Code of Alabama

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Section 45-10-81 Public law library; Law Library Fund. (a) The governing body of Cherokee County,
Alabama, may establish and maintain a public law library in the county, and, to accomplish
that purpose, may, from time to time, expend public funds of the county as are not required
by law to be expended for any other purpose or purposes: To provide suitable accommodations
and facilities therefor, to keep the same in a good state of maintenance and repair; and from
time to time, to provide such supplies, books, reports, and periodicals for the library, as
may be needed therefor, out of the proceeds of the special fund created by this section, or
for such other purposes as provided for in Section 11-25-13. (b) In order to provide a special
fund for the creation and maintenance of the library there shall be taxed as costs the sum
of five dollars and fifty cents ($5.50) in each civil or quasi-civil action at law, suit in
equity, criminal case, quasi-criminal case, proceedings on a forfeited... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-22-90 Community Development Commission; promulgation of rules; fund. (a) There is
created the Cullman County Community Development Commission which may receive, except as provided
in subdivision (2) of subsection (c), and by majority vote may distribute any funds in the
Community Development Fund created herein for the purposes of promoting economic and community
development, education, conservation, and fire protection. The commission shall be comprised
of the following members: (1) A person appointed by the Senator representing Cullman County
and whose term will coincide with the term of the Senator or until replacement. (2) A person
appointed by each of the three members of the House of Representatives who represent Cullman
County and whose term will coincide with the term of the appointing representative or until
replacement. A person appointed by the members of the legislative delegation from Cullman
County, who shall serve as chair and shall serve at the discretion of... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 40-3-7 Term of service and schedule of compensation of members. The annual term of
service and compensation of members of the several county boards of equalization shall be
on a basis of total assessed value of all taxable property, using the year 1955 as the basis,
to be determined as follows: (1) In those counties in which the total assessed value of all
taxable property exceeds $600,000,000 according to the tax assessor's abstract of assessments
for the year, except in a county subject to subdivision (2), the members of the county boards
of equalization shall serve on a full-time basis, and each associate member shall be paid
at the rate of $19,425 per annum, and the chair shall be paid at the rate of $21,090 per annum,
payable in monthly installments. (2)a. This subdivision shall apply to any county of this
state which has a population of 600,000 or more according to the last or any subsequent federal
census and in which the total assessed value of all taxable property... - 6K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-45-201.10 Alternative procedures. (a) The procedure authorized by this part for
the payment of ad valorem taxes and motor vehicle license taxes and the issuance of license
tags is optional, and alternative to the procedure now provided by law. Each owner of a motor
vehicle shall continue to have the right to pay taxes and to receive his or her tag in person
without the payment of the additional fee hereinabove provided. (b) Every purchaser of a motor
vehicle shall within 10 days after transfer of title to him or her, have the transfer of title
made on the records contained in the office of the judge of probate; should the purchaser
fail to so do he or she shall pay to the director of the motor vehicle license department
the sum of two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) as a penalty; this penalty shall be remitted by
the director to the county general fund. (Acts 1971, No. 1862, p. 3024, § 12.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-37-242 Taxation for public school purposes. (a) The Legislature finds and confirms
that pursuant to paragraph (f) of Amendment 373 to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, the
County Board of Education of Jefferson County, the board, and the Jefferson County Commission
of Jefferson County, the county commission, after separate public hearings thereon, have each
proposed that the county commission increase above the limit otherwise provided in the constitution,
the rate at which the ad valorem tax, hereinafter described, is levied on the taxable property
in the Jefferson County School District, consisting of all areas of Jefferson County outside
of the municipalities of Birmingham, Bessemer, Fairfield, Mountain Brook, Homewood, Vestavia
Hills, Tarrant City, and Midfield, the school district. (b) The Legislature hereby approves
the aforesaid proposal and authorizes the county commission to increase the rate at which
the ad valorem tax levied pursuant to the election held in the... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 11-50-313 Board of directors. (a) Each corporation formed or the certificate of incorporation
of which is amended under this article shall have a board of directors which shall constitute
the governing body of the corporation, which board shall consist of at least three members.
In any Class 4 municipality which has adopted a mayor-council form of government pursuant
to Chapter 43B (commencing with Section 11-43B-1) of this title, any corporation formed pursuant
to this chapter may have a governing body which shall consist of seven members. Any corporation,
located in any Class 5 municipality, which is governed by a local law enacted in the 1995
Regular Session may have a governing body which shall consist of seven members. No fee shall
be paid to any director for services rendered with respect to a sanitary sewer system. In
any instance where the system or systems owned and operated by the corporation are any one
or more of a water system, a gas system, and an electric system,... - 9K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-30-243 Disposition of privilege tax on production. The proceeds of the oil and gas
severance tax provided by Sections 40-20-1 to 40-20-13, inclusive, which are distributed to
the county General Fund of Franklin County, or to the general fund of any municipality therein
shall be distributed only one time in a four-year period or at any time when the proceeds
equal ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or more as follows: (1) Fifty percent of the money shall
be distributed to the Franklin County Commission and expended at the discretion of the county
commission. (2) Thirty percent of the money shall be distributed to the city and county boards
of education on an average daily attendance basis using the State Department of Education's
percentage distribution ratio for dividing funds between the Franklin County and Russellville
City school systems. (3) Five percent shall go to the county sheriff's department for law
enforcement purposes and for use in alcohol and drug abuse programs.... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-35-235 Service of process; Sheriff's Law Enforcement Fund. (a) This section shall
only apply to Houston County. (b)(1) In addition to all other charges, fees, judgments, and
costs of court, in the civil division of the District Court, Circuit Court, Family Court,
and Juvenile Court of Houston County, a service of process fee of twenty-five dollars ($25)
shall be collected for service or attempted service of process on each document requiring
personal service of process by the sheriff. (2) A service of process fee of fifty dollars
($50) shall be collected for service or attempted service of process on each document requiring
personal service of process by the sheriff for matters pending or to be commenced in a court
outside of the State of Alabama. (c) A Sheriff's Law Enforcement Fund shall be created to
supplement the budget of the Houston County Sheriff's Office. The fund shall be used for law
enforcement purposes and to discharge the duties of the office of the sheriff as... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-23-234 Service of process fee; disposition of funds. (a)(1) In addition to all other
charges, fees, judgments, and costs of court, in the civil division and in the criminal division
of the district court and the circuit court of Dale County, a service of process fee of twenty-five
dollars ($25) shall be collected for service or attempted service of process on each document
requiring personal service of process by the Sheriff of Dale County for matters pending or
to be commenced in a court in Dale County, Alabama. (2) A service of process fee of fifty
dollars ($50) shall be collected for service or attempted service of process on each document
requiring personal service of process by the Sheriff of Dale County for matters pending or
to be commenced in a court outside of Dale County, Alabama. (b) The Dale County Sheriff's
Service of Process Fee Fund is hereby created to supplement the budget of the Dale County
Sheriff's Office. The fund shall be used for law enforcement... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 45-30-70 Duties; expense allowance. The members and the Chair of the Board of the Franklin
County Commission have had added to their responsibilities the duty and obligation to maintain
and oversee the road system for Franklin County. This has necessitated the members and chair
to expend their funds in visiting, overseeing, and supervising road work and construction.
In order to help offset this expense, the members and Chair of the Board of the Franklin County
Commission shall be entitled to receive an expense allowance in the amount of one hundred
fifty dollars ($150) per month to be paid from the seven cent ($.07) gasoline tax fund. The
expense allowance shall be in addition to any and all other compensation, salary, or expense
allowance provided by law. (Act 81-777, p. 1343, §1.)... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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