Code of Alabama

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Section 40-9C-4 Authorization of abatement. (a) Noneducational ad valorem taxes, construction
related noneducation transaction taxes, except those construction related transaction taxes
levied for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education, and mortgage and
recording taxes may be abated with respect to brownfield development property and security
documents and other recordable documents associated therewith as provided in this chapter.
(b) No abatement of noneducational ad valorem taxes may exceed the maximum exemption period
of 20 years. No further abatement with respect to the same brownfield development property
may be granted unless there is a major addition to the property, in which event abatement
may be granted only with respect to the noneducational ad valorem taxes on the major addition
by complying with the procedures set forth in this chapter. (c) An abatement of construction
related noneducation transaction taxes shall apply only to tangible personal... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-15-82 Article not to apply to certain transfers, reversions, sales, etc. (a) This
article shall not apply to the transfers of real property between departments, boards, bureaus,
commissions, institutions, corporations, or agencies of the state. These transfers may be
made by mutual agreements between the chief executive officers of the respective departments
with the approval of the Governor. This article shall not apply to the leasing or sale of
timber from unused lands under Section 9-15-1 et seq.; to the leasing or sale of timber from
school lands and swamp and overflowed lands under Section 9-15-30 et seq.; to the leasing
of oil, gas, and other minerals under Section 9-17-60 et seq.; real property sold by the Department
of Revenue under tax sales and redemptions; to the sale of property by the Alabama Historical
Commission under Section 41-9-249(7); to reversions made under Section 31-4-18; to the sale
or conveyance of real property by the Alabama Housing Finance... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 35-4-431 Definitions. (a) As used in this article, the following words have the following
meanings: (1) ASSOCIATION. An association or unit owners' association, as defined in Section
35-8A-103 of the Alabama Uniform Condominium Act of 1991; an association as defined in Section
35-8-2 of the Condominium Ownership Act; or a nonprofit or cooperative membership organization
composed exclusively of owners of mobile homes, manufactured housing, time-shares, camping
resort interests, or other interests in real property that is responsible for the maintenance,
improvements, services, or expenses related to real property that is owned, used, or enjoyed
in common by the members. (2) PAYEE. The person or entity who claims the right to receive
or collect a private transfer fee payable under a private transfer obligation. A payee may
or may not have a pecuniary interest in the private transfer fee obligation. (3) PRIVATE TRANSFER
FEE. A fee or charge payable upon the transfer of an interest... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27A-3 License required to do certain acts; unlawful behavior; violations; assistance
with appraisal; evaluations. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, or corporation,
for a fee or other valuable consideration, or with the intention or expectation of receiving
or collecting a fee or valuable consideration from another, to do any of the following unless
he or she is licensed under this article: (1) To be employed to perform or to perform an appraisal
as defined in this article where the subject property of the assignment lies within the borders
of the State of Alabama. (2) Present himself or herself, or allow himself or herself to be
presented, as being able to perform an appraisal for which a license is required under this
article. (b) It shall be unlawful for a person, other than a licensed real estate appraiser,
to assume or use that title or any title, designation, or abbreviation likely to create the
impression of licensure as a real estate appraiser by... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-46-90.12 Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to the authority
by counties, municipalities, etc. For the purpose of aiding or cooperating with the authority
in the planning, development, undertaking, construction, acquisition, extension, improvement,
operation, or protection of any of its facilities, any county, municipality, or other political
subdivision, public corporation, agency, or instrumentality of this state, upon such terms
with or without consideration, may as it may determine: (1) Lend or donate money to, or perform
services for the benefit of, the authority. (2) Donate, sell, convey, transfer, lease, or
grant to the authority, without the necessity of authorization at any election of qualified
voters, any property of any kind including, but without limitation, any ports, docks, wharves,
or other port facilities, or any facility related thereto or any interest in any such facility
and any franchise. (3) Provide that all or a portion of the taxes... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-181.07 Requirements of property owners. The petitioners shall not submit any
road or portion of road for consideration in this program that does not connect directly to
an existing county, municipal, or state maintained road. Individual property owners shall
be required to bear the expense of the purchase of driveway culvert pipe as required to provide
adequate drainage and serve the property owner for access to the property. Individual property
owners shall be required to execute any right-of-way deed or easement documents as an obligation
under this part at no expense to the county. Property owners, individually or jointly, shall
be required to bear the cost of any utility relocations necessary to accommodate the roadway
improvements and associated drainage improvements. Property owners, individually or jointly,
shall be responsible for the relocation of existing fences or private encroachments out of
the proposed 60-foot mini-mum width right-of-way at no cost to the... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27A-5 Rulemaking authority; powers and duties of board; immunity from suit. (a)
The board shall act by a majority vote of its members to adopt administrative rules necessary,
from time to time, to carry out this article. Rules of the board shall be adopted in compliance
with the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 22 of Title 41. (b) The board shall
have the following powers and duties: (1) To receive and process applications for licensure
for all classifications of real estate appraisers, including, but not limited to, "trainee
real property appraiser," "state registered real property appraiser," "licensed
real property appraiser," "certified residential real property appraiser,"
and "certified general real property appraiser" and any subsequent classifications
necessary to conform with the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
of 1989, Pub. L. No. 101-73, and any subsequent regulations issued pursuant thereto. (2) To
establish the... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-27A-9 Classes of appraisers. (a) There shall be five classes of real estate appraisers
licensed by the board. The classes may be revised or other classes added if necessary to conform
in all respects with the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989,
Pub.L. No. 101-73 (FIRREA), and any subsequent amendments and regulations issued pursuant
thereto. The board shall make any revisions to the class titles or requirements for licensure
by rules adopted in compliance with the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 22 of
Title 41, and Section 34-27A-5. All persons in all classes licensed by the board are subject
to the Competency Provision of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. (1)
The "trainee real property appraiser" classification applies to a person whose scope
of practice is the appraisal of those properties which the supervising appraiser is permitted
to appraise. (2) The "state registered real property appraisers"... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-8 Certain purchases of tangible personal property used in constructing industrial
development property exempted. Notwithstanding any other laws and subject to the limitations
set out in Section 40-9B-5, the gross proceeds of the sale to, or the storage, use, or consumption
by, any contractor of any tangible personal property to be incorporated into a private use
industrial development property or major addition for which a private user is granted a valid
abatement of construction related transaction taxes pursuant to this chapter shall be exempt
from all state and local sales and use taxes, except those county and municipal sales and
use taxes levied for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education. This
exemption shall not apply to any purchases of tangible personal property by a contractor which
would not also be exempt if purchased by a private user who has been granted a valid abatement
of construction related transactions taxes pursuant to this... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9C-7 Exemption of certain purchases of tangible personal property used in constructing
brownfield development property. Notwithstanding any other laws, and subject to the limitations
set out in Section 40-9C-5, the gross proceeds of the sale to, or the storage, use, or consumption
by, any contractor of any tangible personal property to be incorporated into a brownfield
development property or major addition for which a private user is granted a valid abatement
of construction related noneducation transaction taxes pursuant to this chapter shall be exempt
from local sales and use taxes, except those county and municipal sales and use taxes levied
for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education. This exemption shall not
apply to any purchase of tangible personal property by a contractor which would not also be
exempt if purchased by a private user who has been granted a valid abatement of construction
related transaction taxes pursuant to this chapter. (Act... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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