Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37-121.15 Appointments. (a) Vacancies in the classified service shall be filled
either by transfer, promotion, appointment, reappointment, or demotion. Whenever a vacancy
in an existing position is to be filled by appointment, the appointing authority shall submit
to the director a statement of the title of the position, and if requested by the director
to do so, the duties of the position, and desired qualifications of the person to be appointed,
and a request that the director certify to the appointing authority the names of persons eligible
for appointment to the position. The director shall thereupon certify to the appointing authority
the ranking eligibles, correlating to the 10 highest test scores from the appropriate register,
and if more than one vacancy is to be filled, the ranking names of the next highest test score
for each available vacancy or all the names on the register if there are fewer than 10. The
director shall, upon the request of the appointing... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-49-120.07 Personnel director. The board shall elect and fix the salary of the director
who shall hold office at the will of the board. The board shall prescribe qualifications as
to residence, education, and experience as may be necessary in its opinion to fill the position
of director. The director, as executive head of the department, shall direct and supervise
all its administrative and technical activities. It shall be the director's duty to: (1) Attend
all meetings of the board and provide for recording its official actions, but he or she shall
not have a vote. (2) Appoint from the employment register employees of the department, and
experts and special assistants as may be necessary to carry out effectively this part. Upon
approval by the board, the director may employ a deputy personnel director outside of the
merit system who shall serve at the director's pleasure. The deputy director may be employed
at a salary not to exceed 75 percent of the salary of the director.... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-42-162.21 Employees. (a) All permanent full-time and permanent part-time employees
of the city or county including employees of any department, board, commission, authority,
or agency shall become employees of the metropolitan-government and shall be assigned duties
as similar in nature as may be practicable within the metropolitan-government upon the effective
date of this part. Employees of boards, commissions, or authorities, which have been established
in response to federal or state legislation who are not employees of the city or county governments
at the time of the adoption of this part shall not be employees of the metropolitan-government.
In no case shall any permanent full-time or permanent part-time employee receive salary, wage,
or benefits lower than that received immediately prior to the effective date of this part.
Nor shall any permanent full-time employee be subject to any civil service examination or
certification requirements except those pertaining to... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-44B-41 Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context indicates otherwise,
the following words, terms, and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them: (1) APPOINTING
AUTHORITY. Depending upon the context, either the mayor, who shall appoint all department
heads, or the department heads, who shall appoint all other covered employees pursuant to
the provisions herein. (2) APPOINTMENT. Depending upon the context, selection by the appointing
authority to a covered job or selection by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or the Speaker
of the House of Representatives of this state of a person to serve on the board. (3) BASE
PAY. The regular compensation for covered employees as most recently established or authorized
by city ordinance, not to include overtime pay, job assignment pay, incentive pay, bonuses
or any other special, temporary, supplemental, or conditional pay. Base pay is usually expressed
annually, but may also, if so indicated, be expressed biweekly or... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-18.1 Accumulation of sick leave. (a) Definitions. When used in this section, the
following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively: (1) EMPLOYEE. Any person
employed full time as provided by law by those employers enumerated in this section; and adult
bus drivers. (2) EMPLOYER. All public city and county boards of education; the Board of Trustees
of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind; the Alabama Youth Services Department District
Board in its capacity as the Board of Education for the Youth Services Department District;
the Board of Directors of the Alabama School of Fine Arts; the Board of Trustees of the Alabama
High School of Mathematics and Science; for purposes of subsection (c) only, the Alabama State
Senate, the Lieutenant Governor, the Office of the Senate President Pro Tempore, the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, the Alabama House of Representatives, the Legislative Reference
Service; any organization participating in the Teachers'... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 41-15A-1 Contributions; promotions. The State Treasurer is authorized to accept gifts,
donations, and bequests from any person, association, company, or corporation wishing to contribute
voluntarily to the Penny Trust Fund. Any person, association, company, or corporation may
deposit funds in the Penny Trust Fund through the auspices of the State Treasurer or in the
appropriately designated depository. The State Treasurer may seek the voluntary participation
of banks, financial institutions, or other businesses in receiving and transferring donations
to the Penny Trust Fund. The State Treasurer shall promulgate rules and regulations governing
the procedures and administration for the voluntary donations, contributions, and transfers
to the Penny Trust Fund. Donation and transmittal forms and promotional materials may be developed
and distributed as authorized by the State Treasurer. It shall be legal and permissible for
any agency of the state, including the Teachers'... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-17A-82.03 Civil Service Board - Composition; termination; meetings; oath. (a) On
June 7, 2007, the current board members shall complete their terms of office. The board shall
be composed of five members designated respectively as Member No. 1, Member No. 2, Member
No. 3, Member No. 4, and Member No. 5. Each member shall be of recognized good character and
ability and a resident and qualified elector of the city. No person shall be eligible for
membership on the board who holds any civil office of profit under the city, county, or state.
No employee or official of the City of Tuscumbia shall serve as a member of this board. (b)
The first four members of the board shall be appointed by the mayor and city council and Member
No. 5 shall be appointed by the department heads. (c) The initial term of Member No. 1 shall
be one year. The initial term of Member No. 2 shall be two years. The initial term of Member
No. 3 shall be three years. The initial term of Member No. 4 shall be... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-24C-6 Termination of employment - Grounds for termination; procedures; appeals.
(a) Tenured teachers and nonprobationary classified employees may be terminated at any time
because of a justifiable decrease in the number of positions or for incompetency, insubordination,
neglect of duty, immorality, failure to perform duties in a satisfactory manner, or other
good and just cause, subject to the rights and procedures hereinafter provided. However, a
vote or decision to approve a recommended termination on the part of a president of a two-year
educational institution operated under the authority and control of the Department of Postsecondary
Education or the governing board shall not be made for political or personal reasons. (b)
The termination of a tenured teacher or nonprobationary classified employee who is not an
employee of a two-year educational institution operated under the authority and control of
the Department of Postsecondary Education shall be initiated by the... - 15K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-50-11 Department - Additional and cumulative powers. The Department of Mental Health
is given hereby the following additional and cumulative powers through its commissioner: (1)
It is authorized and directed to set up state plans for the purpose of controlling and treating
any and all forms of mental and emotional illness and any and all forms of mental retardation
and shall divide the state into regions, districts, areas or zones, which need not be geographic
areas, but shall be areas for the purpose of establishing priorities and programs and for
organizational and administrative purposes in accordance with these state plans. (2) It is
designated and authorized to supervise, coordinate, and establish standards for all operations
and activities of the state related to mental health and the providing of mental health services;
and it is authorized to receive and administer any funds available from any source for the
purpose of acquiring building sites for, constructing,... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-18-1 Enactment of Southern Interstate Nuclear Compact. The Southern Interstate Nuclear
Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the state of Alabama with any and all
states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms, in the form substantially as
follows: "SOUTHERN INTERSTATE NUCLEAR COMPACT "Article I. Policy and Purpose "The
party states recognize that the proper employment of nuclear energy, facilities, materials,
and products can assist substantially in the industrialization of the south and the development
of a balanced economy for the region. They also recognize that optimum benefit from and acquisition
of nuclear resources and facilities requires systematic encouragement, guidance, and assistance
from the party states on a cooperative basis. It is the policy of the party states to undertake
such cooperation on a continuing basis; it is the purpose of this compact to provide the instruments
and framework for such a cooperative effort to improve... - 16K - Match Info - Similar pages

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