Code of Alabama

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Section 16-6D-8 Tax credits; Failing Schools Income Tax Credit Account. (a) To provide educational
flexibility and state accountability for students in failing schools: (1) For tax years beginning
on and after January 1, 2013, an Alabama income tax credit is made available to the parent
of a student enrolled in or assigned to attend a failing school to help offset the cost of
transferring the student to a nonfailing public school or nonpublic school of the parent's
choice. The income tax credit shall be an amount equal to 80 percent of the average annual
state cost of attendance for a public K-12 student during the applicable tax year or the actual
cost of attending a nonfailing public school or nonpublic school, whichever is less. The actual
cost of attending a nonfailing public school or nonpublic school shall be calculated by adding
together any tuition amounts or mandatory fees charged by the school to the student as a condition
of enrolling or of maintaining enrollment in the... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-22-9 Powers and duties; enforcement of orders; permits; civil penalties for violations.
(a) It shall be the duty of the commission to control pollution in the waters of the state,
and it shall specifically have the following powers: (1) To study and investigate all problems
concerned with the improvement and conservation of the waters of the state; (2) To conduct,
independently and in cooperation with others, studies, investigation and research and to prepare,
or in cooperation with others prepare, a program or programs, any or all of which shall pertain
to the purity and conservation of the waters of the state or to the treatment and disposal
of pollutants or other wastes, which studies, investigations, research and program or programs
shall be intended to result in the reduction of pollution of the waters of the state according
to the conditions and particular circumstances existing in the various communities throughout
the state; and (3) To propose remedial measures... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 27-2-24 Examinations - Report; confidentiality of information. (a) The commissioner,
or his or her examiner, shall make a full and true written report of each examination. The
examination report shall contain only information obtained from examination of the books,
records, accounts, files, or other documents of, or relative to, the person examined, its
agents or other persons examined, or as ascertained from the testimony of its officers or
agents or other persons examined concerning its affairs, together with conclusions and recommendations
as the examiners find reasonable warranted from the facts. (b) No later than 60 days following
completion of the examination, the examiner in charge shall file with the department a verified
written report of examination under oath. Upon receipt of the verified report, the department
shall transmit the report to the company examined, together with a notice that the company
examined may make a written submission or rebuttal with respect to... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-9-28 Duties of air carriers as to service, facilities, etc.; undue preferences and
advantages prohibited; extension of credit; commission to establish, enforce, etc., reasonable
rates, fares, etc.; proceedings as to validity of rates, fares, etc.; authority to prescribe
service and rates, fares, etc.; time tables. (a) It shall be the duty of every common carrier
by aircraft to provide and furnish intrastate transportation, as authorized by its certificate,
upon reasonable request to have and to provide reasonable through intrastate service in such
transportation in connection with other such carriers or with common carriers by railroad,
motor vehicles, express or water; to provide adequate and reasonable service, equipment, facilities,
waiting rooms and rest rooms, in connection with such transportation; to establish, observe
and enforce just and reasonable individual and joint rates, fares and charges and just and
reasonable classifications, rules, regulations and practices... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 7-9A-320 Buyer of goods; Alabama Farmers Credit Protection Fund. (a) Buyer in ordinary
course of business. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e), a buyer in ordinary course
of business, other than a person buying farm products from a person engaged in farming operations,
takes free of a security interest created by the buyer's seller, even if the security interest
is perfected and the buyer knows of its existence. (b) Buyer of consumer goods. Except as
otherwise provided in subsection (e), a buyer of goods from a person who used or bought the
goods for use primarily for personal, family, or household purposes takes free of a security
interest, even if perfected, if the buyer buys: (1) without knowledge of the security interest;
(2) for value; (3) primarily for the buyer's personal, family, or household purposes; and
(4) before the filing of a financing statement covering the goods. (c) Effectiveness of filing
for subsection (b). To the extent that it affects the... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27-36 Disciplinary action - Generally. (a) The commission or its staff may on its
own, or on the verified complaint in writing of any person, investigate the actions and records
of a licensee. The commission may issue subpoenas and compel the testimony of witnesses and
the production of records and documents during an investigation. If probable cause is found,
a formal complaint shall be filed and the commission shall hold a hearing on the formal complaint.
The commission shall revoke or suspend the license or impose a fine of not less than one hundred
dollars ($100) nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or both, or reprimand
the licensee in each instance in which the licensee is found guilty of any of the following
acts set out in this section. The commission may revoke or suspend a license until such time
as the licensee has completed an approved continuing education course and/or made restitution
to accounts containing funds to be held for other... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-17-12 Limitations on regulations; drilling or production units; producers' shares.
(a) Whether or not the total production from a pool is limited or prorated, no rule, regulation,
or order of the board shall be such in terms or effect that it will do the following: (1)
That it shall be necessary at any time for the producer from or the owner of, a tract of land
in the pool, or an interest associated therewith or derived therefrom, in order that he or
she may obtain the tract's just and equitable share or the just and equitable share of the
interest of the production of such pool, as the share is set forth in this section, to drill
and operate any well or wells on such tract in addition to the well or wells as can without
waste produce the share. (2) As to occasion net drainage from a tract or any interest associated
therewith or derived therefrom, unless there is drilled and operated upon the tract a well
or wells in addition to such well or wells thereon as can without waste... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-9A-22 Copies or data from the system of vital statistics. (a) In accordance with
Section 22-9A-21 and any rules adopted pursuant to that section: (1) The State Registrar and
other custodians of vital records authorized by the State Registrar to issue certified copies
shall upon receipt of an application issue a certified copy of vital records in his or her
custody or a part of the record. The vital records may be in the form of originals, photographic,
microfilm, digital, electronic, or other reproductions, or data filed by digital or electronic
means. Each copy issued shall show the date of registration and copies issued from records
marked "DELAYED REGISTRATION" or "AMENDED" shall be similarly marked and
show the effective date. All forms and procedures used in the issuance of certified copies
of vital records in this state shall be provided or approved by the State Registrar. (2) A
certified copy of a vital record or any part of the record, issued in accordance with this... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 30-3D-316 Special rules of evidence and procedure. (a) The physical presence of a nonresident
party who is an individual in a tribunal of this state is not required for the establishment,
enforcement, or modification of a support order or the rendition of a judgment determining
parentage of a child. (b) An affidavit, a document substantially complying with federally
mandated forms, or a document incorporated by reference in any of them, which would not be
excluded under the hearsay rule if given in person, is admissible in evidence if given under
penalty of perjury by a party or witness residing outside this state. (c) A copy of the record
of child-support payments certified as a true copy of the original by the custodian of the
record may be forwarded to a responding tribunal. The copy is evidence of facts asserted in
it, and is admissible to show whether payments were made. (d) Copies of bills for testing
for parentage of a child, and for prenatal and postnatal health care of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-4-29 Revocation or suspension - Procedure generally; grounds; notice and hearing
required before denial, suspension, or revocation; administrative fines. (a) The board may
revoke or suspend licenses as provided in this section. (b) The board may, upon its own motion,
and shall, upon the verified complaint in writing of any person containing evidence, documentary
or otherwise, that makes out a prima facie case, investigate the actions of any auctioneer,
apprentice auctioneer, or any person who assumes to act in either capacity, and hold a hearing
on the complaint. (c) The board may suspend or revoke any license which has been issued based
on false or fraudulent representations. The board may also suspend or revoke the license of
any licensee for any of the following acts: (1) Making any substantial misrepresentation.
(2) Pursuing a continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or making false promises
through agents, advertising, or otherwise. (3) Accepting valuable... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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