A system of notice to report any violations
of certifications, permits, law, regulations, directives, or orders, or any combination of
these, of the PSC, ADEM, or ADPH. (4) Enforcement mechanisms to insure compliance with law,
regulations, certificates, and directives of the PSC. (5) Standardized financial operations
and management of cluster and community wastewater systems and wastewater management entities.
(b) The PSC may make the determination of economic viability... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-12-18 Statement of charges; hearing, order, and review thereon. (a) If the commissioner
believes that any person has been engaged, or is engaging, in this state in any unfair method
of competition or any unfair or deceptive act or practice expressly prohibited in this trade
practices law and that a proceeding by him in respect thereto would be to the interest of
the public, he shall issue and serve upon such person a statement of the charges in that respect
and a notice of a hearing thereon to be held at a time and place fixed in the notice, which
shall not be less than 10 days after the date of the service thereof. (b) At the hearing,
such person shall have an opportunity to be heard and to show cause why an order should not
be made by the commissioner requiring such person to cease and desist from the acts, methods,
or practices so complained of. Upon good cause shown, the commissioner shall permit any person
to intervene, appear, and be heard at such hearing by counsel or... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-44-12 Duties of commissioner and board with regard to detection and prevention of
insolvencies or impairment. To aid in the detection and prevention of insurer insolvencies
or impairment: (1) It shall be the duty of the commissioner: a. To notify the commissioners
of those states, territories of the United States and the District of Columbia where such
member company is licensed when he takes any of the following actions against a member insurer:
1. Revocation of license; 2. Suspension of license; 3. Makes any formal order that such company
restrict its premium writing or obtain additional contributions to capital or surplus. Such
notice shall be mailed to all commissioners within 30 days following the action taken or the
date on which such action occurs. b. To report to the board of directors when he has taken
any of the actions set forth in paragraph a. of this subdivision or has received a report
from any other commissioner indicating that any such action has been taken... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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