Code of Alabama

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Section 45-49-255.02 Solid waste management advisory board. (a) There is created a solid waste
management advisory board consisting of 11 members: One shall be a member of the County Commission
of Mobile County, Alabama, one shall be the solid waste coordinator, two shall be appointed
by the senators of the Mobile County Legislative Delegation, two shall be appointed by the
representatives of the Mobile County Legislative Delegation, one at large shall be appointed
by all other appointees, one shall be appointed by the Sheriff of Mobile County, one shall
be appointed by the County Commissioner of District 1, one shall be appointed by the County
Commissioner of District 2, and one shall be appointed by the County Commissioner of District
3. All members shall reside in the unincorporated area of Mobile County. (b) The solid waste
management advisory board members shall serve for a term of four years; provided, however,
in the initial term the member from the county commission shall serve... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

in the employee benefit programs of any member governing body, including insurance and pension
programs, upon approval of the executive committee and the subject member governing body.
(5) To enter into contracts with individuals, governing bodies, member governing bodies, governmental
agencies, professional associations, corporations, partnerships, and other legal entities
to implement the functions of this chapter. (6) To purchase, lease, license, own, or otherwise
acquire real and personal property, including easements, rights of way, and all other
interests in land, including municipal separate storm sewers, buildings, and other facilities
and equipment. (7) To construct, operate, maintain, repair, and replace facilities for storm
water functions. (8) To contract with member governing bodies for the construction, improvement,
renovation, management, or operation of their municipal separate storm sewer systems. (9)
To purchase or obtain insurance and other appropriate... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-261.07 Board of adjustment. The Mobile County Commission shall provide for the
appointment of a board of adjustment and the regulations and ordinances adopted pursuant to
the authority of this part shall provide that the board of adjustment, in appropriate cases
and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, may make special exceptions to the terms
of the ordinances and regulations in harmony with their general purposes and interests and
in accordance with general or specific rules therein contained. The board of adjustment shall
be appointed by the Mobile County Commission. The board of adjustment shall consist of three
members who shall be qualified electors of the planning jurisdiction. The board of adjustment
shall reflect as nearly as practical the diversity of land use in the areas within the jurisdiction
of the commission. No more than one of the members of the board of adjustment shall be directly
engaged in real estate sales, development, or construction... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35A-51.07 Personnel board. (a) The personnel board shall consist of five members
and they and their successors in office shall be elected or appointed by the citizens supervisory
committee. The five members shall be designated respectively as member No. 1, member No. 2,
member No. 3, member No. 4, and member No. 5. After May 14, 1992, those members in office
on May 14, 1992, may serve out the remainder of their unexpired terms and shall be designated
as member No. 1, member No. 2, and member No. 3, in order of their original appointments.
Member No. 4 shall be for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed.
Member No. 5 shall be for a term of five years and until his or her successor is appointed,
and their successors in office shall serve for a term of five years and until their successors
in office have been appointed and qualified. Each member shall be over 21 years of age, of
recognized good character and executive ability, a bonafide resident of... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-26A-4 Board of directors generally. (a) There is hereby created a board of directors
for the school, sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "board." The board shall
be composed of 21 members as follows: (1) The State Department of Education assistant state
superintendent in charge of curriculum development, or his or her designee. (2) The Chancellor
of the University of Alabama System, or his or her designee. (3) The President of Auburn University,
or his or her designee. (4) The President of the University of South Alabama, or his or her
designee. (5) The President of Alabama A&M University, or his or her designee. (6) The
Chair of the Alabama High School of Mathematics and Science Foundation. (7) The Chair of the
House Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (8) The Chair of the Senate
Standing Committee on Education, or his or her designee. (9) The Chair of the House Standing
Committee on Ways and Means Education, or his or her designee. (10) The Chair... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-2-234.08 Terms of office; oath; compensation; appeals procedures. (a) The original
members shall serve for the following terms: One for one year, one for two years, one for
three years, and two for four years, as determined by the drawing of lots. Thereafter, all
members shall serve for a period of four years. No person shall be appointed to the board
unless he or she is over the age of 18 years. (b) Members of the board shall take the constitutional
oath of office. Vacancies on the board shall be filled for the unexpired term of the vacant
position in the same manner as original appointments are made. The members of the board shall
elect a chair and secretary from among their members. Any member of the board who becomes
a candidate for, or is elected or appointed to, another public office of profit must vacate
his or her office as a member of the board. No board member shall be an elected official,
appointed employee, or employee of the county commission, or any municipal... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-31-120.03 Board members. (a) The personnel program established by this part shall
be administered by the board. The board shall be composed of five members who shall be appointed
as follows: (1) One member shall be appointed by the judge of probate and the initial term
shall be for two years. (2) One member shall be appointed by the sheriff and the initial term
shall be for three years. (3) One member shall be appointed by the revenue commissioner and
the initial term shall be for five years. (4) Effective January 1, 1997, the member appointed
by the circuit clerk shall be replaced by a successor selected by a committee of employees.
The employee representative selection committee shall be composed of one employee from the
sheriff's office, one employee from the probate office, one employee from the office of revenue
commissioner, and two employees from the road and bridge department. The employees on the
committee shall be selected by the employees of the appropriate office... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-210 Metropolitan Rapid Rail Study Commission. (a) There is created a rapid rail
authority in Jefferson County to be called the Metropolitan Rapid Rail Study Commission, hereinafter
referred to as the commission. The commission shall be a body corporate and politic, shall
be governed and managed as provided for in this section, and shall have the powers and duties
provided for by this section, and other applicable provisions of law. (b) The commission shall
be composed of five members as follows: (1) One member appointed by the Jefferson County State
Senate Delegation. (2) One member appointed by the Jefferson County State House Delegation.
(3) One member appointed by the Board of Directors of the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit
Authority. (4) One member appointed by the Mayor of the City of Birmingham. (5) One member
appointed by the Jefferson County commissioner in charge of roads and transportation. (c)(1)
The members shall be appointed to four-year terms and may be... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-91 Creation; composition; headquarters; meetings; personnel. (a) Pursuant to Amendment
678 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, there is created and established the Chambers
County Industrial Development Council on September 1, 2001. Initially, the council shall consist
of the current members of the Industrial Development Authority of Chambers County. As the
terms of the members of the authority expire, their successors shall be appointed to the new
council as follows: (1) The county commissioners from Commission Districts 1, 2, and 3 shall
each appoint one member for initial terms of one year each. (2) The county commissioners from
Commission Districts 4, 5, and 6 shall each appoint one member for initial terms of two years
each. (3) The governing body of each incorporated municipality in the county shall appoint
one member for an initial term of three years. (4) A consensus of the state legislative delegation
for the county shall appoint two members for initial terms... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-92B-7 Board of directors. (a) The authority shall operate under the direction of
a board of directors which shall consist of voting members selected as follows: (1) One member
appointed by the Governor. (2) Five members appointed by the governing body of each municipality
whose corporate limits lie in whole or in part within the operational area of the authority.
(3) Five members appointed by the governing body of the county of incorporation. (b) A vacancy
occurring on the board for any reason shall be filled within 30 days of the vacancy by the
appointing authority making the initial appointment. If the appointing authority that made
the initial appointment does not fill the vacancy within 30 days, the remaining appointing
authorities shall make the appointment. (c) Initial appointments to the board shall be made
within 30 days following the effective date of the incorporation. The Governor's initial appointee
shall serve a three-year term. Each governing body of a... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

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