Code of Alabama

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Section 34-30-22 Qualifications of applicants. The State Board of Social Work Examiners shall
issue a license as a "licensed bachelor social worker," a "licensed master
social worker," or a "licensed independent clinical social worker" to an applicant
who satisfies all of the following requirements: (1) Is at least 19 years of age. (2) Has
paid an initial examination fee established by the board. (3) Has passed an examination prepared
by the state board for that purpose. (4) Has ascribed to a professional code of ethics developed
and adopted by the board. (5) Meets all of the following additional requirements for the level
at which they are applying to be licensed: a. Bachelor social worker: 1. Has a baccalaureate
degree from an accredited college or university including completion of a social work program.
At the end of five years from June 8, 1984, applicants who then apply shall have a baccalaureate
degree from an accredited college or university, including completion of a social... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8-3 Method of examination. When the board conducts an examination of an applicant
for a license, as much as three days may be devoted to written or oral examination, within
the discretion of the board, to ascertain the ability of the applicant to make a practical
application of his or her knowledge of the profession of general contracting; and the board
shall investigate thoroughly the financial responsibility and past record of all applicants,
which will include an effort towards ascertaining the qualifications of an applicant in reading
plans and specifications, estimating costs, construction ethics, and other similar matters.
The board shall take all applicants under consideration after having examined them and go
thoroughly into the records, oral, and written examinations prior to granting any certificate
of license. If an applicant is an individual, examination may be taken by his or her personal
appearance for examination, or by the appearance for examination of one or... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-8B-10 Examinations and testing; unauthorized use of license number. (a) To be licensed
as a court reporter, an applicant shall be a United States citizen or, if not a citizen of
the United States, a person who is legally present in the United States with appropriate documentation
from the federal government, and shall pass the Written Knowledge Examination administered
by the board, ACRA, NCRA, or NVRA, and shall pass an Alabama skills examination or provide
documentation of having passed the NCRA Registered Professional Reporter Examination or NVRA
CVR Examination. The board shall examine or establish, or both, examination and testing procedures
to enable the board to ascertain the competency of applicants for licensure. Each such skills
examination shall be given at least twice each calendar year. Applications for licensure shall
be signed and sworn by the applicants and submitted on forms furnished by the board. An applicant
who furnishes the board with satisfactory proof... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 37-2-85 Examination and licensing of railroad employees. (a) It shall be the duty of
every person or corporation operating a railroad in this state, before employing any person
as train dispatcher, engineer, conductor, fireman, flagman, brakeman, trackman, or switchman
to subject the applicant for employment to a thorough examination respecting his capacity
to fill the position applied for, his moral character and reputation, his sobriety and previous
record, his knowledge of the rules and regulations governing the employees of the railroad,
the knowledge which may be necessary or proper for the skillful performance of his duties,
and shall subject the applicant for employment to a thorough examination respecting his ability
and capacity to see and distinguish objects and color, commonly called colorblind examination,
and respecting his sense of hearing. (b) The examination required in subsection (a) must be
made by the superintendent of the road or by the master of trains, or... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 9-10-3 Procedure for incorporation. To become a corporation, members of the board of
directors of the agency shall present to the Secretary of State an application signed by them
which shall state: (1) The name, official designation and official residence of each of the
applicants together with a certified copy of the resolution, order or commission evidencing
his right to office; (2) The term of office of each of the applicants; (3) The name of the
proposed corporation; (4) The location of the principal office of the proposed corporation;
and (5) Any other matter relating to the incorporation which the applicants may choose to
insert and which is not inconsistent with this article or the laws of the State of Alabama.
The application shall be subscribed and sworn to by each of the applicants before an officer
authorized by the laws of this state to take acknowledgments to deeds. If the Secretary of
State, upon examination of the application presented to him, finds that it... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 3-7A-11 County rabies officer; application; appointment; term; powers and duties; authority
of county board of health. (a) The county board of health shall nominate annually one duly
licensed veterinarian from each county within the state for the position of rabies officer.
Applications for this position may be received from any duly licensed veterinarian residing
within the county, or in the event that no applications are received, from the Alabama Veterinary
Medical Association. Applications shall be provided to the chair of each county board of health
during the month of November. The county board of health, not later than January 31 of the
appointing year, shall select and appoint a nominee, subject to the approval of the State
Health Officer and the State Veterinarian. The appointee's term of office shall expire on
December 31 of the year of appointment; provided, however, that he or she shall be eligible
for reappointment. The rabies officer may be removed from office,... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-13-92 Qualifications of applicants; examination requirements; fee. (a) In order
to qualify for a license as an embalmer, the applicant shall satisfy all of the following:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States or legally present in this state. (2) Be over 18 years
of age. (3) Be of good character. (4) Have completed a two-year course of apprenticeship under
an embalmer or embalmers licensed and engaged in practice as an embalmer in this state, and
shall have completed the required course of apprenticeship within a period of three consecutive
years, excluding time lost by interruption caused by the active duty of the applicant in the
military service of the United States or its allies during war or national emergency, and
excluding time lost by interruptions which the board deems excusable as caused by circumstances
beyond the control of the applicant. (5) Have completed a course of instruction in an embalming
school or college which has been approved by the board as defined... - 2K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-14-3 Licenses - Issuance; reciprocity; complaints; fees. (a) The board shall register
each applicant without discrimination who pays an examination fee as prescribed by rule of
the board and who satisfactorily passes an examination as provided in Section 34-14-4, and
upon the applicant's payment of the application fee, shall issue to the applicant a license
signed by the board. The license shall be effective until January 30 of the year following
the year in which issued. (b) An applicant who fulfills the requirements regarding age, character,
education, and health, as set forth in subsection (a) of Section 34-14-4, and who shall provide
proof of having met all state qualifying examination requirements and requirements of certification
as a national board certified hearing aid specialist shall be issued a dispenser's license.
(c) An applicant for licensure by reciprocity shall submit to the board, in form and content
satisfactory to the board, written proof of all of the... - 3K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-20-9 Qualifications for admission to examination; fees. (a) The board shall admit
to examination for licensure as a nursing home administrator any candidate who submits evidence
of good moral character and suitability prescribed by the board and who submits evidence to
the board that he or she is at least 19 years of age, a citizen of the United States, or,
if not a citizen of the United States, a person who is legally present in the United States
with appropriate documentation from the federal government, that he or she is a high school
graduate or has completed an educational program equivalent thereto, and that he or she has
completed any additional educational requirements prescribed by the board. Each candidate
shall also be required, prior to admission to the examination, to pay an examination fee established
by the board pursuant to its rule-making authority. (b) The board may establish an application
fee for the internship or administrator in training (AIT) program... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

Section 34-21-61 Qualifications of applicants; applications; administration. (a) To be eligible
to receive a scholarship provided by this article, an applicant shall satisfy all of the following
requirements: (1) Be a resident of the State of Alabama for a period of at least one year
immediately preceding the time of making application. (2) Be a person of good character. (3)
Have an active, unencumbered license as a professional nurse in Alabama. (4) Be accepted for
an Alabama graduate program conducted by an accredited college or university. (5) Agree to
practice professional nursing or become a nursing instructor in the State of Alabama for at
least two years after completing the graduate degree. (b) The recipient of these scholarships
may apply to the Board of Nursing for a waiver from these requirements for extenuating circumstances
beyond the control of the recipient. (c) Preference shall be given to applicants pursuing
a career in nursing education. (d) These scholarships shall... - 1K - Match Info - Similar pages

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