Code of Alabama

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Section 45-47-231.20 Definitions. As used in this subpart, unless the context clearly requires
a different meaning, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) APPOINTMENT
AUTHORITY. In the case of employees in the offices of the elected officials of the county
or of a municipality, the elected officials, and, in the case of all other county or municipal
employees, the county or municipal governing body, or the board or other agency supervising
their work. (2) BOARD. The merit system board created by this subpart. (3) COUNTY. Marion
County. (4) EMPLOYEE. Any law enforcement officer, full-time fireman, radio operator, jailer,
and law enforcement support personnel, not excepted by Section 45-47-231.23, who is employed
in the service of Marion County or any municipality of Marion County or any board, agency,
or instrumentality thereof. (5) MERIT EMPLOYEE. Any employee who shall have completed one
year of probationary employment. (6) MUNICIPALITY. Any municipality in Marion... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

decertification. (2) IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. Any information, not including a person's name,
which used either alone or in conjunction with other information specifically identifies a
person or a person's property, and includes, but is not limited to, any of the following information
related to a person: a. Date of birth. b. Social Security number. c. Driver's license number.
d. Financial services account numbers, including checking and savings accounts. e. Credit
or debit card numbers. f. Personal identification numbers (PIN). g. Electronic identification
codes. h. Automated or electronic signatures. i. Biometric data. j. Fingerprints. k. Passwords.
l. Parents' legal surname prior to marriage. m. Name or names of any dependent child or children.
n. Home address or phone number. o. Any other numbers or information that can be used to access
a person's financial resources, obtain identification, act as identification, or obtain goods
or services. (b) Notwithstanding any other law to... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

in the employee benefit programs of any member governing body, including insurance and pension
programs, upon approval of the executive committee and the subject member governing body.
(5) To enter into contracts with individuals, governing bodies, member governing bodies, governmental
agencies, professional associations, corporations, partnerships, and other legal entities
to implement the functions of this chapter. (6) To purchase, lease, license, own, or otherwise
acquire real and personal property, including easements, rights of way, and all other
interests in land, including municipal separate storm sewers, buildings, and other facilities
and equipment. (7) To construct, operate, maintain, repair, and replace facilities for storm
water functions. (8) To contract with member governing bodies for the construction, improvement,
renovation, management, or operation of their municipal separate storm sewer systems. (9)
To purchase or obtain insurance and other appropriate... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

shall be probationary for one year from the date of appointment. A probationary employee may
be discharged by the sheriff or a governmental entity at their pleasure at any time before
the expiration of one year from his or her appointment. After he or she shall have served
for one year in the position to which he or she was appointed or employed, such employee shall
become a merit employee. (k) The appointing authority shall have authority to suspend without
pay a merit employee for any personal misconduct, or fact, affecting or concerning
his or her fitness or ability to perform his or her duties in the public interest. In the
event a merit employee is suspended without pay for more than 30 days in any one year, he
or she shall be entitled to a public hearing by the board upon written demand filed within
five days from the date of the order of suspension. If, after hearing, the board determines
that the action of the appointing authority was not with good cause, the suspension... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-29-14 Health insurance coverage under State Employees' Insurance Board; operation
of board. (a) Any agency of the state, or any governmental entity, body, or subdivision thereto,
any county, any municipality, any municipal foundation, any fire or water district, authority,
or cooperative, any regional planning and development commission established pursuant to Sections
11-85-50 through 11-85-73, that is not and was not for the 12 months immediately preceding
the date of application to participate in any plan created pursuant to the provisions of this
article a member of an existing government sponsored health insurance program, formed under
the provisions of Section 11-26-2, the Association of County Commissions of Alabama or the
Alabama League of Municipalities, the Alabama Retired State Employees' Association, the Alabama
State Employees Credit Union, Easter Seals Alabama, Alabama State University, the Alabama
Rural Water Association, Rainbow Omega, Incorporated, The Arc... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

made to the board, giving the reason for such removal, discharge, or demotion. The employee
shall have 10 days from the time of his or her notification of his or her removal, discharge,
or demotion in which to appeal to the board. If such appeal is filed, the board shall thereupon
order the charges or complaint to be filed forthwith in writing, if not already filed, and
shall hold a hearing de novo on such charges. No merit employee shall be removed, discharged,
or demoted except for some personal misconduct, or fact, rendering his or her further
tenure harmful to the public interest, or for some cause affecting or concerning his or her
fitness or ability; and if such removal, discharge, or demotion is appealed to the board,
then the same shall become final only upon affirmation by the board after a hearing upon written
charges or complaint has been had and after an opportunity has been given such employee to
face his or her accusers and be heard in his or her own defense. Pending a... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 15-20A-42 Collection and dissemination of information by Alabama State Law Enforcement
Agency. (a) Any jurisdiction or agency responsible for registering a sex offender shall immediately
forward all required registration information and any changes to the required registration
information received to the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency in a manner determined by
the Secretary of the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency and promulgated in rule by the secretary
upon recommendation of an advisory board consisting of representatives of the office of the
Attorney General, District Attorneys Association, Chiefs of Police Association, Sheriffs Association,
and the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency. The advisory board members shall not receive
any compensation or reimbursement for serving on the advisory board. (b) Upon notification
or discovery of the death of a sex offender, the registering agency shall immediately notify
the Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency. (c) The... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-151.17 Disposition of funds. (a) All fees, commissions, taxes, and other monies,
including fines and forfeitures, received under this subpart shall be paid to the racing commission
and shall be remitted by it to the county treasurer for deposit in the county treasury to
the account of the Mobile County Racing Commission as directed by the racing commission. All
monies remaining after payment of the expenses incurred in the administration of this subpart
including, but not limited to, the payment of the salaries and expenses of the members and
employees of the racing commission, and subject to any reserves for contingencies as the racing
commission shall direct, shall be distributed by the county treasurer monthly as follows:
(1) Until the capital improvement fund has accumulated four million two hundred thousand dollars
($4,200,000): Forty percent to the University of South Alabama for the use of the medical
school; 10 percent to S. D. Bishop State Community College; 15... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 28-3-190 Levy of tax; collection; disposition of proceeds by localities; enforcement
and administration; penalties; exclusive nature of tax. (a) Levy. In addition to the excise
tax levied by Article 5A of Chapter 3 of this title and the licenses provided for by Chapter
3A of this title and by Section 28-3-194, and any acts amendatory thereof, supplementary thereto
or substituted therefor, and municipal and county licenses, there is hereby levied a privilege
or excise tax on every person licensed under the provisions of Chapter 3A who sells, stores,
or receives for the purpose of distribution, to any person, firm, corporation, club, or association
within the State of Alabama any beer. The tax levied hereby shall be measured by and graduated
in accordance with the volume of sales by such person of beer, and shall be an amount equal
to one and six hundred twenty-five thousands cents (1.625 cents) for each four fluid ounces
or fractional part thereof. (b) Collection. The tax levied... - 43K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 36-25-14 Filing of statement of economic interests. (a) A statement of economic interests
shall be completed and filed in accordance with this chapter with the commission no later
than April 30 of each year covering the period of the preceding calendar year by each of the
following: (1) All elected public officials at the state, county, or municipal level of government
or their instrumentalities. (2) Any person appointed as a public official and any person employed
as a public employee at the state, county, or municipal level of government or their instrumentalities
who occupies a position whose base pay is seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) or more
annually, as adjusted by the commission by January 31 of each year to reflect changes in the
U.S. Department of Labor's Consumer Price Index, or a successor index. (3) All candidates,
provided the statement is filed on the date the candidate files his or her qualifying papers
or, in the case of an independent candidate, on the... - 12K - Match Info - Similar pages

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