Code of Alabama

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Section 45-37A-51.03 Board of managers. (a)(1) In order to assure representation of all participants
of this system, there shall be a board of managers of five members for the administration,
management, and control of the supplemental pension system, including administration, management,
control, acquisition, and disbursement of the fund. The board shall consist of the president
of the governing body of the city, who shall be chair of the board, and four associate members,
designated respectively as Member No. 1, Member No. 2, Member No. 3, and Member No. 4. (2)
Member No. 1 shall be appointed by the Jefferson County Personnel Board and shall be a person
who at the time of appointment has had five or more consecutive years immediately preceding
his or her appointment and has been an officer of, or the occupant of an executive position
in insurance, actuarial, investment, banking, or as a certified public accountant and shall
serve for a term of four years. Should the appointed Member... - 11K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37A-54.32 Board of commissioners. (a) The district shall be governed by a board
of commissioners which shall be composed of the following members: (1) Two persons appointed
by the Jefferson County House delegation. (2) Two persons appointed by the Jefferson County
Senate delegation. (3) One person appointed by the Mayor of the City of Birmingham. (b) The
terms of office of the members shall be as follows: (1) The members appointed by the Jefferson
County House delegation shall serve a term of three years. (2) The members appointed by the
Jefferson County Senate delegation shall serve a term of four years. (3) The member appointed
by the Mayor of the City of Birmingham shall serve a term of two years. (c) After the initial
appointment, each member shall serve four-year terms until his or her successor is appointed.
All members shall serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities and shall be appointed
from the state at large. No person shall be eligible for board... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-43-71 Lowndes County Districting Commission. (a) In Lowndes County, there is hereby
created a three member Lowndes County Districting Commission, hereinafter referred to as districting
commission, to establish districts for the election of members of the Lowndes County Commission
and the Lowndes County Board of Education. One member of the districting commission shall
be appointed by the Lowndes County Board of Education, hereinafter referred to as board; one
member shall be appointed by the Lowndes County Commission, hereinafter referred to as commission;
and, one member shall be appointed by the state representative and state senator representing
Lowndes County, hereinafter referred to as delegation. The board, commission, and delegation
may hereinafter be referred to as appointing authorities. If the board or the commission does
not appoint its member to the districting commission within 45 days from May 8, 1985, the
delegation shall make the appointments within 10 days... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-48-101.21 Districts; representation. (a) That area known as the Marshall County
school system and served by the Marshall County Board of Education shall be divided by the
board into four districts. The initial boundaries of the districts shall be based upon a map
drawn by the board and filed in the office of the Judge of Probate of Marshall County by the
members of the board. The separate districts shall be known as and shall include the following
schools: (1) District 1, Ashbury. (2) District 2, Douglas. (3) District 3, Brindlee Mountain.
(4) District 4, DAR. (b) As the terms of current board members expire, members shall be elected
to the board to represent those districts without representation on the board. If more than
one of those districts is without representation on the board, the board shall designate from
which district or districts successor board members shall be elected. In designating the sequence
of election of members from the districts, the board shall... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-1-18.1 Accumulation of sick leave. (a) Definitions. When used in this section, the
following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively: (1) EMPLOYEE. Any person
employed full time as provided by law by those employers enumerated in this section; and adult
bus drivers. (2) EMPLOYER. All public city and county boards of education; the Board of Trustees
of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind; the Alabama Youth Services Department District
Board in its capacity as the Board of Education for the Youth Services Department District;
the Board of Directors of the Alabama School of Fine Arts; the Board of Trustees of the Alabama
High School of Mathematics and Science; for purposes of subsection (c) only, the Alabama State
Senate, the Lieutenant Governor, the Office of the Senate President Pro Tempore, the Speaker
of the House of Representatives, the Alabama House of Representatives, the Legislative Reference
Service; any organization participating in the Teachers'... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-13-143 When budget official; approval of funds for teachers' salaries; changes in
budget; approval prerequisite to receipt of funds. (a) A budget shall become official and
shall be followed in the matter relating to the financial operation of the schools of any
school system when it has been prepared by the superintendent of education and approved by
the county or city board of education, as the case may be, in accordance with the conditions
prescribed above, and when a copy has been filed with and approved by the State Superintendent
of Education. (b) The State Superintendent of Education shall not approve the expenditure
of public funds for the salaries of teachers unless said teachers hold valid teaching certificates
and have been nominated in writing by the county or city superintendent of education and appointed
by the county or city board of education, as the case may be. (c) A county or city superintendent
of education with the approval of his board shall have... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-22-13.1 Fiscal year 2000-2001 adjustments. (a) The state Budget Officer shall allocate
to the State Board of Education, the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Institute for Deaf and
Blind, the Board of Youth Services School District, the Board of Directors of the Alabama
School of Fine Arts, and the Board of Trustees of the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science
for disbursement to the employees thereof funds based on the criteria established in this
section. It is not the intent of this section to make appropriations, but the appropriations
required by this section shall be made in the annual budget act for the public schools and
colleges for the designated fiscal years. (1) CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL (K-12). For the fiscal
year beginning October 1, 2000, and each year thereafter, each step and cell on the State
Minimum Salary Schedule contained in the annual budget act for the public schools shall be
increased by the amounts below in addition to the amounts contained in the... - 10K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 16-53-3 Board of trustees - Created; membership, eligibility, etc. (a) The board of
trustees of the state educational institution at Livingston, Alabama, now known as The University
of West Alabama, but formerly known as Livingston University, shall consist of two members
from the congressional district in which the primary campus office of the institution is located,
one member from each of the other congressional districts in the state, five members from
the state-at-large, the State Superintendent of Education, and the Governor, who shall be
ex officio president of the board. Beginning in 2006, the terms of the trustees shall be six
years, with the exceptions noted below, and no trustee may serve more than two terms except
that trustees serving in 2006 are eligible for appointment to one additional term regardless
of the previous number of terms served. All terms will expire on December 27 of the final
year of the term. Should a trustee or trustees whose term expired on... - 4K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 22-21-135 Board of directors. (a) The authority shall have a board of directors composed
of the number of directors provided in the certificate of incorporation, as most recently
amended. All powers of the authority shall be exercised by the board or pursuant to its authorization.
The directors shall be residents of the municipality (except, that any director required to
be elected from among persons nominated by the county commission need not be a resident of
the municipality, but must be a resident of the county) and shall be elected by the governing
body for staggered terms of office. In order to accomplish this purpose, the governing body
shall, at the time of the election of the first board, divide the board into three groups
containing as near equal whole numbers as possible. The first term of board members included
in the first group shall be two years, the first term of the board members included in the
second group shall be four years and the first term of the board... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

of electors voting pursuant to Section 45-28A-41.20 vote in favor of changing to an elected
board, an elected board of education for the City of Gadsden shall be established. The board
shall be called the Gadsden City Board of Education. The board shall be composed of seven
members. With the exception of the initial election, each member shall qualify and be elected
in the same manner and at the same time as members of the Gadsden City Council are elected.
Members shall be elected from the same districts as members of the Gadsden City Council are
elected by the qualified electors of the applicable district voting at the election. (Act
2018-565, ยง2.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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