Code of Alabama

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Section 4-7-1 Cities may furnish sites for federal stations; procedure for acquisition and
conveyance of property. When requested in writing by a duly authorized representative of the
United States to provide the site for an aircraft control and warning station to be operated
by the federal government in the vicinity of the city, any city in this state may acquire,
by purchase, gift or condemnation, not more than 50 acres of land suitable for such aircraft
control and warning station, and thereafter may, for a nominal consideration convey such land
in fee simple to the United States of America for use as such aircraft control and warning
station. Such land shall be purchased only after a resolution directing such purchase has
been adopted by the governing body of the city, and no contracts or conveyances relative to
acquiring or disposing of the land shall be valid unless signed by the officer or officers
designated to perform such duty in the resolution. (Acts 1955, No. 56, p. 288,... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-313 Board of directors. (a) Each corporation formed or the certificate of incorporation
of which is amended under this article shall have a board of directors which shall constitute
the governing body of the corporation, which board shall consist of at least three members.
In any Class 4 municipality which has adopted a mayor-council form of government pursuant
to Chapter 43B (commencing with Section 11-43B-1) of this title, any corporation formed pursuant
to this chapter may have a governing body which shall consist of seven members. Any corporation,
located in any Class 5 municipality, which is governed by a local law enacted in the 1995
Regular Session may have a governing body which shall consist of seven members. No fee shall
be paid to any director for services rendered with respect to a sanitary sewer system. In
any instance where the system or systems owned and operated by the corporation are any one
or more of a water system, a gas system, and an electric system,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8-7 Exemptions from chapter; subcontractor requirements. (a) The following shall
be exempted from this chapter: (1) The practice of general contracting, as defined in Section
34-8-1, by an authorized representative or representatives of the United States Government,
State of Alabama, incorporated town, city, or county in this state, which is under the supervision
of a licensed architect or engineer provided any work contracted out by the representative
shall comply with the provisions of this chapter for general contractor. (2) The construction
of any residence or private dwelling. (3) A person, firm, or corporation constructing a building
or other improvements on his, her, or its own property provided that any of the work contracted
out complies with the definition in this chapter for general contractor. A municipal governing
body or municipal regulatory body may not enact any ordinance or law restricting or altering
this exemption. Any municipal ordinance or regulation... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-11-161 Reimbursement; duties of judge of probate and tax collector; relief from
personal liability; fee for worthless instruments. (a) The Chilton County Commission shall
reimburse the office of judge of probate and tax collector or other like official charged
with collecting taxes or licenses of Chilton County for any monetary loss, up to a total of
two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), per annum, arising or caused by error if the mistake
or omission was caused without the personal knowledge of the judge of probate and tax collector
or other like official charged with collecting taxes or licenses; including loss arising from
acceptance of worthless or forged checks, drafts, negotiable instruments, money orders, or
other written orders for money or its equivalent. The reimbursement payments shall be made
from the county general fund. (b) It shall be the duty of the judge of probate and tax collector
or other like official charged with collecting taxes or licenses to... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-210 Metropolitan Rapid Rail Study Commission. (a) There is created a rapid rail
authority in Jefferson County to be called the Metropolitan Rapid Rail Study Commission, hereinafter
referred to as the commission. The commission shall be a body corporate and politic, shall
be governed and managed as provided for in this section, and shall have the powers and duties
provided for by this section, and other applicable provisions of law. (b) The commission shall
be composed of five members as follows: (1) One member appointed by the Jefferson County State
Senate Delegation. (2) One member appointed by the Jefferson County State House Delegation.
(3) One member appointed by the Board of Directors of the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit
Authority. (4) One member appointed by the Mayor of the City of Birmingham. (5) One member
appointed by the Jefferson County commissioner in charge of roads and transportation. (c)(1)
The members shall be appointed to four-year terms and may be... - 5K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-3-4.1 Compensation of commissioners. (a) For the purposes of this section, Section
11-3-4, and Chapter 2A of this title, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) COUNTY COMMISSION CHAIRMAN. Those persons elected or appointed to such office by any and
all lawful means but, except where specifically provided, shall not include those persons
who serve as chair by virtue of their having been elected or appointed as judge of probate
of the county. (2) COMPENSATION. All salary, expense allowance, or any other compensation
received for serving as commissioner or chair of the county commission, but shall not include
any reimbursement for mileage traveled or actual and necessary expenses incurred which are
otherwise payable by law. (3) LOCAL LAW. Any and all applicable statutes that apply to any
part of the state which is less than the whole and shall include statutes otherwise known
as "general laws of local application" or "population bracket acts." (b)
No county... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-89B-2 Form, terms, denominations, etc. of bonds; execution and delivery; interest;
sale; issuance of refunding bonds; liability on bonds; source of payment; use of proceeds;
mortgage, deed of trust, etc., containing certain agreements. All bonds issued pursuant to
the provisions of this chapter shall be signed by the chairman of the board of directors or
other governing body or other chief executive officer of such public corporation and attested
by its secretary and the seal of such public corporation shall be affixed thereto; provided,
that a facsimile of the signatures of both of the officers whose signatures will appear on
the bonds may be imprinted or otherwise reproduced thereon in lieu of being manually signed
if the proceedings in which the bonds are authorized to be issued provide for the manual authentication
of such bonds by a trustee, registrar or paying agent; provided further, that a facsimile
of the seal of such public corporation may be imprinted or otherwise... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 38-2-6 Duties, powers, and responsibilities of state department. The aim of the state
department shall be the promotion of a unified development of welfare activities and agencies
of the state and of the local governments so that each agency and each governmental institution
shall function as an integral part of a general system. In order to carry out effectively
these aims, it shall be the duty and responsibility of the state department to: (1) Administer
or supervise all forms of public assistance including general home relief, outdoor and indoor
care for persons in need of assistance, also including those duties that have to do primarily
with the determination of need and authorization of relief. (2) Exercise all the powers, duties,
and responsibilities previously vested by law in the State Child Welfare Department. (3) Provide
services to county or municipal governments including the organization and supervision of
counties for the effective carrying out of welfare... - 8K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 4-3-45 Board of directors of authority. Each authority shall be governed by a board
of directors of either three, five, or seven members as provided in the certificate of incorporation
or the bylaws. If the sole authorizing subdivision is a county, the county commission of the
county shall elect all directors. If the sole authorizing subdivision is a municipality, the
governing body of such municipality shall elect all directors. The directors initially elected
shall be elected for terms of office of two, four, and six years, respectively, and their
successors shall be elected for terms of six years. If a county and a municipality are both
authorizing subdivisions, the governing body of the municipality shall elect one director
for an initial term of two years if three directors are to be elected, and one director for
an initial term of two years and one director for an initial term of four years if five directors
are to be elected, and one for an initial term of two years and... - 7K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-9-82.27 Costs and fees. (a) An applicant may be assessed a fee when the applicant
is approved for the program. The amount of the assessment for participation in the program
shall be in addition to any court costs and assessments for victims or drug, alcohol, or anger
management treatment required by law, and are in addition to costs of supervision, treatment,
and restitution for which the person may be responsible. Pretrial diversion program fees as
established by this subpart may be waived or reduced for just cause at the discretion of the
district attorney. A schedule of payments for any of these fees may be established by the
district attorney. (b) The following fees shall be applied to applicants accepted into the
pretrial diversion program: (1) Felony offenses, up to one thousand dollars ($1,000). (2)
Misdemeanor offenses, excluding traffic, up to five hundred dollars ($500). (3) Traffic offenses,
up to three hundred dollars ($300). (c) The district attorney may use... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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