Code of Alabama

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Section 2-27-54 License - Suspension, revocation or modification; appeals from actions of commissioner.
(a) The commissioner may suspend, pending inquiry, for not longer than 10 days and, after
opportunity for a hearing, may revoke or modify the provision of any license issued under
this section if he finds that the licensee is no longer qualified, has engaged in fraudulent
business practices in the custom application of pesticides or has made any custom application
of pesticides in a faulty, careless or negligent manner or has violated or fails or refuses
to comply with any of the provisions and requirements of this article, or regulations promulgated
thereunder. (b) Any person aggrieved by any action of the commissioner in refusing to issue
a license or in revoking any license may obtain a review thereof by filing an appeal to the
board within 15 days after notice of denial or revocation of the license has been received
by the applicant or licensee, which appeal must be heard by the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-24-337 Renewal of certificate; reinstatement of license. (a) Renewal of license.
Every person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State of Alabama shall, on
or before December 31 of each succeeding year, apply to the commission for renewal of a certificate
of registration which shall be effective during the next calendar year. All new licenses issued
by the commission, upon application, shall be registered by the commission at the time of
issuance, and a certificate of registration, which shall be effective until and including
the following December 31, shall be issued to the licensee. Each renewal application shall
be made on a form to be furnished by the commission. The application shall give the name of
the applicant in full, his or her address, the date and number of the license issued to the
applicant for the practice of medicine or osteopathy, and such other facts as shall tend to
identify the applicant for registration as the commission shall deem... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27A-7 Application for licensure and examination; fees; pledge; conditions. (a) Applications
for original license, renewal license, and examinations shall be made in writing to the board
on forms approved by the board. (b) Appropriate fees, as fixed by the board pursuant to Section
34-27A-6, shall accompany all applications for original license, renewal license, and examination.
(c) At the time of filing an application for license for any real property appraiser classification,
each applicant shall sign a pledge to comply with the standards set forth in this article
and state that he or she understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary proceedings
may be initiated against a licensed real property appraiser, as set forth in this article.
(d) A license for any real estate appraiser classification shall be issued only to, and held
only by a person who meets all of the requirements of the following subdivisions (1) through
(7) below and either subdivision (8) or (9)... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 5-26-13 Enforcement authorities, violations, and penalties. (1) In order to ensure
the effective supervision and enforcement of this chapter the supervisor may: (a) Deny, suspend,
revoke, condition, or decline to renew a license for a violation of this chapter, rules or
regulations issued under this chapter or order or directive entered under this chapter, or
for failure to comply with any other state or federal law, including the rules and regulations
thereunder, applicable to any business authorized or conducted under this act. (b) Deny, suspend,
revoke, condition, or decline to renew a license if an applicant or licensee fails at any
time to meet the requirements of Section 5-26-6 or Section 5-26-9, or withholds information
or makes a material misstatement in an application for a license or renewal of a license.
(c) Order restitution against persons subject to this chapter for violations of this chapter.
(d) Impose fines on persons subject to this chapter pursuant to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27-36 Disciplinary action - Generally. (a) The commission or its staff may on its
own, or on the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions and records
of a licensee. The commission may issue subpoenas and compel the testimony of witnesses and
the production of records and documents during an investigation. If probable cause is found,
a formal complaint shall be filed and the commission shall hold a hearing on the formal complaint.
The commission shall revoke or suspend the license or impose a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars ($100) nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or both, or reprimand
the licensee in each instance in which the licensee is found guilty of any of the following
acts set out in this section. The commission may revoke or suspend a license until such time
as the licensee has completed an approved continuing education course and/or made restitution
to accounts containing funds to be held for other... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-13-24 Rating organizations - License; application therefor; renewal thereof; fee
for same. (a) No rating organization shall do business in this state unless it shall have
been licensed to do so by the commissioner. Application for such license shall be made on
such forms as the commissioner shall prepare for that purpose. Upon applying for such license,
every rating organization shall file with the department: (1) A copy of its constitution,
its articles of agreement or association or its certificate of incorporation and of its bylaws
or rules governing the conduct of its business or such of the foregoing, if any, as such rating
organization may have; (2) A list of insurers who are, or who have agreed to become, members
of, or subscribers to, such rating organization; (3) The name and address of a person, or
persons, in this state upon whom notices or orders of the commissioner affecting such rating
organization may be served; and (4) Such other information as the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-5-8 Authority of Board of Barber Examiners; refusal to issue or renew license or
certificate; appeals. The board shall have the power to refuse, revoke, and suspend licenses
and certificates strictly in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, upon proof of
violation of any sections of this chapter. The members of the board shall have the power to
administer oaths and shall have the power to require the attendance of witnesses and the production
of books, records, and papers as it may desire at any hearing on any matter which the board
has the authority to investigate, and for that purpose may require the secretary of the board
to issue a subpoena duces tecum to compel the production of any books, records, or papers,
directed to the sheriff of the county where such witness resides or may be found, which subpoenas
and subpoenas duces tecum shall be served and returned in the same manner as a subpoena in
a criminal case is served and returned. The fees and mileage of... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-7B-10 Suspension or revocation of license or permit; penalties. (a) The board may
suspend or revoke a license or permit based on the provisions of this chapter or board rules,
subject to due process of law as described in the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act. The
board shall furnish all applicants who are denied licensure a reason for the denial. (b)(1)
The board, for any of the following reasons, may revoke or suspend the license or permit of
any applicant, licensee, or holder who: a. Is found guilty of fraud or dishonest conduct in
taking an examination. b. Has been convicted of a felony or gross immorality, or is guilty
of grossly unprofessional or dishonest conduct. c. Is addicted to the excessive use of intoxicating
liquor or to the use of drugs to an extent that he or she is rendered unfit to practice any
profession regulated by the board. d. Advertises by means of knowingly false or deceptive
statements. e. Has practiced fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-252.05 Solid waste management permits. Permits required under Section 45-49-252.03
shall be issued in the following manner: (1) Any person desiring to obtain a permit shall
file an application for a permit with the director on application forms provided by the director
and shall accompany such application with: a. Name and address of the applicant, showing its
legal identity (individual, partnership, corporation, etc.). b. The business address of the
applicant. c. An inventory of all motorized equipment or other equipment to be used in such
collection, transportation, or disposal. d. The methods of storage, transport, and processing
to be used. e. The location and type of processing or disposal, or both, contemplated. f.
The types and amounts of wastes to be covered by permit, including a description of the project
or process generating wastes. g. The route or routes to be used in transporting and schedules
used. h. Issuance of county permits shall not relieve applicants... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-36-6 Powers and duties of board. (a) By rule, the board shall make provisions to
do all of the following: (1) Prepare or approve all examinations of applicants for licenses
for electrical contractors and journeyman electricians. (2) Determine the qualifications of
electrical contractors to engage in the business of electrical contracting. (3) Determine
the qualifications of journeyman electricians to engage in electrical work. (4) Provide for
the investigation of written complaints filed with the board concerning alleged violations
of this chapter and any rules adopted by the board. (b) The board may suspend, revoke, or
refuse to issue or renew a license and impose a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed five
thousand dollars ($5,000), after notice and opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Alabama
Administrative Procedure Act, upon proof of any of the following actions by a licensee or
applicant: (1) Violating any provision of this chapter. (2) Attempting to procure a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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