Code of Alabama

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Section 40-17-359 Distribution and use of proceeds. (a) For the purpose of this section, the
following terms shall have the meanings ascribed below: (1) BASE ANNUAL COUNTY DISTRIBUTION.
Five hundred fifty thousand dollars ($550,000). (2) COST OF COLLECTION. The amounts from the
proceeds of the highway gasoline tax that may be appropriated by the Legislature to the department
for its operating expenses. (3) COUNTY. Each county in the state. (4) FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal
year of the state. (5) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. The Department of Transportation of the
state. (6) HIGHWAY GASOLINE TAX. Both of the following: a. The excise tax levied under subdivision
(1) of subsection (a) of Section 40-17-325, with the exception of those portions of the tax
levied on aviation fuel and marine gasoline. b. The excise tax levied by Sections 40-17-140
to 40-17-155, inclusive, except that portion of the tax imposed on diesel fuel. (7) LOCAL
SUBDIVISIONS' SHARES OF THE NET TAX PROCEEDS. The 55 percent... - 28K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89A-8 Powers of authority; location of facilities of authority. (a) Every authority
shall have all of the powers necessary and convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes
and provisions of this chapter, including (without limiting the generality of the foregoing)
the following powers: (1) To have succession in its corporate name for the duration of time
(which may be in perpetuity, subject to the provisions of Section 11-89A-21 specified in its
certificate of incorporation); (2) To sue and be sued in its own name in civil suits and actions
and to defend suit against it; (3) To adopt and make use of a corporate seal and to alter
the same at pleasure; (4) To adopt, alter, and repeal bylaws, regulations, and rules, not
inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, for the regulation and conduct of its affairs
and business; (5) To acquire, whether by gift, purchase, transfer, foreclosure, lease, or
otherwise, to construct and to expand, improve, operate, maintain,... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-3 Definitions. (a) For purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases
mean: (1) ABATE, ABATEMENT. A reduction or elimination of a taxpayer's liability for tax or
payments required to be made in lieu thereof. An abatement of transaction taxes imposed under
Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, shall relieve the
seller from the obligation to collect and pay over the transaction tax as if the sale were
to a person exempt, to the extent of the abatement, from the transaction tax. (2) ALTERNATIVE
ENERGY RESOURCES. The definition given in Section 40-18-1. (3) CONSTRUCTION RELATED TRANSACTION
TAXES. The transaction taxes imposed by Chapter 23 of this title, or payments required to
be made in lieu thereof, on tangible personal property and taxable services incorporated into
an industrial development property, the cost of which may be added to capital account with
respect to the property, determined without regard to any rule which... - 19K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89B-2 Form, terms, denominations, etc. of bonds; execution and delivery; interest;
sale; issuance of refunding bonds; liability on bonds; source of payment; use of proceeds;
mortgage, deed of trust, etc., containing certain agreements. All bonds issued pursuant to
the provisions of this chapter shall be signed by the chairman of the board of directors or
other governing body or other chief executive officer of such public corporation and attested
by its secretary and the seal of such public corporation shall be affixed thereto; provided,
that a facsimile of the signatures of both of the officers whose signatures will appear on
the bonds may be imprinted or otherwise reproduced thereon in lieu of being manually signed
if the proceedings in which the bonds are authorized to be issued provide for the manual authentication
of such bonds by a trustee, registrar or paying agent; provided further, that a facsimile
of the seal of such public corporation may be imprinted or otherwise... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-9B-4 Authorization of abatement. (a) Noneducational ad valorem taxes, construction
related transaction taxes, except those local construction related transaction taxes levied
for educational purposes or for capital improvements for education, and mortgage and recording
taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, and in the case of a qualifying industrial
or research enterprise described in Section 40-9B-3(a)(10)e. which is owned by an entity organized
under Chapter 6 of Title 37, or by an authority both organized and existing pursuant to Chapter
50A of Title 11, and subject to the payments required to be made in lieu of ad valorem, sales,
use, license, and severance taxes imposed by Section 11-50A-7, in addition to the foregoing,
all other ad valorem taxes, or payments required to be made in lieu thereof, imposed by the
state, counties, municipalities, and other taxing jurisdictions of Alabama, may be abated
with respect to private use industrial property and... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-11A-1 Execution and text of compact. The Governor, on behalf of this state, shall
execute a compact, in substantially the following form, with the State of Mississippi, and
the Legislature approves and ratifies the compact in the form substantially as follows: Northeast
Mississippi - Northwest Alabama Railroad Authority Compact. The contracting states solemnly
agree: Article I. The purpose of this compact is to promote and develop trade, commerce, industry,
and employment opportunities for the public good and welfare in northeast Mississippi and
northwest Alabama through the establishment of a joint interstate authority to acquire certain
railroad properties and facilities which the operator thereof has notified the Interstate
Commerce Commission of an intention to abandon and which are located in any of Franklin, Marion,
or Winston Counties, Alabama or in Alcorn or Tishomingo Counties, Mississippi. Article II.
This compact shall become effective immediately as to the State... - 33K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-51-42 Levy of taxes; certification and delivery to county tax assessor of copy of
ordinance or resolution levying taxes. It shall be the duty of the council, board of commissioners,
or other governing body of any such municipality during the month of May of each year, by
resolution or ordinance, to levy a tax on the property situated in such municipality for the
next succeeding tax year at a rate in no event in excess of the constitutional limit authorized
to be levied by such municipality on the value of such property as assessed for state taxation
as shown by the books of assessment for the state and county tax year ending September 30
next succeeding the levy. The levy so made by the council, board of commissioners, or other
governing body of such municipality shall go into force and effect as of October 1 next succeeding
the levy and shall become a lien on October 1 next succeeding such levy and not before. After
such levy is made it shall be the duty of the mayor or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-240.20 Consolidation of offices and duties. (a) At the expiration of the terms
of office, or if a vacancy occurs in either the office of Tax Assessor or the office of Tax
Collector of Dale County before such date, then immediately upon the occurrence of such vacancy
there shall be the office of county Revenue Commissioner in Dale County. If such office is
established upon the occurrence of a vacancy in either the office of tax assessor or tax collector,
then the tax assessor or tax collector, as the case may be, remaining in office shall be the
county revenue commissioner for the remainder of the term for which he or she was elected
tax assessor or tax collector, as the case may be. A revenue commissioner shall be elected
at an election called for the purpose and every six years thereafter. He or she shall serve
for a term of office of six years from the first day of or she the term next succeeding his
or her election and until his or her successor is similarly elected,... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-28-160.01 Worthless checks. (a) The Etowah County governing body shall reimburse
the office of tax assessor, tax collector, probate judge, and revenue commissioner from the
general fund of the county the amount of any monetary loss, not to exceed a total of five
thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum, for losses incurred in accepting worthless or forged
checks, drafts, negotiable instruments, money orders, or written order for money or its equivalent,
if the mistake or omission causing the loss was without the official's personal knowledge.
(b) It shall be the duty of the tax collector, tax assessor, probate judge, and revenue commissioner
to insure that his or her employees exercise due care in performing their duties and to make
a diligent effort to correct the error, mistake, or omission and collect the amount subject
to potential loss immediately upon becoming aware of the potential loss. This section shall
not apply to any deliberate misuse or misappropriation of funds by... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-47-242.20 Consolidation of offices and duties. (a) Upon the occurrence of a vacancy
in either the office of tax assessor or tax collector, there shall be a county revenue commissioner
in Marion County. Thereafter, a commissioner shall be elected at the general election next
following the expiration of the term of office of the remaining successor. The county revenue
commissioner shall serve for a term of six years next after his or her election and until
his or her successor is elected and has qualified. (b) The county revenue commissioner shall
do and perform all acts, duties, and functions required by law to be performed either by the
tax assessor or by the tax collector of the county. (c) Subject to the approval of the county
commission, the county revenue commissioner shall appoint and fix the compensation of a sufficient
number of deputies, clerks, and assistants to perform properly the duties of his or her office.
The acts of deputies shall have the same force and... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

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