Code of Alabama

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Section 37-15-10.1 Underground Damage Prevention Authority. (a) The Underground Damage Prevention
Authority is created for the purpose of enforcing this chapter and for reviewing penalty provisions
and the adequacy of the enforcement process. It is the intent of the Legislature that the
authority and its enforcement activities not be funded by appropriations from the state budget.
(b) The authority shall utilize the services of the Alabama Public Service Commission to provide
administrative support for the authority, subject to the concurrence by the authority board.
The Public Service Commission shall charge the expenses associated with the administrative
duties of the authority back to the authority, subject to the concurrence of the authority
board. The administrative support provided by the Alabama Public Service Commission to the
authority is in an administrative capacity only and nothing in this chapter shall expand the
jurisdiction of the Alabama Public Service Commission in any... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

to Section 22-20-5, as amended. Provided further that nothing in this section shall be construed
so as to permit the city, or commission created pursuant to this section, to enter into the
restaurant business. (4) The commission shall have the power and the authority in addition
to all powers conferred on it by the general law: a. To purchase, sell, contract to purchase,
contract to sell, own, encumber, lease, mortgage, acquire, and dispose of easements in any
part of, and insure real and personal property of all kinds and descriptions. b. To
request, solicit, and accept gifts, donations, pledges, fees, bequests, devises, loans, or
appropriations of any kind and from any source whatever. c. To set up at such lawful depository
or depositories in the city as it may select, a revolving fund for historic development which
shall be composed of the monies which may come into its hands from any source whatsoever and
which shall be used for the furtherance of the objectives and purposes of... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-162.17 Transition. (a) The transition period shall be directed by the provisions
contained herein. The level of services during transition shall not be below the level of
service previously provided by the respective government. (b)(1) Not later than six months
after assuming office, the commission shall adopt a plan for the reorganization of service
operations on a countywide basis, so that the general service district shall receive services,
(including, but not limited to: streets and roads, refuse disposal, police, parks, and recreation),
which are customarily furnished by a county government in a metropolitan area, and the urban
service district shall receive services, (including, but not limited to: additional police
protection, additional transportation, street lighting, and street cleaning) which are customarily
furnished by a city in a metropolitan area. The plan to combine services and functions should
aim toward effectiveness, efficiency, and equity in the... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 8-26B-30 Alabama Athlete Agents Commission. (a) The Alabama Athlete Agents Commission
is continued in existence. The commission shall consist of the Secretary of State and 18 members
to be appointed as follows: (1) One member appointed by the Governor. (2) One member appointed
by the Lieutenant Governor. (3) One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(4) The athletic director or an individual appointed by the athletic director at each of the
following institutions of higher education: a. Auburn University. b. University of Alabama,
Tuscaloosa. c. University of South Alabama. d. Alabama State University. e. Alabama A &
M University. f. Tuskegee University. g. Troy University. h. Jacksonville State University.
i. University of North Alabama. j. University of West Alabama. k. Miles College. l. University
of Montevallo. m. University of Alabama, Huntsville. n. University of Alabama, Birmingham.
(5) One member appointed by the Alabama High School Athletic... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 23-1-294 Advisory Council. (a) The Advisory Council shall consist of a member of the
Alabama House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House, a member of the Alabama
Senate appointed by the Lieutenant Governor, one member appointed by each member of the Designating
Committee, three persons appointed from the state at-large by the Governor, and one representative
appointed by the Governor from each of the following groups or organizations: (1) Scenic Alabama.
(2) Alabama Environmental Council. (3) The outdoor advertising industry. (4) The Alabama Wildlife
Federation. (5) A business, industry, or trade association or professional organization having
its principal programs extending generally throughout the state, and having a demonstrated
concern for balancing economic growth with protection for the environment and increased recreational
opportunities. (6) Public utilities. (7) Tourism associations. (8) Real estate associations.
(9) Regional planning commissions.... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-10-724 Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute - Board of directors. (a) All
powers of the institute shall be exercised by or under the authority of, and the business
and affairs of the institute shall be managed and governed, under the direction of, a board
of directors, constituted as provided for in this section. (b) The board of directors shall
consist of six voting members selected as follows: (1) One member to be appointed by the Governor
upon nomination and submission by the Construction Users Roundtable, or its successor organization.
(2) One member to be appointed by the Lieutenant Governor upon nomination and submission by
the Alabama State Construction Building Trades, or its successor organization. (3) Two members
to be appointed by the Speaker of the House as follows: One upon nomination and submission
by the Alabama Associated General Contractors, or its successor organization, and one upon
nomination and submission by the Alabama Road Builders Association,... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-9-542 Composition. (a) The authority shall be composed of the following members
or their designees: (1) The Director of the Alabama Department of Archives and History. (2)
The Director of the Division of Construction Management of the Department of Finance. (3)
The Director of Finance of the State of Alabama. (4) The Executive Director of the Alabama
Historical Commission. (5) The senior collections curator of the Alabama Department of Archives
and History. (6) The chief architectural historian of the Alabama Historical Commission. (7)
The President of the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation. (8) The President of the Friends
of the Alabama Governor's Mansion. (9) The President of the Business Council of Alabama. (10)
The Chairman of the Black Heritage Council. (11) The Executive Director of the Landmarks Foundation
of Montgomery. (12) A history teacher to be appointed by the State Superintendent of Education,
having demonstrated proficiency and interest in preservation... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28-244.01 Levy and collection of tax; disposition of funds; Etowah County Development
Committee. (a) In Etowah County, there is levied a one cent ($0.01) county sales and use tax
in all areas of the county, which may become effective no sooner than January 1, 1996. (b)
The tax shall parallel the state sales and use taxes including exemptions therefrom and enforcement
proceedings therefor. The Etowah County Commission may administer and collect this tax, or
contract with a private entity or the State Department of Revenue to administer and collect
this tax, and provide for enforcement penalties by resolution. The county commission, the
State Department of Revenue, or a private entity collecting the tax may retain an amount or
percentage of the total proceeds collected in such an amount as may be agreed upon by the
members of the county commission, but in no event shall the charge exceed two percent of the
total amount of tax collected under this section. (c) The net proceeds... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-5A-3 Composition of board; compensation; meetings; rules and fees; investigations;
Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing Board Fund. (a) The Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing
Board is established within the Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities.
The board shall consist of seven members, including four licensed behavior analysts, one licensed
psychologist in the state, one parent or legal guardian of a person being treated for a behavior
disorder, or a person who has received services from a licensed behavior analyst, and one
public member, who, except for the initial members, shall be appointed by the Governor, as
provided in subsection (b). The membership of the board shall be inclusive and reflect the
racial, gender, geographic, urban/rural, and economic diversity of the state. Each member
shall serve a three-year term, with initial terms being staggered so that one member serves
an initial term of one year, three members serve initial terms of... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

by the Governor, or upon its otherwise becoming a law, and when the State of Mississippi ratifies
the compact. Article III. For purposes of this compact, the following terms shall have the
following meanings: (1) Person means an individual, a corporation, a partnership, or any other
entity. (2) Railroad means a common carrier by railroad as defined in Section 1(3) of Part
I of the Interstate Commerce Act [codified as 49 U.S.C. ยง1(3)]. (3) Railroad properties and
facilities mean any real or personal property or interest in property which is owned,
leased, or otherwise controlled by a railroad or other person, including, without limitation,
the authority, and which are used or are useful in rail transportation service, including,
without limiting the generality of the foregoing: a. Track, roadbed, and related structures,
including rail, ties, ballast, other track materials, grading, tunnels, bridges, trestles,
culverts, elevated structures, stations, office buildings used for operating... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

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